Friday, September 30, 2011

Ted C Blind Item

Uh oh, Parrish Maguire is in hot water.

And we're not talking about a warm Jacuzzi—ya know, the place Parr likes to hook up with older, more experienced men while other partygoers watch (how devilishly naughty is that?). No, we're talking trouble.

Parrish has a beard problem. As in, he needs one, pronto.

See, Parrish can't seem to find a H'wood chica willing to put up with him long enough to establish some straight cred.

Which means people are starting to talk. And not just in T-town (where Parr's pals have been whispering about his dude-on-dude sextivities since forever)—we're talking popcorn munchin', movie-ticket buying audiences, too.

And Parrish is freaked out, no matter how much PR his peeps put out to cover his homolicious tracks.

So why can't Parrish land a babe willing to stick by his side?

Well, he's a monster. He's got a horrible diva ‘tude that rivals the worst of the worst T-town be-yotches. And word is spreading through the B.A.H. (that'd be the Beard Association of Hollywood) not to link up with him—which is why you'll see him out and about with a bevy of ladies but nothing ever sticks.

Funnily enough, Parrish used to be a real sweetie (back when we had a long-term cutie boyfriend attached at the hip). But that's what happens when you let your head get out of control—and we ain't talking about the one on his shoulders.

And It Ain't: Chris Hemsworth, Justin Timberlake, Joe Manganiello


  1. that Jacob wolf boy...? name?

  2. chris hemsworth is married. that's a weird "and it ain't" for a story revolving around someone that can't keep a beard.

  3. Maybe he should call Lava Girl.

  4. ok - my official guess, based off the and it ain'ts:

    ryan kwanten.... he's on True Blood with Joe, has similar looks to JT and is from Australia like chris.

    and yes, he's mainly tv but he does movies too.

  5. Talyor Lautner. That's the one for the previous Parrish blind.

  6. I remember this guy. yea i know this is favored as Taylor but I didn't buy it back then and I still dont. Something for me just isn't fitting.

    But I know I'm in the minority and I'm ok with that.

  7. Everything Ted does is all about gays, I'm sick of it.

  8. This is supposed to be Taylor Lautner....can't stand him myself..

  9. msgirl - i 100% agree, i almost said something about that myself. according to Ted EVERYONE is gay.

    ryan was previously elimiated by ted though so my guess isn't even valid. i just can't get on the taylor train 100% with this one. esp after this. i have a friend who works in production and worked on the second twilight movie and says he's just so super super nice.

    but i'm also starting to put Ted's blinds into the "way embellished and not always accurate" category too so.....

  10. Bnl - in this blind Ted specifies that the vicer used to be super nice. Not anymore.

    Based on this, I would say his last beard who dumped him would be that Phil Collins' daughter, who opened the movie with Taylor a week ago.

    Sorry, am cutting on coffee and it shows. Trying very hard to find words and names. That movie that was rated 3% on Rotten Tomatoes?? Where Taylor pretends to be TommyGirl?

  11. i get that. i comprehend the blind. but i'm sorry i just don't buy it. not from anything i've ever heard that went on on that set. not just being nice. just in general which is all i feel comfortable saying about that.

    part of me thinks its meant to be taylor, i just think ted is making up some details to extend his stories. i think he fabricates and people are gullible enough to take it verbatim. i also think he's doing a piss poor job as a gossip reporter if he has to run blinds on the same person over and over and over, even after ppl supposedly got it right. i think i'm just so over Ted's blinds. poorly worded and poorly executed.

  12. All blinds are part lie. They're just fun to solve, and sometimes, to get an inkling on what is going in crazy town.

  13. I'm on the Taylor Lautner train.

  14. I think this is Brad Cooper.

  15. Definitely Lautner. And boring, Ted.

  16. I like Bradley Cooper for this. Think about the insane amount of women that have been photographed with him since he broke up with Renee? A whole bunch.

  17. I'm this is supposed to be Taylor. I'm not saying it isnt true, but according to Ted every attractive male actor in Hollywood is gay or bi.

  18. If the choices are between Bradley Cooper and Taylor Lautner, I say Bradley, just because there's reference to a "boyfriend of many years." Taylor's way young to have that.

  19. Feisty - Taylor Lautner was dating a big time Hollywood producer, driving his toy cars around town, attending with him those swingers parties. Supposedly :)

  20. But what about Taylors controlling daddy?

  21. He is controlling on the business front only. Supposedly, he let's his son have his fun, but insists on being present during filming, and negotiating deals instead of the hired agents.

  22. Joe M. is a werewolf in True Blood and Taylor L. plays a werewolf in the movies which I shall not name.

  23. Ted keeps implying that my future boyfriend Alec Baldwin is gay. If there was any truth to that, Kim Basinger would have outed him long ago.

  24. I think it's Bradley Cooper. He has gone through his list of Oscar winning actresses.

    Ted C. does say everyone is gay or at least bi.

  25. Not only is everyone gtay or bi but as previously mentioned Ted's writing is nearly impossible to follow. Meh!

    And just for good measure, Bradley Cooper.

  26. Could it be Michael C Hall? Three failed relationships, two of them marriages?

  27. Definitely Cooper. Look how desperately he's been shown on countless dates in just the past couple of weeks. One site called him "notorious ladies' man" and I had to laugh.

  28. Bnl1016 - I like your detective skills.

    With Ted, it could be anyone.

  29. OK, First time posting here but I just have to... First off, Parrish McGuire was mentioned about 7 or 8 years ago by Ted C. so I highly doubt he was referring to Taylor Lautner who was about 11 or 12 at the time. Ryan Kwaten -- sounds like a better choice-but again did he have a solid enough career 7 years ago to be mentioned as McGuire? I think a better guess is Ted C. is full of it - he creates a character out of thin air and hopes we guess the hottie of the moment.

  30. it isn't bradley cooper. i have seen him out several times and he isn't gay...
