Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Roman Polanski Whines In New Documentary

Last night Roman Polanski got a standing ovation at the Zurich Film Festival. It is the same festival he was on his way to attend two years ago when Swiss police arrested him and then held him for 8 months before finally agreeing he could not be extradited to the United States. While under house arrest, Roman found the time to make a documentary about his life and included in that documentary is a discussion of the events surrounding his conviction for having unlawful sex with a minor. He basically says that it was not his fault and he blames the American judicial system for his conviction. The guy pleaded guilty. He said, "I did it." How is that not his fault? He did apologize to the woman he assaulted who was 13 at the time. Think about that. She was 13 years old. How would you like your 13 year old daughter to have sex with an old man and then blame it on her and everyone else but himself. Oh, and you know he was having sex with way more than just this one teen. She is just the only one who had the guts to come forward against a powerful Hollywood director.

Last night Zurich gave Roman a lifetime achievement award. They should be ashamed. Oh, and I saw you Laurence Fishburne clapping louder than anyone else for the guy. Isn't your daughter the one who turned porn star? You were not happy about that. Would you have been happy to let her have sex with Roman when she was 13? Would you be standing up and applauding the guy now?


  1. The only reason Hollywood still gives lip service to this douche and Woody Allen is about career ambitions. Oh, and cold hard cash. Nothing more or less.

  2. What does Fishburne's daughter turning porn star have to do with a pedophile?

  3. Before anyone dares to blindly and stupidly defend Roman Polanski, please watch the documentary: Roman Polanski - Wanted and Desired.

    That man, had a 13 year-old girl delivered to Jack Nicolson's house. Where he was shooting pictures of young ingenues. He asked the mother to leave her alone with him. Which she did.

    He proceeded to give the young girl champagne, added drugs to the mix, had vaginal sex with her, had forced anal sex with her. For many hours. The girl was sent home. She didn't feel well, her mother took to the hospital.

    Polanski was arrested, and has on record admitted to doing all these things to the girl. And had INSISTED that she consented to it.

    In the documentary, there are pictures of the girl that Polanski had taken that day. She was in little whit granny panties.

    She looked 9 years old.

    Do you honestly think she was his first?

    The documentary highlights the dumbassness that insued and how he got away.

  4. wow Rita, thanks for all that info! I hadn't known those details. I thought it was just some kind of wild party and everyone was drunk/stoned kind of thing. What you have described above is really sickening.

  5. I hate this douchebag. I hate that Hollywood awards vile scumbags like this. Fuck him and Woody Allen.

  6. I have a 14 year old daughter, and if that man did to her what he did to that girl, I'd cut his nuts off and feed them to him.

    Also, I thought the ending of Chinatown was stupid.

  7. No love for Polanski here. He is a shameless pig who sees nothing wrong with what he did. Oh, and he cheated on Sharon Tate.

  8. I know Ent is a lawyer and all, but how does he not know that sometimes some people plead guilty just to get it over and done with, or they don't have the money for a drawn out fight?

    I am not speaking about Polanski, just in general.

  9. Any Mother who would leave their 13 year old daughter with a man other than her Father or close family member is beyond bad. Just unforgiveable. I have a 13 year old daughter and the thought of all of this makes me want to vomit. This girl's childhood was stolen. With that being said, Roman knew exactly what he was doing, a drugged 13 year old cannot consent and he is a RAPIST. Complete scumbag who probably cannot get it up with a real woman or it is so small you would need a magnifying glass to see it. I sure want to know who all was applauding. I will boycott their sorry asses career wise for sure. Disgusting.

  10. Figgy - I encourage all to watch the documentary. What it states as per the title, is that... pedophile, is wanted in the US, but is desired in Europe for his artistic genius.

    When he raped the girl (For understandably, anyone with half a brain cell knows that a 13 year-old-girl cannot make the conscience decision of having sex with a 43 year-old man. NOT EVEN A 20 YEAR OLD MAN), he testified in front of the police like it was nothing. The officers on the case at the time testified that they were absolutely shocked at his 'so what' attitude. Like it was quite ok to drug and have sex with a 13 year old.

    And again, the biggest shock was the fact that the girl in the pictures, that he had raped, sodomized, for hours on end, was not an over-grown looking bimboesque Lolita, but she looked like a naive, innocent 9 year old girl! NOTHING WOMANLY about her body. Nothing!

    The prosecution had made a deal with the judge and Polanski's party that he would go to a 'rehab' center for 30 days, and that would be it. (!!!!!!)

    Behind closed doors, the judge at the time assigned on the case, was someone who loved having a high 'Hollywood' profile and was seeking the limelight, had planned that he would add drama and surprise everyone in court the next day, go against the deal, and send Polanski to jail.

    Someone told Polanski, he took a flight out of the US in the middle of the night.

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM


    Thank you. I think many may have forgotten some of the disgusting details since it was so long ago. A thirteen year old girl is a thirteen year old "girl". This man should not get a free pass regardless of any talent he has.

