Thursday, October 27, 2011

12 Hours Later - Michael Lohan Arrested Again - Tries To Escape

At this point Michael Lohan is not just competing against his own daughter for number of arrests, he is trying to break the all-time celebrity record currently held by DMX. When bail was set by the judge in the Michael Lohan case, the judge said Michael was going back to jail if he even dreamed of Kate Major. Well, 12 hours of freedom later, Michael Lohan was back in jail because he was harassing Kate by the telephone.

When police showed up at his hotel, Michael decided to pull an Estella Warren by trying to escape. Unfortunately for Michael he was on the third floor so when he jumped off, he landed wrong and broke his foot. If he did manage to not break his foot, umm did he think he would be able to escape forever? What was he thinking?

Lohan's excuse was that Kate Major called him and he was just calling her back. 400 times. (Thanks Pam)

Michael Lohan arrested 12 hours after being released on bail:


  1. Those Lohans.

    I here by today, promise to take all things Lohan litely. To stop feeling shame or pity for them, and just sit down, and watch the hilarity that is their reality.

    What a way to start the day! Hope Enty will talk about the Kardashians' new "Bathroom" line.

    One wish for the day? "Oh God, please let their line include toilette paper, so every morning, I would wipe my ass on their faces!"


  2. Love the post above! Back to the topic at hand...this dude is a farking eeeeiiidiot! I've gone from anger at the preferential treatment Lindsy receives to feeling sorry for her now. Look at who her f'n parents are? Did they make some kind of deal at the divorce to ruin each other at every turn? If these were my folks coke wouldn't be enough to sedate my embarrasment...f'ups

  3. When will they lock this guy up to protect everyone else? He's exhibiting classic examples of anti social disorders beyond anything that could possibly be excused. Courts are supposed to protect us from exactly this type of thing. He is a danger to himself, his family, and everyone else in this WORLD. Are there felony charges yet? He needs to be locked up 25 to life stat! He is a danger to BACON!!!!

  4. I don't feel sorry for Lindsay, she had the chance to be an A list star, big money and an escape from from the Lohan clan. She could have saved her siblings but instead she flushed it down the toilet.
    After Playboy there really is nowhere else to go...this is the last big check Lindsay use it wisely.

  5. @rita: Maybe the Kartrashians will carry th TP in their cleclbrity lifestyle boutique here in Vegas. It opens next month and is called Kartrashian Khaos.

  6. 100% agree with you Misch. I see where Lindsay inherited that maniac obsessive behavior.

    But at some point you have to take responsibility as an adult and get help. She had the world at her feet and threw it away to get high...and still is.

  7. @Poppymann- If they would have the balls to sell toilette paper, for admittedly, they would understand what truly makes them money, it would absolutely be a best seller. Would bet their revenues would solely depend on those toilette papers... Oh hey, speaking of depend, maybe they could also start selling adult diapers! Even though I'm very far from that age where you start wearing them, I would definitely wear those diapers as a statement.

    I'm just mean this morning, talking about soiling people's faces.

    BTW, the TP K! should be called the Kharming Klean.

  8. @ Rita - You are killing it today! - LMAO. Here is hoping Kate buys a gun and uses it on his sorry ass next time. No one would miss this lowlife DB.

  9. @MISCH -- Word up. I totally agree.

    What's really tragic is how Dina is an even WORSE parent than Michael. I think he's a cray cray bastard, of course, but I also think he mostly speaks the truth. That tidbit about how Dina made Lindsay sign a contract when she was twelve which guaranteed Dina a large percentage of LiLo's lifetime earnings? I believe it.

    NO good mother would be happy about her meth-addicted daughter posing for Playboy.

  10. Well, we see why Lids likes jail so much. Or is it just ignoring authority?

  11. This is crazy behavior even by Lohan standards. I actually thought it was a joke at first.

  12. First of all we know damn well that effer doesn't have medical insurance so Florida's having to pay for his self inflicted ankle sprain. Secondly i find all of his recent bad behavior hysterical considering how he likes to go on DR.DREW & pontificate about opening a rehab center. He only wants to do that because he found out those centers are cash cows due to all those court appointed/state paid rehab patient's dollars.

  13. Too bad he wasn't on a higher floor.

  14. @califblondy - right on, LOL!!!

  15. I live about 4-5 miles from where he is being held. I had to wonder if it would be worth it to get arrested so I could punch him in the face.

  16. I mean...what is there to do at this point but shake your head at this family? Pathetic and embarrassing.

  17. I know we all bitch about the Loahns and the Kardashians - but if they really went away what we would have to laugh about? Seriously! Whenever I think my life is sucking I think of the Lohan clan and feel so much better about myself.

  18. Check out the ML thread on Dlisted....we made a great Xmas card for the Lohan Family....

  19. Dear Kate Major,

    Michael Lohan is a first rate douchebag who has not only a history of violence against women, but a history of violence against YOU. I'm curious to know if you've had enough. Those Lohans will never change.

  20. BTW - not blaming the victim, but c'mon already!

  21. Why couldn't he have landed on his head! It might have knocked some sense into it.

  22. Anonymous4:10 PM

    @califblondy ah hahhahha, too bad he wasn't on a higher floor. Good one! He lies so much I can see where Lilo gets it. But yeah, this is very entertaining. Can't wait to see his next mug shot.

  23. Well, at least that's one Lohan that will be locked up for a while.

    One more to go.

  24. Hasn't he done this sort of thing to Kate before? Why does she keep going back? He's obviously never going to change.

  25. .robert, I think I can safely say we CDaNers will pay for your bail and attorney's fees.

  26. ^YES! :)

    All I could think about when I saw the footage of this on TMZ was, imagine seeing someone falling from your building & realizing it's Michael Lohan.
