Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Today's Blind Items

#1 - Which RH Beverly Hills couple, despite giving off the appearance of being the most in love actually have the most marital issues and none of it began until the show did, which is ironic considering.... Half the time the couple does not even sleep in the same bed together.

#2 & #3 - These two foreign born actors seem to have always been the best of friends. Whether just hanging out or co-starring together, it just seems like where one goes the other follows. Both are critically acclaimed actors and are beloved in art houses. Both of them even look similar to each other. Friends of he pair think they are also going to die together. Always casual heroin users, the pair has really started using heavily to the point where they cannot miss a day without going through withdrawal. This is proving problematic on their current press tour. Look for it to be canceled or shortened or done entirely from one country so they don't have to worry about finding drugs.


  1. I guess Kyle. She's a famewhore. And she walked in seperately from Mauricio when they filmed the prelude.

    Lisa always jokes how she and Ken have sex twice a year.

  2. #1 - Lisa.

    #2 - Jude Law?

  3. I'm gonna guess Colin Farrel and David Tennat for number 2...both born in the UK and doing press for Fright Night. They look sickly...

  4. Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal?

  5. For #2, I'm going to guess Tom Hardy for one of them, just because he is really thin and he's been in a ton of big ensemble-cast movies and miniseries like "Inception", "Rock n Rolla", "Sucker Punch", and "Band of Brothers". The casts of some of those overlap. He's also been in lots of movies that were kind of "arty" ("Layer Cake") and in many movies that the critics have loved. He fits the clues, but having said that, I'm sure lots of other actors do, too. The clues are pretty vague.

  6. Tom Hardy is also currently doing press for "Warrior" which opens Sept. 9.

  7. I like RQ's guess. Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal really do look alike and have been friends for a while. PLUS! They're both in Casa de Mi Padre, which should be coming out soon.

  8. Hmmm...I am torn between Lisa's marriage and Kyle's...

  9. I can't see Todd being into other women but I CAN see Mauricio, if only because I imagine women probably throw themselves at him. He's mega-hot, successful, smart, suave/debonair, visible, famous, etc. And Kyle is mean as shit and has man-hands like her niece. She was also pressing Mauricio for another kid last season.

  10. #1-Kyle- maybe that curly headed kid gets in bed with them and kicks them in the back all night- maybe that is why one of them leaves the marital bed.

    #2- Penelope and Salma

  11. "Man hands"? What, women can't have veins in their hands without being subject to criticism? This is really one of the stupidest reasons to belittle a person. It's lazy, especially in cases where there are plenty of legitimate reasons to take a shot. There's nothing they can do about their veins and the condition is not really that horrible. Angelina Jolie has veiny hands but she's still beautiful.

  12. Ken and Lisa. Kyle flat out fought with a woman and kicked her out of the white party.

  13. #2: Diego luna & Gael garcia Bernal is a great guess:they're friends,they look alike,they work several times together and they have a new movie CASA DE MI PADRE

  14. #1 - Ken and Lisa came to mind first.

  15. Dolly: HOW does Colin Farrell look sickly? He has been building up quite a bit of muscle for the remake of Total Recall, which he's either filming now or just wrapped. You can't be so addicted to heroin you can't even do a presser AND workout like a fiend. Just...no.

  16. 1. Kyle. She makes her life seem so perfect -- especially her marriage.

    @joymama Not sure what fighting with a woman & getting her kicked out of the white party has to do with this blind?

  17. I don't even really care about these blinds....

    I'm craving reveals already!!!!

    New Years is WAY too far away =(

  18. @dolly72 Colin Farrell is Irish i.e. from IRELAND. It is not part of the UK. The same way Canada isn't part of the US ;) FYI

  19. NOt Ken and Lisa. They have been married for 30 years. Who would care if they don't sleep together?

    Kyle and Mauricio. They've only been married something like 15 years and she always acts as if she is so in love with her hot husband. Plus, didn't they just buy a larger house? Big house = extra bedrooms.

  20. At first I thought it was Ken and Lisa because Lisa (whom I think is truly the most beautiful looking on the show) always puts up this front that she and Ken have this marriage where they dont fight (emphasized in the premiere a few nights ago) and you never hear them having issues on the show. BUT I think Mango has it- it seemed odd that Maurcio wasnt there for the dinner party at Adrienne's house and I did notice that Kyle walked into the death talk separatly from Mauricio. I personally dont think he's all that hot but yeah, I could see this happening.

    And Gael and Diego is a wonderful guess! Plus hasnt there been blinds about them in the past doing drug shit, I know Gael was the anser to a blind about drugs at some point...

  21. 1. Gotta be Kyle & Hotty Mauricio, mostly because none of the other wives really struck me as being super duper in love.

  22. @Jasmine: Exactly!

    I thought last season that Kyle doth gloated too much about how much a "couple" they were, but you could see cracks (remember the weekend to wine country?). And my eyebrows were raised (which made ME gloat because those women can't raise theirs!!!!) when Kyle appeared separately last night too.

    I mean, who'd be shocked that Ken and Lisa weren't sleeping in the same room? hell, they probably don't sleep in the same WING. They are veddy British, you know!

    It pains me to see the Maloofs misbehave...oy!

  23. gprincess the northern part of Ireland is actually part of the UK that is why there's still all these fights. However, Colin is not from the Northern part.

  24. No way it's Tom Hardy; between Warrior and The Dark Knight Rises he looks fit as a horse.
