Friday, September 23, 2011

Steven Powell Arrested For Child Porn

The father-in-law of Susan Powell was arrested last night after police found a bunch of video of women who were taped without their knowledge including Susan and they also charged the guy with one count of child porn. Susan Powell disappeared two years ago and Steven said he had a sexual relationship with her. Steven currently lives in Washington with his son, Josh who was married to Susan. See, everyone thinks Josh did this and I think more and more it was either Steven or maybe the two of them together. The videos of all the women were taken between 2006-2007 and lots and lots were of minors. Anyone who secretly records that much stuff and either did have or wanted to have sex with his daughter-in-law is a sick guy. I have no problems believing he killed Susan.

Police have been spending much of the last few months really trying to get a break in the case and have not found anything yet.


  1. I don't get how people find children "sexy". It just boggles my mind. And skeeves me out.

  2. Agree Sue Ellen. Was thinking about it the other day when I saw an absolutely cute little girl about 4 years old with her mother, who was getting yelled at, and thought, what kind of monster thinks of sex, when instead, you only think of protecting them?

  3. I saw his interview where he says his DIL was coming on to him; what a creep. Have fun in the big house buddy.

  4. In his dreams his DIL was coming on to him. I'm only sorry they were not able to arrest his son, too. They both know what *happened* to her.

    I pity the two boys.

  5. Totally agree, Sue Ellen.

  6. Exactly, Rita. My instinct is to protect, not touch inappropriately.
    Obviously, pedophiles brains are not wired like the rest of us, non-child touchers.

  7. What a pig. Look at the smug face on that bastard.

  8. Freaks me out that grown-ass men think so inappropriately about very young girls. I say off with their balls the lot of them... half-joking, but not really.

  9. Here's hoping this is the crack that breaks the dam wide open.

  10. Wow, this story gets crazier and crazier. I think someone here provided a link to a family site defending her husband recently. I wonder how they'll defend this.

  11. I don't get the attraction to children either. I feel pervy if I'm attracted to a 25 year old with me having a 17 year old son. lol Its so gross..

  12. This case is a nightmare for Susan's family. Don't you know they want some closure and justice for their daughter? The SNL and Dad are lowlife trash, pure and simple. CPS for the two little boys please.

  13. @Rita ... totally agree .. and not half jokingly.

    This case is just beyond bizarre. I am not sure if it has been established that this freak was in Utah at the time of his daughter in laws disappearance? I wouldn't be surprised if it is established he was. His own daughter wants nothing to do with him or her brother - Susan's husband.

    I am thinking there is a "family that plays together" thing going on and Susan found something she shouldn't have and was killed accordingly.

    In any event, I hope Susan's father can manage to get custody of her boys. God only knows what has happened to them since their Mom has been gone.

  14. @Wil,

    I think you are so right!! What do you want to bet she found these creepy photos and videos and they are the crux of the whole case?

    And I'm convinced that creep-o dad here abused Josh, too. I hope this arrest comes in time for the little boys...

  15. According to Kneepads, CPS did take the children out of the house.

  16. Disgusting. That's all.

  17. Rita,

    Don't forget that women can be pedophiles too....! It's disgusting but it mostly saddens me. Its just so unfair to all involved. :(

  18. Mother - so true. Am just imagining the penetration part. Or would rather not, never, ever, when speaking of men and girls.

    But yes of course, women sexually abuse children as well.

  19. Those poor kids, living with those 2.

    Do they even have chance of leading normal happy lives at some point?

    Their sicko Dad took them there and he had to know about his fathers inclinations (if not share them).

  20. You never know. My neighbor 3 doors down was really into himself and over protective of his 2 kids, who were my kids ages, yet never let them play. I figured he felt he was too good for us. Whatever.

    Well, about 2 years ago he was arrested at work for masturbating online to who he thought was a 14 year old girl, and it was really a cop. Lost his wife, kids and home and moved out of state to live with his mother. I am glad the guy was never around my kids.

    Incidentally, the wife is now remarried and just had a baby.

    I think any adult who wants to have any kind of sexual relations with a person underage should be jailed. Any adult who is convicted of having sexual relations of any kind should be jailed for life and be castrated immediately. If someone kills a person with a gun, we take away their weapon, right? Well???

  21. Susan's parents petitioned for custody today, but Washington doesn't have any sort of grandparent's law....I hope they don't decide that just becuase Steve Powell is gone the kids can go back .....

    I posted the link a couple of weeks ago of the website the Powell's put up

    They had had something from her journals on there, but they had to take it down which is great...what a teenage girl writes in a journal is no ones business.

  22. How much has Josh done to help in the search for her?

    I'd guess they were both involved in her disappearance.
