Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today's Blind Items - Fashion Week

This former bubblegum pop singer and now an actress who sometimes sings is probably the best way to describe her. Anyway, she was overheard telling someone that she and her significant other have been trying to have a baby but she is having a very tough time and has had multiple miscarriages.


  1. Poor woman. I have serious doubts this needs to be a blind. Some things are too painful to discuss or be wispered about.

  2. Mandy Moore. Poor girl. I've always really liked her.

  3. This is none of anyone's business.

  4. :-( How painful for her, whoever it is. I have to agree with SusanB.

  5. nasty blinds today

  6. I'm not enjoying them at all.

  7. I feel badly for her, and yes this is private...but it's also becoming so common..

  8. I agree with the above-too private and painful. It's not like it is anyone's fault or they did anything wrong. I am infertile and it was painful. I ended up adopting 3 children, so a happy ending. But sucks while going through it.

  9. Whoever was "Enty" has either sold out or is not in control anymore.

    I remember a former girlfriend who really wanted kids writing to me about her miscarriage. It just about wrenched my heart out of my chest. Who the fuck would gossip about that?

  10. Oh get over it. If you are so offended, quit reading them. No one blinks an eye when its infidelity or abuse, although they could be just as offensive, but people want to become righteous all of a sudden when it's something like this.
    In the grand scheme of things - who cares?
    Mandy Moore.

  11. @B. Profane -- I've defended Enty numerous times, but I have to say that I'm beginning to agree. The Enty of yesteryear has been replaced by someone else, even if they're still inhabiting the same body. This is *not* the CDAN I used to love. It seems as if nearly every post lately is pretty inflammatory and designed to generate thread wars -- and, thus, hits for the site.

    I miss FFF (and I know I'm not alone!). I miss the frequency with which he used to post Random Photos -- not just a few times a week, but each weekday. I miss his occasional love posts to people he adores (Amber Tamblyn, Dominique Swain, etc). I miss the guest reviews from CDAN readers. I only come here out of habit, really, and to communicate with a few other commenters. The content doesn't really even entertain me that much anymore.

    And I DO agree that this blind is none of our business. I feel bad that Mandy Moore instantly popped in my head, and that I even typed out an answer in the first place. Just because I like the girl doesn't give me -- or anyone -- the right to speculate about her fertility.

  12. @Princess- Thank you, I totally agree.

  13. Have to agree that we should have better things to gossip and snark about here. But, please, no FFF. That means I won't be able to read it here as it would be on a banned link. I already can't read D-Listed *sob*. (Good think I didn't miss the peen tree!)

  14. @Ida -- There is still some "Enty" behind CDAN that actually is the original person or has the same connections/access. The way-before-the-tabs news and blinds about Estella Warren proves that. But who he/she is and how often the actual "Enty" writes the blog has to be in dire doubt.

  15. I agree with SusanB. None of our damn business.

  16. I have to say, in regard to abuse blinds...I don't like those either. I feel some things should either be reported to the proper authorities or not discussed (as with the case of the above). Making the argument that if we don't like them then don't come on here, isn't realistic. This site used to not delve into the darker or more painful blinds. Also, who the hell knows what it is going to be about until you read it. I guess it is a matter about where to draw the line, but I think one rule could be "Did the person bring this upon themselves" in which case a resounding FUCK NO! would apply to this particular blind.

    sorry for the language

  17. I have to agree with B. Profane and Ida. I've only been commenting as of late but I've been a reader since MV. Its not the same at all as it used to be. It almost just seems like the novelty of it has worn off and its all just half-hearted.

    Regarding this blind, I don't think anyone would read this and not think mandy moore and I, being of that age, recently married and heading into the "having children" part of my life can imagine how devastating this can be. This isn't fun gossipy sleeping around, wasted, cheating, diva behavior stuff. Its heavy and personal and was written way too obviously as Mandy. My heart goes out to her, or whoever it is. I hope things turn around for the couple.

  18. Laugh. I've been posting that "Enty isn't Enty" for over a year. Things got hinky when the ads started, the keyword highlights and the dumbing- down of the writing. Hasn't anyone else noticed all of the spelling mistakes lately? The blatant July 4th reveals should have been clue enough that no "lawyer" would risk bar membership with the quantity of reveals. If Jeff Cohen is really Enty, he no longer owns this site.

  19. @Princess- actually, I object strongly to the abuse blinds, and the private medical information blinds. I don't think infidelity should be included in your personal list, but whatevs.
    I'm not going to guess here, but I'm going to say I don't think this is Mandy Moore - didn't she used to be a Christian singer, or am I imagining that? Also, I think Enty would have said "husband".

  20. i'm not guessing either, but MM wasn't a christian singer. her first single was "candy" which some ppl thought was provocative for someone so young.

