Friday, October 21, 2011

41 Year Old Ronald Reagan Had Sex With 16 Year Old Piper Laurie

Piper Laurie has a book coming out on November 1st and The Enquirer got an advance copy. In the book, Piper claims that she lost her virginity at 16 years old and lost it to Ronald Reagan who was 41 at the time and playing her father in a movie. That last part is kind of creepy. Well, so is a 41 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old, especially since his daughter was not that far away in age at the time. Piper had been warned about staying away from Reagan and not going in his dressing room but when he asked her to dinner she said yes. Of course it was at his place because, come on she was 16 and he was 41. Although, I guess that is better than the 51-16 ration of Courtney Stoddard and her husband.

Anyway, Reagan was divorced at the time but was dating Nancy Davis. When they got to his apartment he took her in the back way so no one would notice her and then fed her hamburger and wine and had sex with her. Apparently he had no idea she was a virgin, was shocked she didn't have an orgasm, let alone multiple ones and she probably needed to see a doctor because something was obviously wrong with her. Oh, and he also pointed out to her that he lasted for 40 minutes so she could note that for future posterity.


  1. Am reading Hollywood Babylone right now, and cringing with disgust on Old Hollywood. Some were really into underage kids, like 13 and YOUNGER.

    I don't know much about Reagan except that he was really a womanizer, even after being elected. If her story is true, wonder what would've happened is she had published it while he was still alive.

    She would've probably been vilified, even if her story is true, for trying to besmirch the clean record for such a loved former President.

  2. Oh. My. G-D.

    That is so fucking gross.

  3. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Gross. I guess she consented. Or felt pressured?

  4. Ooh - 40 minutes for your first time. Not pleasant.

    Couldn't she have waited until Nancy was with Ronnie in GOP heaven?

  5. @Rita Relax, Hollywood Babylon is mostly fiction. Check the Wikipedia entry on the book for more information.

    Never heard this one about Reagan before. 40 minutes?

    Didn't Piper Laurie have a long affair with James Dean?

  6. Wow!!! Thanks Enty!!! You just made my 3 day weekend even better!

  7. Sorry but nothing about Reagan surprises me. Nothing. Never bought the grandfatherly saint act, in some ways he was a far better actor than people ever gave him credit for.

  8. No James Dean was Pier Angeli, but since he was gay it was probably a studio set-up.
    Anyway this is gross...

  9. Ms. Cool, I thought the same thing. I don't want someone to last 40 minutes with me now!!

  10. Some things never parental supervision then and certainly none now.

  11. Doesn't surprise me either. Men in power are just disgusting. (Mostly!)

  12. Agree Nutty Flavor,

    I read a lot of biographies and I wonder about this. Reagan starred with Shirley Temple in that Hagen Girl when she was about 19 and she said he seemed really annoyed about having to star in the movie with her. She was a very attractive teenager and he could have made a play but didn't so it's not like he was out regularly stalking playgrounds. This could have been a one off if it is even true at all.

    He was open about having a wild time of it when he got divorced and he did say something to his son to the effect that he did cheat on Nancy when they were married but it didn't sound like he was habitual.

    I feel like there is a double standard here...Hollyweird is full of actors on both sides of the political fence being creepy and people are supposed to just overlook it if the celeb is Liberal. If the actor in question is at all Conservative then the scorn and derision is magnified. If you want to get super creeped out, read up on Kirk Douglas sometime.

  13. Forgot to mention, he was still a Dem when that would have happened. He started switching stream in the mid to late 50s politically

  14. Perhaps Shirley Temple was considered too old at 19. :)

    I don't care for this type of thing coming out when no-one can disprove it, I could say that I had a sordid, secret affair with Michael Jackson for heaven sake and no-one could disprove it.

  15. Kirk Douglas ran for President?

    I think this is super creepy for Ronald was a President, you know a FATHER of the country, and as such, his behavior should've been beyond reproach.

    A 41 year old sleeping with a 16 year old virgin. eeek. We make fun of other countries where this is acceptable behavior, but it's happening more and more in the US, sadly.

  16. LOL Black Cat. Hope you had fun with MJ ;>

  17. Hmmm like Jack Kennedy Rita? Boy he was a real upholder of standards hooking up with secretaries in closets.

  18. Reagan was a giant piece of shit...shocker!

  19. As Angie Dickinson said of JFK: "He gave me the greatest 20 seconds of my life!"

  20. Yeah, IF this is true, gross. And speaking as a woman...uh...who wants to have sex for 40 whole minutes your first time?? No thanks.

  21. I'm discussing Ronald Reagan right now. To compare him to other actors who never ran for President, like Douglas, is not the point. He is supposed to be upheld to higher moral ground.

  22. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I'm with you, FS, you'd be too sore to orgasm after 40 minutes.

    I've never thought Reagan was all that, and almost barf every time I see these polls naming him as one of the greatest presidents. Let us not forget the arms sales, and the mentally ill being thrown out of institutions where they had a bed to sleep in and medication, and being forced to wander the streets.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Yup, JFK and Clinton fooled around while they were president. This occured way before Reagan was in political office. I'm wondering if he was aware she was 16. You know, sometimes people lie about their age to open doors that wouldn't be open to children. In the end, we'll never know if this is really true. It's a she said he dead situation.

  25. @Robert - LOL, proof that a job well done doesn't need 40 minutes!

  26. Somewhere Nancy is thinking "damn, Ronnie never gave me 40 friggin' minutes."

  27. Seems like something that can't be proved or disproved

  28. Califblondy - you're the only one who dared going there, very funny!

  29. The only reason conservatives sex spades get a lot of publicity is because they are the ones promoting themselves as the upholders of "family values".

