Friday, September 09, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Signs Book Deal - Will Include Abuse Photos

Apparently Taylor Armstrong must really need money because she has already signed a book deal to describe how she was abused by her now deceased husband. The book is supposed to be about domestic abuse in general, but the main focus of it will be her abuse at the hands of Russell and will include many photos that were taken of Taylor that show the results of Russell's abuse.

I don't really understand the whole book thing. The story comes from Radar, but to me I don't see where the money is in this. It probably will not be a big seller because I don't think there are a bunch of people out there who are all that interested. I do think there would be interest in the photos and Taylor could probably sell them to a tabloid for as much as she would ever make for "writing" a book and there would be way less effort and still get the point across about how she was abused and she could go around discussing it at several thousand dollars a pop.

Maybe she thinks writing a book is classy so showing off the photos that way is better than selling to tabloids.


  1. Yep, she probably thinks it's classy and she can in the future refer to herself as an author. I don't get why she'd want the kids to see the pictures.

  2. You know, I'm starting to think this bitch deserved at least some of it.

  3. Yes if she tries to soft pedal it as a quasi self help spiritual journey piece (I feel queasy and ill just typing that!) she can rack up some decent speakers fees. No one is going to want to pay speaker fees for a tabloid queens posturings.

  4. maybe her husband was an abuser but she's not classy and looks manipulative

  5. Not to take away from her abuse but her daughter's father killed himself. This is pretty low. Let her have a few memories of him that were good.

  6. Maybe she just needs the money?

  7. Rose, point taken. In the end it doesn't matter if she writes a book or not. There is no way that child will get through life without hearing/seeing everyone else's opinion. Might as well just read her mom's book. I'm would like to believe it will the closest to the truth than everything we have read so far.

    BTW - as someone with a father with a colorful past - It is what it is. His daughter will always have questions. Too bad he didn't take her into consideration prior to taking his own life.

  8. She could get a job. She gets money from the TV show she is on. She's a mother and she should be thinking of what this will do to her daughter. I'm not a mother and I seem to care more about her daughter.

  9. she is involved with some domestic abuse charity, a fundraiser was showcased last season on the show. she spoke at the time about being a survivor of past abuse. maybe the two (book & charity) are somehow related?

  10. Enty - you're posting stories on this every day now. It's sickening.

  11. I find this distasteful.

    It skeeves me out when people talk ill of the dead in situations like this.

    Let it go Taylor, or save it for your psychiatrist.

  12. As if *SHE* is the one who will be writing the book. Bitch, please.

    Extremely bad taste and she should be ashamed.

  13. "You know, I'm starting to think this bitch deserved at least some of it."


  14. Word, Mooshki. No-one deserves it. I repeat, no-one deserves it.

  15. It does not bother me in the least with her writing this book, it seems like she needs the money and anything that brings attention to domestic abuse is a good thing in my book.

    Nobody ever deserves to be beaten so some of the sentiments posted here that "she deserved it" is out of line and disgusting if that is what is really believed.

  16. It wouldn't surprise me if this book was already in the works before the suicide.

    I don't know about publishing the photos...mostly for her daughter's sake. :(

  17. my ex is an abuser. someone i met online is a therapist/writer and asked to interview me for a piece in a magazine. i did it but did not use my real name, mostly because of my kids. they don't need to know every detail.

    as a victim its really helpful to tell your story. so im in group therapy. i can see where it might seem like a good idea for a time, but to lay it all out there...npt sure een she will be comfortable with that. its really draining to go over your story. she might well regret this if she goes through with it. not just because of her child, but because unlike therapy where your story stays in the room, in a book the world knows it. there is no shame in being a victim, but she better make sure she wants that role everywhere she goes.

  18. While it seems, er, questionable as to her true motivations for this -to help people or to just turn a buck- the mattter is she may help someone and thats good enough for me.
    I also think those photos, if she wants to use them, are not something she should be ashamed to show. Yes, her childs father killed himself BUT in the end she IS raising a female who may benefit from knowing her mama was a vocal anti-abuse advocate who showed her pictures, her scars and all, to the world. Yes its for money/profit, but I still think that at least some of it is aimed at the right audience who could use this for the better.

  19. @ Jasmine, I think you make a great point. Evryone needs to come clean in these situations, get honest & heal. the main focus should be prevention. As long as the *whole* family gets therapy 7 the child's feelings & love of their father are considered, it can be a great thing.

    Unfortunatley, I doubt these little muffins are the main concern.

  20. The whole situation is disgusting. As a mother first and foremost, this chick should be thinking of her kid first at this time. She isn't because this guy's body isn't even cold yet and she's signing book deals. This kid has the cards stacked against her so they really need to plan the next phase of her life out very carefully. You can't be making decisions on the fly but this chick doesn't strike me as the type that gives a shit about that stuff. Tell Bravo to give her a raise. They are going to be getting huge ratings over all of this. Let them pay the rent for a bit instead of whoring yourself out 10 mins after he drops dead.

  21. How come no one ever asked me to write a book about abuse? I've been through years of abuse & put the bastard in jail finally. My story is of survival & abuse. Taylors story is of fame & only fame. There are enough abuse books out there written by professionals & real people. Taylor is a fake & is milking this for all its worth. Shame on Taylor.