  21. Omg so much to "amen" to in soooo many of the comments...
    I really don't see why this has to be gossiped about. I can't imagine the pain of going through something so crushing multiple times and I can say it doesn't really get my gossip toungue wagging when a loss like this is the subject. That said, why would she tell ANYONE this??? I can appreciate having a tight knit few that you would discuss this with, but giving this type of personal information in what seems like a casual way is alarming in itself and seems like a little bit of cry for attention.
    I too have been reading for a long time and I always lurked the comments. A lot of the old time commenters seem to be gone, as does the old "enty". I keep coming back more so out of habit then anything else.
    I knew something was really up when "he" asked for money. Shit ain't clean!
    I'll keep reading, but won't be paying. (and I'm sorry to those who might have...i think you promised something that wasn't delivered but don't recall for sure)

  22. Oh yeah, and sad, but I agree with the Mandy Moore guesses.

  23. Yeah, this is not something I want to read about, very painful and sad for whoever it is. None of our business. She could have been telling a good friend she hadn't seen in a long time, this doesn't necessarily mean that she's spilling her guts to anyone.

    That said, who knows if this is true? I used to believe in all of Enty's blinds, (been reading since the beginning) but I don't anymore. And I've caught mistakes here too that were never here before - only part of a story.

  24. why do you read this site if you are so bothered? there is no shame in having fertility issues. if a person wants a private life: have one! don't tell your "secrets" to anyone. and before you get all pissy and say its none of our business because its tragic; i disagree. when you put yourself in the public eye you open yourself to this kind of thing. if you went to TGIFridays and saw julia roberts there you would tell people. if you saw me there, probably wouldn't mention it. when you are famous everything is a story. its called the price of fame.

  25. @Me and i quote, "I keep coming back more so out of habit then anything else."
    And you leave TGIFridays out of this...

  26. I think one of two things have happened to this site:

    1. It was too expensive/exhausting and Enty packed it up and sold the site. Something was obviously up when he started asking for money.

    2. This is still Enty but he no longer gives a fuck.

    The MV blind was such fun especially when he revisited it for a week (and I STILL think it is JLo). I loved the site and loved Enty. If Enty is still here, he's lost his spark.

  27. It was the Timmy/Shimmy moment that made me raise an eyebrow and think that this site ain't clean. The reason I keep coming back is that I would like to see how this blog ends.

    Will Ent's true identity be revealed?!


    Will we ever find out what happened to the Amber Tamblyn books?!

    *dun duunn*

    Will there be another charity drive?!

    *duunn duuunn duuuuuuuuun!*

  28. Just because some of the postings are bland, contrived, poorly written, etc., that doesn't mean that the original "Enty" has walked away from the blog completely. Someone associated with it knows Donal Logue. Someone associated with it knows Estella Warren and former boyfriend(s) of hers well enough to dish about her recent meltdown. Et cetera. He/she might not be an attorney, but they are well acquainted with key aspects of the Hollywood industry scene.

    Don't assume that "Enty" is not or was not an attorney. Gossiping about a celebrity who is not your client will not get you disbarred. Perversely, an attorney practicing entertainment law in LA might actually build their client base by cleverly dishing.

  29. OH GOOD LORD!!! A semi just drove past the window with a thirty-foot billboard for Kim Kardashian's perfume on the side. I'm totally not kidding. A razor, a razor, my kingdom for a sharp razor with which to open a vein.

    Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?

  30. ^^^HA HA HAAAAAAAAA!!! I truly get a LOT of pleasure from how much people hate the Kardashians. :-)

    If the Apocalypse happens anytime soon, Kim K. will have the *very* last laugh.

  31. I do feel badly for this person (I won't use her name even though all the indignant readers identified her already).

    I think if you read blinds and go to a site where they are regularly posted, you have crossed the line already.

    Quit reading blinds if you can't handle the risk of being offended.

  32. Why would someone want to leak this info? Is NOTHING sacred anymore?

  33. I've been reading the site for a couple years, comment occasionally when I feel like I have something valuable to add to the discussion. I agree with all saying that there is something different about the site. I've also noticed the errors and differences in voice. Sometimes it seems like the voice of a woman writing, sometimes a man, it definitely does not seem like each post has the same voice/style.

    I've also noticed errors in the stories. I've noticed several occasions where the facts of the story are just plain wrong. And a few of the stories dealing with the law, I cannot understand Enty's opinions. I'm a paralegal and it seems to me like his opinions about things do not jive with him being a lawyer. A few times I've thought "a lawyer should know that's not true" or "why would a lawyer ask that question, he should know"... just my 2 cents...

  34. Sad blind. I immediately thought MM, too. :(

  35. I seriously doubt this site is written by a lawyer. The lack of legal knowledge is pretty appalling. There has been a lot of shifty stuff on this site too. The asking for money and the disappearing radio show.

    I agree with the posters about blinds being the price of fame. Besides, everything is tragic! MV not being able to sing is tragic to her. I'm sure a lot of celebs wish no on knew about their partners cheating and their drug problems, but hey, that is what they are doing!What about all the celebs with herpes? I find that tragic yet no one has a problem commenting on those blinds.

    Actually, I think a lot of these fertility issues are directly related to the high number of STDs these celebs have.
