Monday, September 19, 2011

Real Housewives News - Including Some Scoop On The Neal Schon Peen Shot

Since there were a few items related to the Real Housewives I thought I would just combine them all into one post so it would not feel like all I did all day was write about them. I will admit to finally getting a chance to read the extensive, wonderful report The Daily Beast did about Taylor Armstrong and how she was the brains and impetus behind all the Russell Armstrong shady dealings. If you have wanted to know whether Taylor was the victim or the power, the article will reveal that it is Taylor all the way as the leader. Every single person interviewed says Taylor was the mastermind. I also get the feeling she puts The Director's Wife to shame in what she would do to close a deal. Fascinating read.

In other Taylor news, she somehow managed to talk ET into paying $125K for that photo of hers despite the fact that no one else offered more than $25K. I see why ET offered that much though because they can sell ad time for a greater amount than Star or The Enquirer.

Bravo did confirm that most of The New York Housewives were fired and this time there are no whimpers from any of them saying they had not been fired. Bravo closed the door in their faces.

Tareq Salahi filed for divorce. He claims his wife humiliated him which is true, but he is an ass so I don't feel that bad for him. He also claims that Neal Schon sent a photo of Neal's peen to Tareq. The reports stop there, BUT, and this is a big BUT, apparently the photo was of Neal's peen but umm, Michaele was in the photo having fun with the peen.


  1. ROFL
    OMG how tacky to send a BJ pic, lol Oh well one more "leaked" pic coming up soon.

  2. I somehow feel that this Journey affair is one big scam. Who reports someone as kidnapped with no evidence? And makes it public so fast? With those two famewhores, who the hell knows.

  3. Given all the stories that come out almost daily now about celebrities/politicans being embarassed by nude/peen pictures on their phones, I have to ask - Are my husband and I the only people on earth who use are phones just for calling/texting each other and friends for things like meeting for lunch or picking up a jug of milk on the way home? Seriously, how have I gone 40 years with out getting or sending nudie pics?

  4. Sorry, I know the above post has lots of typos and errors, but I am on a LOT of cold medicine. Horrible cold prevents me from caring about spelling or grammar today. Please overlook.

  5. I agree, Patty. The whole thing seems staged. And the singer from Foreigner, who is touring with Journey right now, has been crowing about how the tour is getting a huge boost from the publicity. Blech. The whole thing feels calculated.

  6. LOL@RJ

    Don't I also use my phone for calling up my husband, friends, family just for simple little things. LOL

  7. WOW- I didnt realize how much weight Taylor has lost until I saw this pic....

    Interesting to hear that she was the one leading all these shady she going to be sued or something? hmmmm

  8. Holy cow. I knew about Taylor changing her name, reinventing herself & them living beyond their means but I had no clue it was that bad. Some couple from FL was going on a lot of Housewives blogs talking about how they met the Armstrongs before they were married & were trying to get them to invest in shady business deals long ago.

    What I cannot figure out is how is it that no one has dug up anything on Taylor's background? No family members have come forward or anything? It seems weird to me.

    It seems like I remember reading that Tareq's family hated Michaele. Kind of like Russell's family with Taylor.

    I'll say it again, I don't get why ANYONE with that many skeletons in their closet would agree to go on TV. It will all come out eventually.

  9. I'm commenting pretty late here, but I totally agree that this Salahi thing is fake fake fake. They were fired from a reality show, no one else wants them for a reality show because they are polarizing and boring. What better way to exclaim loudly to the masses "We're not boring!" than a bogus abduction claim, affair with (washed up old) rockstar, and pending divorce? I call bullshit.

  10. These whackjobs need each other and feed off their partner's crazy.

    I don't know if Taylor was the mastermind but she was certainly complicit in Russell's dealings,

  11. The death knoll on the RH franchise begins in earnest. Pity, because I've enjoyed most of them.