  12. It's amazing that no one ever says a bad thing about the girl's mother, when she was the one who offered up her daughter to Polanski. Yes, Polanski is disgusting and should never have done what he did, but everyone always talks like he kidnapped the gal from the swings of the local park. He didn't! Yet the mom was never charged with child endangerment or something similar. If not for the mom's decision to send her daughter to pose for photos, none of the later events would have been set in motion. So blame Polanski, but also blame the mom, who had to have a pretty good idea about what was going to happen.

  13. He couldn't have done it without the Mom. It's not like the little girl had a driver's license.

    And I am not in any way defending RP.

  14. iheart....
    I agree. There are mothers who will do ANYTHING to pimp out their kids. Just like Dina Lohan and others. Mom used bad judgment and put her daughter in a dangerous situation. He still raped a minor. He does not see that as wrong and the "artistes" and "enlightened Europeans" love to celebrate his genius.

  15. iheartjacksparrow - The mother was severely blamed, and CPS were included, but the damage was done. The woman actually sold her daughter, thinking her daughter would bring her fame and money.

    Yeah, the mother is the pusher, or the pimp, but what a 43 year-old man can do a 13 year-old girl's body is beyond vomit and horror inducing.

    Note that the young girl in question, all grown-up, had reached a deal, I think a decade ago, with Polanski, not through her mother, and had dropped her side of the charges. She wanted to move on. Hope the money brought her, and bought her, the help and peace she desperately needs. She is now married with children. NEVER was in the business after that night.

    Some wonder how Polanski came to be. How a monster is born. The documentary highlights his life. His childhood was AWFUL: him and his parents were in concentration camps. Yes, when he was 4 years old, his family was caught by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps. He saw his family tortured and killed. He hid in shit holes from the Nazis until the camp was liberated.

    I get chills thinking about the little boy he was. And how come he didn't grow up to protect little boys and girls from the cruelty of adults.

  16. What I wouldn't give to have been there to BOOOOOO this sick bastard as loud as I could! It would be worth getting kicked out!

    Oh, and my guess for why Lawrence Fishburne is cool with him is that they probably just agree that the woman is to blame in all situations like this. You know, it's always the wicked woman (even if she's a child!) who seduces the poor defenseless celebrity. I think this because he didn't show any compassion for his obviously troubled daughter, just judgement and concern for himself.

  17. Y'all have said it all. It amazes me how the people he does business with just gloss over these facts. I keep seeing hiw "Ghostwriter" movie with Ewan McGregor on my tv but
    And obviously the poor girl's mother was a p.o.s.

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Read Gore Vidal's comments on this:

  19. His most recent movie (Carnage) stars Jodie Foster and Kate Winslet! I thought Jodie was supposed to be inteeligent and strong moral principles. Boy was I wrong.

  20. Just looking at that smug SOB's face makes me ill. There's a special place in Hell for animals like him.

  21. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The guy's a disgusting pervert, and Hollywood and the European art crowd kissing his ass is revolting. You all should read the original reports on The Smoking Gun so you can get the full picture of what a scumbag this guy is.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. To all disgusted by the mother's actions: what do you think CERTAIN mothers of those girls on Toddlers and Tiaras are thinking? How far does the sacrifice go so their girls become stars?

    That is why I don't watch those shows. And every time there's a commercial on this show, I am proven right.

    And no matter what, until these girls are of age and independence to get themselves help, we should NEVER blame them for what happened to them. Put the blame where it belongs, on the monsters who did this and made it possible.

  24. Re Lawrence Fishburn - I've always wondered if his daughter was sexually abused and the porn star/hooker thing is her getting back at him. I'm not saying he did it, but he might have failed to protect her.

    I might be talking out of my ass. But when I see extreme behavior like that, it makes me think it's a reaction to something pretty extreme that's happened.

  25. I agree Feisty. I can't believe Montana got into that business because she desperately needed money.

    I think Corey Feldman spoke the truth about the pedo problem in Hollywood.

  26. all these actors care about is Roman Polanski = Oscar nominations and wins.

    They would sell their souls and children's virginity to get an Oscar. They don't care it is from a pedophile director making it happen.

  27. If that was my 13yo niece, Roman would have disappeared from the face of the earth. He would be swimming in the local swamp after a large consumption of cement. See no more Roman the Perv.

  28. I feel the same way all of you do BUT for some reason, I cant get on board with banning Woody Allen from my life (as I do with Roman P.) I dunno, to me they are two different beasts.

    Or maybe its because I fell in love with Woody Allen's creativity when I first saw Annie Hall, then Sleepers, and recently the divinity that was Midnight in Paris....sigh.

    I sometimes feel like a douchbag for not having the hate for Woody that so many who lived through the 70's/80's ? and witnessed the whole Soon-Ye debacle first hand did...

    *runs and hides*
    (dont hate me for liking Woody Allen moves!)

  29. Dress him up in a dog outfit and give him to Michael Vick.

  30. I don't have anything different to add. The whole thing makes me sick and I think it sucks that Laurence Fishburne was there applauding loudest. I would not think he would agree it is ok to have sex with children. His daughter may have been of age when it was publicized but someone was with her earlier when she was a minor.

    Is Laurence going to do an after school PSA?

    You can't separate a persons life from their career when people have been hurt. I'm sure that young girl is a diffeent adult now than she would have been without the Roman experience. Too bad no one will ever know what may have been
