Wednesday, October 19, 2011

15 Year Old Runaway Teen Found In Mexico - Married & Pregnant

Last June, 15 year old Alisa Wheeler ran away from home. I actually remember this story because someone was blathering on about how if she went to Mexico she would be sold into a sex slavery ring. Really? I got the feeling that the man who was interviewed for it was someone who wanted that for his own life rather than the reality. The teen had allegedly run away with her much older boyfriend who is Mexican. Well, after four months no one had heard from Alisa until this week. Her mother received a message from Alisa on Facebook. Huh. I wonder if anyone tried that before. Alissa said she is down in Mexico, but when she came down with her boyfriend she found out he was married so she left him and found another guy in his 20's and now she is married to him and three months pregnant. That is a crazy four months. She has since spoken to her mother again, but does not want to come home because she thinks her husband might be arrested. In Mexico, she is legally married at 15 so I guess when you are 15 there you do not need your parent's permission to get married that young?

The good news in all this is she is alive and her mom must be really thankful just for that.


  1. The bad news is she sounds like a selfish brat.

  2. Agree with Patty. Girl moves quick too.

  3. Oh Man, I'd give her hell....selfish.

  4. Just a kid, making bad decisions. They will certainly catch up with her in about 5 months. Having a baby is not easy, especially without mama's help. Good luck with that.

  5. She sounds like what she is, a 15 yr old kid... She’ll wake up soon enough.

  6. When she farts out her welfare check, I hope her mother tells her to fuck off.

    She probably thinks she'll get a reality series out of it.

  7. Damn, y'all are harsh! haha!

    I'm going to send this to my sister, who is a mother of a teenage girl to tell her, see, she's not THAT bad. ;)

  8. @Lelaina
    I have a 15 yr old daughter, and it's stories like this that help me to keep on with her and realize she's not that bad! HA

  9. Oh, her life is going to go SWIMMINGLY from here on out, I bet. Jesus.

  10. What the what??? I bet they're in Looooove. Kind of hard to imagine recovering that quick from the whole "married" thing.

    I hope they bring her back sometime soon.

  11. Agree with selfish, but need to add stupid.

  12. FFS, not only do you pull that shit on your parents but you do it in front of the whole country/internet! Yeah, I'd hang down in Mexico for a couple weeks before showing up at home girlfriend. The 'rents are gonna need some time to cool down from this one. You couldn't even tell yourself as a parent that one day you'll look back and laugh at it some day. However, when anyone said that they had the worst kid ever you could always say, "Now just wait one second. Let me tell you my story!"

  13. I love my 13 year old daughter...I think I will lay off her and her room this week. Yikes. : (

  14. Mexico sounds like a good place for her! Apparently she's an adult, so she can behave like on now! Hope her kid doesn't turn out like her.

  15. I cant even fathom that someone born in 1996 could even be married, let alone pregnant!


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  17. Yes...she's alive and well which is great, but if she were my daughter...

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  19. don't you all believe in true love? she's livin the dream. bet they have their own trailer and everything.
