Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Amy Winehouse Died Of Alcohol Poisoning

After two months of waiting, the official cause of Amy Winehouse's death has been revealed. Contrary to what her family believed about Amy dying because of withdrawal, Amy died of alcohol poisoning. When she died her blood was five times the legal drinking and driving limit. Five times. That is crazy. That is like, what a .40. I think normally she could have handled that, but because she had been sober for a bit, it was too much. When police arrived at her house they found three bottles of vodka. Amy had no illegal drugs in her system. She was so close to getting better. She had been sober for an entire month.


  1. It just keeps getting sadder..

  2. I don't think she had been sober at all.

    Remember the video of her at a concert, taken a few days before she died, where she couldn't stand straight and was slurring her words? She may have won the battle against drugs, but definitely not alcohol.

  3. so to all those bloggers (like perez) who thought her drinking was preferable to 'hard drugs', there ya go. yes, you can literally drink yourself to death.
    giving up drugs and substituting alcohol (also a drug) isn't being clean and sober. she was NEVER sober.

  4. Three bottles of vodka. Oy. RIP, poor Amy.

  5. What a complete waste. Someone so talented unlike Lilo, Paris and the K Trashian Family drank herself to death. Just awful.

  6. I think its sad that her family is still in denial about the facts. They said something along the lines of "oh, the alcohol had accumulated over a long perIod of time" umm no, the level decreases over time. She basically went balls out and downed the bottles. Who knows, maybe she meant to go out the way she did.

  7. yeah, what Tania said.^

  8. So sad. RIP Amy.

  9. So sad but I'm not surprised by the outcome at all. Battling pretty much the same thing with my husband right now and each time he relapses it gets worse. If he doesn't get it soon this is going to happen to him.

  10. @New Life and Attitude - it does get worse with every relapse, I can speak from personal experience on that one. Hugs to you.

  11. Amy had been off hard drugs for well over a year. There was a rumor that she was even refusing aspirin and stuff because she was so afraid of 'drugs' but no, she could not stop drinking for any period of time. So very sad, so much talent gone.

  12. I'm so sorry New Life, I can also speak from personal experience that each relapse gets much worse.

    After months of sobriety, half a shot turned into a week long bender - he was almost 4x the legal limit and had beat the shit out of someone. It's scary that he did what Amy did - he chugged two bottles of Vodka. So lucky he is still alive.

    It scared the shit out of him that a few sips of booze led to that and I hope it sticks with him forever.


    I fucking hate alcohol sometimes. I've seen it ruin way too many lives.

  14. I don't understand. Here in the US, people learn their BAC standing on the side of the road. In the UK, it takes two months? Did they need someone in the US to fly over to teach them how to do it? Whazzup with that? We could have known this info within moments of her death. Instead we (and her poor delusion dad) were told for months about how clean she was when she died and were left feeling extra-bad that perhaps a stroke had taken her or something.

  15. More & more I'm thinking this was on purpose. She had so many demons and it has been obvious to me for years that she loathed herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she drank that much hoping it would in fact kill her. It still makes me so sad, mostly, I think, because it was inevitable. She was beyond repair :(

  16. She was so close to getting better. She had been sober for an entire month.

    This is reaching. She wasn't close to getting better; a month is nothing. I understand wanting to think this way because we always hope for the best, but a month is NOT "close to getting better".

  17. This is a formal inquest verdict, not a roadside blood test. There's a requirement to look into all the circumstances of the death, not jump to the first conclusion. Death can be complicated, especially where there have been mulitlp addications. Amy's body must have been damaged by all those years of booze and drugs.

  18. No Binky - we people from other countries don't need the US to teach us how to do stuff, we just like to do things properly. And if you have roadside BAC tests, then why do some of your states rely on field sobriety tests - nothing scientific about those results at all! I don't know if you realise how condescending and ignorant you appeared with that post

  19. The idiotic thing is that our country still thinks marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol. Wtf?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Jaded: You misunderstand. I wasn't slagging anyone. I'm confused as to why authorities didn't immediately release that there was alcohol in her system. (With a BAC like that, they prolly didn't even need to draw blood; she musta reeked.) Usually when there's a death here, we're told, "There were no signs of foul play, but the victim had alcohol in his system." Had we had some kinda clue, people wouldn't have been left to make up all their disgusting theories.

  22. @mooshki - I completely agree. I have never heard about someone oding on pot.

  23. It was so sad reading this first thing in the morning. It just brought back all the senselessness of her death again.

    I don't see where alcohol, when abused, is any better than crack. There are so many people who wouldn't assault, molest or kill others sober but have done so when drunk.

    This is all a sick joke - give someone like Amy rare talent along with very low self esteem and a propensity towards addiction, add fame, and see how long she lasts. Ha ha. :(
