Friday, September 09, 2011

Ted C Blind Item

Oh Chiquita, how we missed your crazy ass!

You remember our fave psycho TV starlet, right? She's the batty babe who slept her way to the top on her hit boob tube series, all while failing to get her former flame written into small screen oblivion.

Well, these days it's Chicky's big head rather than her man-trapping nether regions that has everyone whispering:

'Cause Chiquita is copping some serious diva 'tude lately.

Sources thisclose to Chicky's on-set stomping grounds tell us that the entire cast of the primetime staple was asked to do some extracurricular promotion for their upcoming season.

It's part of the gig after all, right?

Well not for Chiquita, who promptly informed the suits in charge that she was too big a star for that kind of nonsense and that her less famous costars could manage without her.

Which is exactly what they did. And we wonder if anyone even noticed Chiquita was absent.

Can you believe the ovaries on this broad?

Thing is, Chicky is hardly the biggest star on her least not anymore. She hasn't been walking as many red carpets, booked as many big screen projects, or even landed on as many tabloid covers as some of her poor costars.

Hear that, Chiquita? You're losing your B-list status. Guess it's time to spread those legs again!

And It Ain't: Ashley Benson, Deborah Ann Woll, Polly Perrette


  1. Naya Rivera from Glee.

  2. Naya (Santana) from Glee.

  3. agree w/ naya. i thought it was her in the past blinds too. this still all fits.

  4. I have no idea who any of the aints are.

  5. Rose -

    Pauley (not 'Polly') Perrette is on NCIS. I used to party with her about 10 years ago at the Glam Rock/Fetish clubs in Hollywood. She is nothing but sweet =) A kind person through and through.

    Deborah Ann Woll plays "Jessica" on True Blood, she is stunningly beautiful!

    No idea about Ashley Benson though.

  6. Yep, Naya. And the only one I know from that list is Woll from True Blood!

  7. Hate to say this because I like her, but, Kaley Kuoco of Big Bang Theory. Former boyfriend was Johnny Galecki.

  8. Naya is a B lister? Had no clue. Her character is becoming annoying anyway.

  9. Naya is rumoured to have spread a lie about her former bf Mark Salling sleeping with a ladyboy in Thailand. Deffo her.

  10. She also keyed the paint on a new car he just bought himself when he broke it off. The reason for the 'crazy ass' comment.

  11. Can we please vote on someone to translate the Ted speak on here? I seem to recall a poster here doing that a few times. I don't even read them anymore-I just read your responses! ;)

  12. That would explain why Naya wasn't in that horribly photochopped cast shoot for Vogue.

  13. Mooshki - I call that a whole in one: photoshoped and chopped from the picture in one word. Love it!

  14. Absolutely nothing in this blind fits Naya Rivera. Anyone putting her name out there didn't give it a single second of thought.

    A couple months ago she was the only person in the cast who was at all the Glee/Samsung Fan Meet and Greets during the tour, she was one of the few who did the FOX TCAs, she did the press junket for the movie and was at the premiere, and she's been at all the promo material for Season 3 so far.

    "And the thing is, Chiquita is hardly the biggest star of her least not anymore."

    When was Naya ever the biggest star of Glee?

  15. That's the line that confuses me. Naya was NEVER the biggest star on Glee. She is third among the women behind Lea Michele and Diana Agron, and even Jane Lynch in some ways. Yes, Naya got a record deal (which stuns me, her voice isn't that good) but she is still a secondary character.

  16. I don't think it's Naya either. I'm guessing one of the 90210 dingbats.

  17. Guess I gotta get out more often...I have no idea who any of these people are!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It shouldn't be confusing. Since that can in no way possibly be applied to Naya, then the blind isn't about Naya. There's also the other stuff I mentioned, which proves that she has never shirked promotional duties, even taking on more than most. And there's been no decrease in big screen roles or tabloid covers (from zero to zero, lol), and she walks as many red carpets anyone on the cast (and more than some - GLAAD, the TCAs, and the ALMAs).

    Like I said, absolutely nothing in this blind fits Naya. Chiquita sounds like someone who has been around longer and is much more well-known.

  20. Cote De Pablo maybe? (The other girl from NCIS, and it would fit the latina name he used for her, plus might explain why Perrette was one of the aint's.)

  21. I went with Naya because she's been missing from numerous events promoting this coming season that I noticed. Past seasons and the movie promotion she was always there.

    Although it was once i looked for it. I woudln't have noticed her being missing otherwise.

  22. I'm just throwing it out there because it's the first thing that came to mind, but what about January Jones?
    Are they not filming currently?

    I could definitely see this c*ntiness from her.

  23. I don't believe this is about Naya Rivera.

    She missed the Glee Vogue photo shoot while they were on tour in London due to illness. It was the same reason Amber Riley was not included.
