Monday, October 31, 2011

Amy Winehouse Album To Be Released December 5th

It did not take long for the people over at Island Records to find every recording from Amy Winehouse that was almost finished and throw it on an album to be released just in time for the holiday season. The album will contain 12 songs of unreleased stuff or songs that have only been heard a few times. I figure the record company probably can release a couple more albums like this and then one greatest hits album. I don't think Amy was like Tupac so I don't think she will be posthumously releasing stuff for the next ten years. It is good news for Amy fans, but I have a feeling this stuff is not going to be as good as her other stuff.


  1. Did Amy Winehouse have any other albums besides Back to Black?

  2. LMSAM - Yes, she "Frank" was released in 2003, three years before "Back to Black"

    Enty - I agree. It probably won't be as good as her previous stuff. At least Adele fills the void in my heart for a soulful, Brit who sings about breakups and heartache. Let's hope her voice gets better, stat!

  3. She looks so pretty there. Her eyes look alive and with-it and her skin looks healthy. :(

  4. When she was on that island for so long, supposedly she was doing some recording then, I'm wondering if this stuff doesn't come from around that time.
