Wednesday, October 12, 2011

16 & Pregnant Turns Into 18 & Pregnant

Apparently two of the mothers on 16 & Pregnant loved being pregnant so much they got pregnant again. Jordan Ward and Kianna Randall are pregnant again at the age of 18. Can you imagine already having two children by the time you are 18? Did getting pregnant at 16, not kind of bring home the fact that maybe you should think about the words, birth control. To make matters worse, Kianna is facing felony charges for burglary and robberies. So, now if she is found guilty she will have her 11 month old being taken care of by someone else, give birth in prison and have someone take care of that baby.


  1. I suspect they probably saw getting pregnant as a way to keep their 15 minutes going, and maybe get another show out of it.

  2. I wholeheartedly believe that specimens like this will be the downfall of our society.

  3. Shit, I am 40 and have never gotten pregnant! It's called BIRTH CONTROL, you stupid fucks.

  4. Do they top the ones who just got their kid back after their home was found smeared with feces?!?!?!?! What trash.

  5. Gross. This, plus Ashton Kutcher's side piece's big moment in the sun *snort* - uh, yeah. Gross.

  6. I can't imagine giving birth that young. I had my kids when I was 26 and 28 years old. I feel so sorry for the kids, it's not their choice to be born to famewhores.

  7. And the poverty/welfare cycle will continue... Poor children. : (

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. statistics show that girls who get pregnant at 16 will likely get pregnant again within 2 years. they're right on schedule.

    didn't jordan marry her baby daddy? i could be wrong.

  10. Hey, this is just par for the course in many neighborhoods, not unusual at ALL.

  11. @parissucksliterally - I agree - it's so easy these days NOT to get pregnant!! It's not like before the pill was developed - not to mention the patch, the shots, etc. Crap like this shouldn't even be on TV - just makes stupid young girls think it's a good idea to get pregnant - they'll get a big payday out of it.

  12. Jordan married her boyfriend and he joined the Air Force or Navy. He was always around and working. She's not much different than a lot of military wives - young parents. She didn't seem immature. I also think she was more like 17 or 18 when she had the first one. The other girl? Just sad all around.

  13. I know a couple of girls who have 3 kids by the age of 25, and they don't even have the excuse of being "famous" and trying to stay in the limelight.

  14. Why would it stop them for having more children? MTV rewards behavior, remember? ;)

  15. I can understand Jordan getting pregnant again. She's married, her husband's in the military, they pay for everything on their own. Lots of people in that situation have kids close together so that the siblings can grow up together and also so they can be out of diapers by the time she's in her mid-twenties.
