Friday, September 23, 2011

Wanda Sykes Had Breast Cancer - Is Amazing

There are not many people out there that I admire more than Wanda Sykes. The woman stays true to herself and does what she wants when she wants and if it does not fit into her beliefs then she just moves on. She is going to be on Ellen on Monday and it is an interview you should definitely watch or DVR. Wanda reveals that she had breast cancer and had both of her breasts removed. Apparently she went into the doctor to have her breasts reduced and that is when she found out that she had stage zero breast cancer. They gave her some options of coming back every three months to see if something changed or MRI's every few months but she went ahead and too the double mastectomy option. Now she is cancer free.

Although this is a sad story, this is Wanda Sykes we are talking about and only she could make you laugh and not feel sorry for her as she tells the story. She says the reason she did not speak out about it before was, "I was like, I don't know, should I talk about it or what? How many things could I have? I'm Black, then Lesbian. I can't be the poster child for everything. At least with the LGBT issues we get a parade, we get a float, it's a party. [But] I was real hesitant about doing this, because I hate walking. I got a lot of [cancer] walks coming up."


  1. "I'm Black, then Lesbian. I can't be the poster child for everything."

    haha, that's awesome. I use the same line at work all the time. "Got a box to check? What do you need? I can be black, hispanic, female, oh and I'm over 40". I always call myself a walking poster child.

  2. That Lady is hilarious! Saw her stand-up routine, and truly admired how she inputs reality in comedy.

    That being said, hope she stays healthy, and cancer free. Love and admire her courage! If there's anyone that I would pick as the poster child for everything, it would be Wanda. She makes it all seem hopeful and easy.

  3. Bold move. I knew someone who had a strong family history and took them both off (in her 20's) as a pre-emptive strike.

    Very lucky she found it so early.

  4. I don't know, isn't it a bit drastic to have a double masectomy for stage zero cancer? Again, I know nothing about this though. I do know Wanda Sykes is fantastic.

  5. Like Patty said, a bold move. Not necessary, for mostly women are very attached to their breasts. And rightly so, for we do connect our femininity with having breasts... other then you know ovaries and the rest. So opting for double mastectomy for stage 0, is in a way stating that her femininity is not attached to her breasts, and that annihilating any possibility of cancer from her body is more important to her. And would rather not go through taking medication, chemotherapy, or other long-term invasive treatments, that would not guarantee a complete remission of breast cancer.

    Very strong, I don't know how she does it. Admirable to put ones family before the importance of a body member.

  6. So don't check a box. There. Problem solved. Stop pretending you "represent" or "symbolize" other people just because you have the same race, same sexuality, or happen to be afflicted with the same disease. You do not. You represent you - that's it. Maybe if this lady could focus more on this truth and less on the tremendous "burden" of being an enormously successful and cancer-free (black lesbian) she would be more funny and less annoying.

  7. Perhaps she has a strong history in her family of breast cancer. If I did and got that diagnosis, I would strongly consider a double mastectomy also. It's a choice every woman has to make for herself and I'm not going to second guess it.

  8. @Amartel -- forgot your sense of humor this morning?

  9. This is the second woman I've heard of having a double mastectomy with stage zero breast cancer. I would never take this drastic of a move right away. Not because I'm attached to my breasts (although I am), but because I would not want to drastically change my body/appearance without finding out if other options would work just as well first.

  10. She's funny as hell.

    We have box checking issues in my family. All I know is I'm never checking the OTHER box.

    Years and years ago I knew a hypochondriac who freaked out over benign cysts and immediately had both breasts removed. It seemed crazy then. I guess it beats freaking out every couple of months.

  11. Ah, Wanda is truly amazing.

    As someone who had a breast reduction in my early 20s, I kind of understand why she did it. By the time I did it, I just wanted the damn things lopped off already. If I found out I had early stage breast cancer, I would have done the same damn thing. "Take 'em. I'm over 'em anyway."

  12. If I was found to have stage zero breast cancer, I've have 'em both lopped off too. Immediately. Would not give cancer a chance.

    Just thinking about how a dream evening for me would be drinks with Wanda, Ellen, and Portia. Wow!

  13. I freaking love Wanda Sykes.

    I'm in healthcare, and I can tell you that prophylactic double mastectomies are becoming more and more popular, especially in women with a strong family history or who test positive for BRCA.

    The thought process behind this treatment is, even if you have a low-grade breast cancer now, you're going to spend the rest of your life waiting for the other shoe to drop. Plus, you can begin first-stage reconstruction at the time of mastectomy.

    I, for one, would strongly consider this treatment. God willing, I'll never have to make that choice, but I think it's a very viable option.

  14. @ LMS&M very well said. ITA! =)

  15. In kneepads, Wanda said she has a very strong history of breast cancer on her mother's side. That's why she decided to have the double mastectomy.

    I love her and her sense of humor.

  16. I had a breast reduction too (but I'm Swedish, so they grew back), and I have to say, I would opt for the same thing if I found myself in this situation - which I hope I never do. But seriously. Take 'em. They don't define me, and they get in the way sometimes....*L*

  17. Also - I love Wanda Sykes. I think she is awesome and hilarious!

  18. lol Maja - sometimes they do that ;) Mine were great and little after I first had them done and finally fit my 5'1" frame, but as I gain weight, they seem to gain weight, too! I know one girl I went to high school with who had hers grow RIGHT back in their entirety, and she never gained any weight. What a piss off.

  19. @Amartel - Wanda Sykes represents for a lot of us, which necessarily means she isn't pretending to represent!

  20. She is quite the Lady. Quite the Woman. Guts and honesty.

  21. "Like Patty said, a bold move. Not necessary, for mostly women are very attached to their breasts. And rightly so, for we do connect our femininity with having breasts... other then you know ovaries and the rest. So opting for double mastectomy for stage 0, is in a way stating that her femininity is not attached to her breasts, and that annihilating any possibility of cancer from her body is more important to her. And would rather not go through taking medication, chemotherapy, or other long-term invasive treatments, that would not guarantee a complete remission of breast cancer.

    Very strong, I don't know how she does it. Admirable to put ones family before the importance of a body member."

    ^^^Rita- I really respect what you've said. Thanks for writing this :)

  22. btw- as for those box checking things, there is a subtle white hegemonic hiearchy going on with those (as there is in everyday life we lead in most Western cultures)

    For instance have you ever noticed that 'White,non-hispanic' is usually the first option? And male is before female?
    Things are ordered (in box options and in life) in hierarchies which reward or marganalize people depending upon where they fall in this ladder of success and power.

    For Wanda to be proud to tout her black and lesbian identification is key because (despite whatever delusions Amartel is working under that people live singulary and arent affected by anything or anybody in society) Wanda having both these classifications and,whats more, succeeding in a field where black women and lesbians arent that plentiful, shows success on several different levels. She should be proud of her successes, I know I am of her.

  23. this is why its bullshit when celebs say they can't have a private life. yeah you can!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. OMG, she kills me - and I love when she's on 'Curb'. She came out like it was NBD. No shame, just did it. I really admire her honesty, no BS attitude, outlook on life and strength. Sadly, I could never aspire to her level, but I love wishing I could.

  26. I love her so much. I'm glad to hear that she caught it early!
