Thursday, September 08, 2011

Sonja Morgan Has A Brand?

You know what I hate? I hate when D list reality stars think they are way more than they actually are. Case in point is Sonja Morgan. What do you know her for? Real Housewives? Getting arrested for DUI? Her failed attempt at making a movie which essentially has bankrupted her? Yeah, any of those things. Not exactly what I would call a stellar track record. Somehow though she thinks because she is on television or was once married to an old rich guy that she is something more than everyone else. Sonja has some ongoing litigation related to her movie bomb and despite what she thinks is going to end up having to pay the bill herself by selling her apartment. Anyway, that is for another day, what is for today though is a statement she released after court yesterday.

“Out of respect to my ex-husband, our families, my brand and future ventures ... I will not be able to discuss any details.”

Your brand? WTF is your brand? Seriously, I would like to know what it is. You think because you are one of 50 Real Housewives that you have a brand? Or are you referring to the brand that got you arrested for DUI? Or the brand that lost millions of dollars for companies because you did not know how to produce a movie? Oh, or the band where you married an old guy because he was rich and were hoping for an Anna Nicole Smith type ending, but with you getting the money? That brand?


  1. No idea who she is or what her brand is, but she'll be at Macy's in SF tonight giving a "toaster oven cooking demonstration". I'm not making this up.

  2. I have no idea who this woman is, and I'm glad.

  3. I believe her "brand" is exactly what MM stated above - toaster oven cooking. She has a cookbook out/coming out/something that is all about making fabulous food in your toaster oven.
    She has been shown on RHONYC a few times working on recipes.
    So sad that I actually know this.

  4. Well, YOU certainly devote about sixty percent of your blog to writing about these reptilian hags, so I'd say their efforts to "brand" themselves are working out pretty well. They want to keep themselves in the media, and you're helping to ensure that it happens.

  5. I liked her for her first few appearances on the show, when she was the wacky shopping-intensive friend of Jill and Ramona, but this season she was just an annoying and shallow twit.

    I should confess (and the depths of darkness of this confession will make sense only to fans of the show) I liked Cindy more than I liked Sonja this season. Seriously, that's bad! I felt dirty, until I realized that Cindy the zombie princess would probably be more fun to hang out with. And Sonja was a little more fake than I wanted her to be. The same-sex marriage thing, for instance, wow.

  6. A toaster oven cook book????!!!! Is she effen serious? It's a toaster oven, what's the mystery???

    And I go with Enty's last sentence for her digger.

  7. Yeah--didn't y'all know? The brand is called "FAMEWHORE" and it is emblazoned on every GD thing any of the RHs have, do, say, see, smell, feel, hear. Everything about all of them.

    And we watch them get puffed up and then crash back down hard because this is the new era of American TV entertainment.

  8. Come on, Enty; all you hafta do is google her to find out what her brand is. Seriously; Google is you friend. Don't be afraid to use it.

    @Barton: I, too, liked Cindy up until the cellphone incident in Sonja's kitchen. That turned me off sooo much I'm getting a stomach ache just replaying that incident in my memory. The fact that no one except that self-absorbed airhead Sonja saw what was wrong with that makes me want to cry.

  9. I'm sorry but you (Enty) use to kiss Eva Mendes' ass constantly and she's nothing but a meth head slut playing girlfriend roles. Who are you to judge Sonja?

  10. this chick is delusional

    but i completely agree with everything Binky said. sometimes stuff goes on on that show and i don't get how no one sees its ridiculous but the person it happened to.

  11. @Barton Fink/Binky M - I was completely turned off by Cindy, when she took that business call (& invited her PA) during their lunch.

    Enty, that is a really nice picture of Sonja you chose. hahaha. ;)

    All the other "housewives" have a "brand" as well or developed something once they joined the show. I don't think there is a single one of them that isn't hawking something. Strike while the iron is hot. Or the toaster oven, in this case.

  12. It's business-speak. Even that Kelly Whore on RHONY talks about her "brand."

    And for the record, as someone who is a great re-heater, I probably will buy Sonja's toaster-oven book. That's my kinda cookin! It's hot food and it doesn't heat up the house :-d

  13. Always take a good mug shot! I've said this before.
