Friday, September 02, 2011

T.I. Back In Jail

That did not take long at all. T.I. is back in prison because T.I used a luxury tour bus to make the 375 mile journey from prison to the halfway house where he was supposed to report. I'm not sure how that is a crime, but apparently the federal government did not appreciate it. Maybe he was supposed to ride with everyone else. Whatever the case, T.I. has now been taken back into custody and moved to a different facility. I'm guessing that VH-1 was probably taping him for their show and that is the real reason all of this happened. How bad does that suck? Think you are going to be free and then you get taken back into custody after such a short time? It sounds like everyday at DMX's house.


  1. That's why when you put a commuter van on your processing paperwork you at least get out of sight of the prison before you get on the tour bus.

  2. I'm sorry, I think this is ridiculous and some policemen trying to showoff their pull.

    He got out of jail after serving his time. So when mentioning his mode of transport he didn't put tour bus. It that really worth putting him back in jail?

    I'm so confused they are able to find a spot for him in jail, when the likes of Lindsay Lohan or Butch Kardashian are convicted of crimes and just come to jail to pose for a mug shot before they're let go.

    What a waste!

  3. Why wasn't his transportation "approved" before he left?? I'm not understanding why he's in trouble...? What the hell difference does it make how he got there?

  4. I think that it may be that there was alcohol or drugs on the bus?

  5. What a petty use of tax dollars. Gawd.

    Fuck th' po-lice.

  6. @New Life- on TMZ they reported no drugs or alcohol were found.

  7. What Deep said. This is ridiculous. Lindsay's got a collection of mug shots and no significant time racked up and is free to be an asshole all day, every day, but T.I. gets taken to jail for using the wrong transportation??
    I really really think some significant jail time might to Lindsay some real good. Time away to reflect. Why won't the authorities just TRY IT?!

  8. Also, prison officials posed for photos with him in front of the bus before he left, wished him luck and sent him on his way--now this? Give it a rest.

  9. California is releasing murderers because of "prison crowding" (my motto: don't do the crime if you can't share the cell) and they are putting this guy in jail for tour bus violations!

  10. Robert is exactly right with what I have read on TMZ. His wife said that if they would have objected, they would have done whatever they wanted him to do. He had a meal with his family on the bus and no alcohol or drugs were on it. He got completely screwed.

  11. This is no surprise.

    I do agree with RQ though. LL has gotten away with 10x worse offenses.

  12. T.I., D.M.Z. and all those other dudes should consider relocating to CA.

    You just get probation and you're allowed to drink and get hi.

    CA should be running ads inviting lawbreakers to come and play on the beaches. Enjoy the sun.

  13. It's pretty lame, but maybe it's because he was being released to go to a halfway house for the rest of his sentence? They have a lot of rules, and generally when you break any of them you are back in jail.

  14. he was smoking ganja on the bus.....

  15. @Robert - I saw that on TMZ! They look like jackasses for that.

    I always forget TI is married....

  16. Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton & their ilk are under extreme mind control programming & being used as sex slaves for elites in politics and in the industry. T.I., DMX & others are not. This is the fundamental reason why these ladies are able to go UCLA Psychiatric institute labeled as rehab - actually a mind control tune-up a la the "Manchurian Candidate" - & are able to evade jail while the others get locked up repeatedly. Fritz Springmeier is/was not lying. Truly, it all makes perfect sense.

  17. Racism. Stop acting clueless! Lil Kim served all her time, but when it came to Paris, "overcrowding" was this huge concern, so they let Paris go. Here's a thought: Why not keep Paris' flat ass IN jail, and release someone who has already served a bit of time? If it was just a matter of overcrowding, what difference did it make who was released? Just as long as it was not some heinous, violent, criminal? Bullshit! Bullshit and racism!!!
