Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ashton Kutcher Tries To Get Serious - Talks About Lies In The Press

Apparently Ashton Kutcher is not just about having sex with as many people while married as possible. For now he has taken a break in his quest to break Tiger Woods' celebrity record and is focusing on trying to save Two And A Half Men which has nosedived in the ratings the past two weeks and I guess he is trying to save his marriage. I don't know. I do know he probably owns part of chimein which seems to be kind of like Twitter for videos. Like u-share but with followers and everything. Ashton has a new video he posted where he rambles on and on about how literature used to cost a lot to produce so it was all true and now it is free so it is not true. Huh. He must have forgotten that an entire war (Spanish-American) was started by literature that was not true and at the time it was still expensive to produce. I am assuming that when he refers to literature he means news, because there has been fiction in literature forever. I don't think much news has ever been referred to as literature. I am sure the people over the The Globe would love to have people refer to their paper as literature. Anyway, if you want to see his ramble which he does without his wedding ring, click here.


  1. God just say guys have separated. I can't believe Demi would also want to work this "suspense angle" just for the attention.

    Wait...what am I saying? OF COURSE she would.

  2. I wish he would go away. This is becoming a snoozedest for me.

  3. "Two and a Half Men" wasn't exactly "Masterpiece Theater" before, but since Sheen has left it is REALLY horrible. I almost wonder if Kutcher brought in new writers, too. At least in the past you had outstanding performances from the supporting cast and some funny, although crude, lines. Now the supporting cast has all but disappeared and the jokes are just crude and not funny at all. And it isn't just Kutcher not being a good actor because his character on "That 70s Show" was funny and likable. Maybe all the writers are just more loyal to Sheen than to Lorre. Whatever is going on over there, the show is now just awful, even more awful than the awfulness of Sheen's last season which was painful to watch because he looked so horrible.

  4. Boo hoo Kutcher, you douchebag.

    He should be grateful anyone's even talking about him and his dry self. At least Demi has past glories and her kids to hang off- she should let him GO!

  5. Asstain Kutchbag is Kelso with money on that show.I'll pass on the video. It's just a matter of time before one of the Big 3 morning infotainment programs replays it.

  6. I watched the 1st episode with Kutcher - B626 is right, he's Kelso with money. And not as pleasant as Kelso.

  7. Enty, just wishing for things doesn't make them true. For chrissake, grow up. "Two and a Half Men" is the number one sitcom on TV, with 14.85 million viewers. That's more than two million above the average when the Sheen trainwreck was on it. It was number five in the Nielsens this week. As an "entertainment lawyer," don't you read HR?

  8. Yeah, but I think he is talking about how much it has dropped. 30 percent after the first episode, and downhill from there (down 12 percent last week) even though they are still the number one show.

  9. Take another bong hit, Ashton, you douchetastic weenie.

  10. Thanks to Enty for pointing out the wider context of Kutcher's stupid remark that media requiring a lot of capital to disseminate is inherently more truthful than "free" media we see today.

    Hard to believe that Kutcher, who identifies as an internet mogul, would suggest that the old top-down model, with all its vested interests, is more likely to report the truth than a diverse, peer-to-peer network.

    Of course, it could be that he's just stupid.

  11. I am sad to admit that I have no idea what Enty's talking about, with false literature causing the Spanish-american war? Interesting.

  12. @linnea: He said Ashton is "focusing on trying to save Two And A Half Men." I doubt much effort is put in by *anyone* trying to "save" a number five show. Of course everyone and his brother tuned in to see how Charlie Sheen's character bit the dust, even people who'd never seen the show before (people here said as much), and then didn't stay after that. That doesn't make it a dire situation. It's got, what? Two more seasons to run after this one? It's not going anywhere, as hard as Enty hopes and dreams and prays it will.

  13. There hasn't been any integrity in the media since I've been alive and definitely NOT on celebrity blogs. :-0

  14. the hypocrosy was mind blowing. Ashton & Demi had no problem trotting out their relationship for fame bumps. But when things go sour you expect privacy? You can't feed a monster and expect it to go on a diet at your leisure.

    Just be honest yourself Ashton first. Maybe other will follow.

  15. Is this the 2-1/2 men curse or something? Once you get that particular character Charlie or replace him, you become crazy and start rambling and your life falls apart?

  16. Are you sure he's not wearing his wedding ring? He's a master manipulator and you know his Apple reverses images, so what looks like his left hand is really his right hand. Waddya Tink?

  17. Thank you, timebob, agree completely. This whole diatribe of his is so transparently self-serving it's disgusting. Just be a better person and STFU if you have such a problem with everyone else, Ashton. His pseudo-intellectualism really annoys me.

  18. @figgy, here's the famous bit about the Spanish-American War:

    ...artist Frederic Remington telegrammed Hearst to tell him all was quiet in Cuba and "There will be no war." Hearst responded "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

    Wikipedia has more on Yellow journalism during the Spanish-American War.