    Not surprised about what Piper is saying. As for 40 minutes...uh, okay.

  30. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Typical man to tell a woman something is wrong with her.

  31. So The Gipper was a Diddler? Why am I not shocked? At all?

  32. "He offered not the slightest trace of humor or kindness." Sounds like a psychopath to me, no empathy. He was a sick, sick man. And this is gross.

  33. 40 minutes. . .probably more like 4 minutes.

    And Nancy Reagan was supposedly popular for her, uh, oral services.

    And that is one weird looking bra she's wearing. . or is she not wearing one at all?

  34. I know it's wrong, but I can't help imagining Piper Laurie telling this story as the character she played in Carrie (she was the crazy Jesus-freak mom): "He had whiskey on his breath. And I liked it!"

    I guess I'd rather laugh about that than think about how gross this story is and how insufferable Reagan sounds. Something wrong with her because she didn't enjoy it as much as he thought she should--ugh. Indefensible and all kinds of wrong.

  35. I'd like to see just one politician who DOESN'T screw around. They ALL do it - from presidents right down to your local county commissioners.

  36. Voice o Reason, it's not a double standard - conservatives seem often to feel solely persecuted, but not only do we do get creeped out by gross people that aren't conservatives plenty often, but more importantly...

    Conservatives run almost entirely on personal moral values & personal responsibility whereas liberals tend to run on broader social values & issues of collective responsibility. Apples & oranges. You can't really stand for something and then act surprised when people expect you to uphold it, pr blame them for getting excited when they detect hypocrisy. You know?

  37. Anonymous12:01 PM

    SusanB said...
    I'd like to see just one politician who DOESN'T screw around.

    I really think Obama is faithful. Because if he wasn't, Michelle seems like the type to chop off his balls and give them to Bo (their dog) to play with!

  38. Democrats have to be faithful these days. If they ever cheat, they end up like Mr. Wiener. And Reagan beloved? Not in my neighborhood. He was the beginning of the end of the USA.

    And James Dean wasn't gay, he was bisexual. He "came out" to a reporter in NYC. Pier Angeli was a genuine relationship, as were his relationships with dozens of other men and women (Chris White, Dizzy Sheridan, Rogers Brackett, etc, etc). He didn't have many years, but he had many in his years.

  39. ^
    He saw her dirty pillows.

  40. That was directex at Shiny.

  41. Sidenote: SO glad that style of bra is no longer in vogue. *shudder*

  42. I think RR was annoyed with Shirley Temple because she was FAR TOO FAMOUS for any hanky-panky to be kept quiet.

    And I am LOL'ing at the person who justified his fooling around by saying 'he was a Democrat back then.' Like THAT'S what made him a lech.
    And he was the OLDEST President ever elected----His libido (and his 40-minute-maker) was probably defunct when he was President.

    Btw, I had a guy who was TERRIBLE in the sack once lecture me that I needed a physician or psychiatrist because I didn't have an orgasm with him. Needless to say, I left and never looked back.

  43. @Libby - boys blame girls for their inadequacy in bed, but when a grown ass man does it, obviously, he doesn't want to take responsibility for his incompetence!

  44. I never have bought the Ronnie is just shy of God comparison that has been put out there. I guess they remember the 1980's a whole lot differently than I do.

  45. Just an aside: Do you all recall that Shirley Temple (Shirley Temple Black) was in Reagan's administration? I don't remember what position she held (ambassador to somewhere maybe, I'm being lazy and not googling).

  46. Voice 0 Reason, what about Kirk Douglas??? That is an awful torment to leave us hanging on a gossip site.

  47. SSO..You made me laugh with the Carrie references..funny!

  48. ewwww.

    40 minutes? remember elaine on seinfield "you know, after awhile it's enough".

  49. Can't stop laughing! The 1 think I never thought when I saw Ronald Reagan was "Bet he's a great lover!"

    40 minutes? Did he start counting when he asked her to dinner or just when he opened the door to let her in? Must be something wrong with her because all his OTHER women faked orgasms for him.

    Made my day!

  50. @Momster: I had heard the same thing about Nancy Davis; supposedly Peter Lawford talked about it at some point but I read it years ago and can't remember where.
    It's weird to think that Jerry Seinfeld's mom was James Dean's girlfriend.

  51. feraltart, you don't want to hear about Kirk Douglas, a liberal Democrat. He's an old, sickly man now. I'm just surprised people don't talk about his sexual...uh, escapades more. If he were a conservative, they would.

  52. bluebonnetmom said...
    I never have bought the Ronnie is just shy of God comparison that has been put out there. I guess they remember the 1980's a whole lot differently than I do

    I hear you! I was a starving student in college who was paying my own way - Reagan cut a lot of loan and grant programs and made it much more difficult for me to survive. The only people who had it great in the 80s were rich people. He was such a phony baloney, I could never believe people didn't see through him and his hushed, bad acting way of speaking. He always made me want to hurl.

    I feel sorry for Piper Laurie. A 16 year old virgin would not stand a chance against someone determined to bed her. What a creep.

  53. IF it's true. Piper Laurie is 80 years old so she's had 60 years as an adult to speak up. Odd that she said nothing while Reagan was still alive. It's pretty easy to shmear the dead.

  54. ^ lots of people write tell alls towards the end of their lives, I buy it.

  55. I think Ronnie told her it was 40 minutes, counting on the idea that she was too young to know how to tell time.

  56. IMDB says she was born in January 1932 and her first movie, Louisia with Regan, was released in 1950. So she would be 18 rather than 16. It is possible she lied about her age. If she told the studio she was 16, she would have to go to the studio school and work restricted hours.

  57. After performing this statutory rape, Ronald Reagan went on the be elected by the people of the United States as their president.
