Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ashton & Demi Smoke And Go Camping Together

Apparently over the weekend, Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher decided to get away from it all and go camping. They took along one of Ashton's friends and the Rabbi from their Kabbalah center. I guess this was a counseling session or just a way to try and escape the paps for a weekend which clearly did not work. Ashton is very very rarely photographed with any kind of cigarette in his hand, but this time was caught opening a pack of cigarettes. He wants everyone to think he does not smoke which is such crap and is just more of how he is one thing to the public and completely different at home. I don't see the point in the counseling. He is going to cheat. Full stop. Demi is going to either just take it or leave. I think she is choosing to stay. The tabloids started printing all their divorce stories because they thought there was no way Demi would stick by Ashton through this so their bets were safe. Look at the guys she has been with in her life. Which exactly do the tabloids think were faithful? She has gone through this before.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    In a way she's kind of sad. So desperately hanging on to youth and glamour, swallowing the humiliation because she doesn't want to lose her boytoy husband. Camping?

  2. Not that I was full of awe and respect for these two before, but I definitely have ZERO NOW. : (

  3. That reminds me of the blind item with the guy who got papped coming out of his trailer with a cigarette, then asked the paps if he could do it over because his wife would kill him and they did. Was that ever revealed?

  4. @Kate -- I think that blind referred to Affleck.

    Ew. Marlboro REDS?!

  5. I too think it is sad that she hangs onto him the way she does. I also think she thinks people care alot more than they really do about what happens with them.

    I also don't get the boytoy draw. Men get better looking with age. There are some HOT HOT HOT men that are in her age range. And Ashtons kind of a tool. The fact that she subjects herself to his ruins her for me.

  6. The best thing about this story is the expression on his face. That is exactly how I picture him in my mind.

  7. Eek. Demi's jowls might be finally giving away her true age.
    Count me in as another who just thinks Demi's kind of sad now. All the self-portraits of herself in a bikini? Ugh. Embarrassing.

  8. Wow what fun. Let's take along Rabbi L. Ron Shlemiel from the Judeology center and maybe he can cast our your shmuck thetans. They are both a joke, but Demi is pathetic.

  9. I wish for kicks & giggles Enty would reveal all the blind items that were about Demi & Ashton.

    I think Demi would rather be with a cheater then alone at 48. She is trying to cultivate an image truth be dammed.

    ewww, smoker breath!!

  10. i dont understand why they need to hide the smoking...who cares if they smoke?

  11. @Lori becuase Ashton trys to sell himself as a happily married family man that is concerned about being eco-friendly. Smoking and cheating on your wife will not get your contract with Nikon renewed.

    It's all about image.

  12. I think it's sad because she has 3 daughters she is teaching by example. I can't stand Dr. Laura but I remember something she said to a caller years and years ago that made sense. A wife didn't know if she should tell her daughter and/or kids if their Dad/husband cheated on her. Dr. Laura said if she stayed don't and if she left, do. I don't know, there is no handbook but that is the one thing that didn't make me want to smack her.

    Off topic, as someone who doesn't watch TAAHM, is there some reason Ashton looks homeless for the role? He is good looking. I would think CBS would want to capitalize on that.

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  15. so we're back to the 'it's HER fault' theory. sorry, cheating is a choice HE made. you don't solve problems in a marriage by sticking your dick in someone else. end of story.

  16. i still think they have an open marriage and that one of the rules was to be low-key
    i like they want to save their marriage
    AND his face is too funny

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  18. They must have some type of contract if they are sticking together.

  19. Real Camping. No toilets, make-up, beds or servants. If so this is as shocking as Ashton cheating & Demi taking/not taking it or divorcing.

    Smoking, no one wants to be real anymore. Own up. Guess we wouldn't be here if that were possible.

  20. @Timebob...do people actually believe that? I have always thought of him as an unwashed douche nozzle. Dont buy anything he is trying to sell...

  21. If men are pigs, shehla, then how is it her fault for not "boinking him enough"? Yup, your comments are still ridiculously misogynist.

  22. Jeez, I can't believe all this sympathy for Demi aka Gimme Moore. This woman was an infamous bitch back in the 80s and took full advantage of her husband's Hollywood clout to get herself an undeserved film career. The only thing she cared about people was what they could do for her.

    I don't believe she ever changed. She married Ashton hoping he and the publicity would restart her Hollywood career. Does she actually care for him? Probably not much. This was most likely another Hollywood marriage, one where both parties realized they'd benefit from it. Is Ashton the only one sleeping around? Almost certainly not. As another poster noted, most likely they have an open marriage, but Ashton broke the rule about keeping it discreet.

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  24. I have friends whose spouses cheated b/c "they weren't getting enough at home." I think it's a total BS excuse, but I guess some people, like Ashton, just get to the point where they don't give a F anymore. Maybe Ashton wanted out and wanted to get caught?

    I had no clue he smoked...so he did a good job of hiding it. The look on his face is priceless.

  25. Um, I want to know what kind of rabbi goes camping on Yom Kippur?

  26. lol Lutefisk- GOOD POINT.

    This pic PERFECTLY captures the two of them.
    Her unintentionally showing her age with those jowls while doing her best to deny it by covering up the upper half of her face with huge glasses
    and him with a dumb look on his face that most likely perfectly parallels the dippy, egotistical asinine real Ashton.

    Two delusional people desperately trying to deny what and who they really are. And how can the meeting of those two types of people ever really make a healthy relationship, nevermind a long lasting one!

  27. Shehla, am I missing something? I don't see where RQ called anyone a name. She used a word to describe your comment and in no way called you anything.

  28. I am calling shenanigans on this. No rabbi is going camping with Demi and Ashton on Yom Kippur. I think they did this as a photo opt to show they are "trying" to work things out. And if they did take a "rabbi" with them it would not have been a real rabbi. Maybe that's their problem. They have been take advice from fake clergy members. I hate, HATE celebrities that pretend they are turning to religion. By the way, Ashton would NOT have been able to smoke on Saturday if he was with a rabbi of any kind.

  29. Shehla, fyi: Women liked to get fucked once in a while too. Shocking, I know. The difference is, we don't use that as an excuse to go out & find it elsewhere.

    It is not my *duty* to make sure my partner is satisfied sexually. To that I say, "Clean the house, make me dinner, romance me & maybe I'll be in the mood for sexay times"

    I understand your point, but it works both ways, at least now that we've moved past Victorian times.

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  32. Shehla, in fairness I haven't been reading as much lately so I don't know if it's just today's comments you feel are being jumped on or it's a pattern. However, it's cheap to say you're being attacked or someone is calling you names just because they disagree with you.

    As for a first date, I think who ever asks should pay but I am a bit old fashioned about that one.

  33. I want to know what happened to her voice? It used to sound like LAurne Bacall gargling gravel. Now it's smooth. Is there a surgery for that?

  34. Can you tell I'm studying behavior? I think Ashton is a narcissist, or a psychopath - the corporate type. Everything anyone could give would never be enough for Ashton. He'll be a cheater for life. Demi didn't have the best childhood. She would see his type of behavior as normal. She probably grew up with it. And no matter what she learns, she might not be able to get past this. Unhealthy behavior for her to put in front of her kids.

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  36. shehla - well then, we shall have to agree to disagree. You don't think your comments are misogynist, I disagree. You implied in two separate posts now that if a man leaves or cheats on his spouse, it must be her fault for not putting out sufficiently. That, to me, is CLEARLY placing blame on the woman, and misogynist. mygeorgie and I rarely agree, but we see eye to eye on this one.

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