Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beyonce Starts Maternity Line Of Clothes For Imaginary Pregnant Women

When the Washington Post and ABC News start asking questions about whether Beyonce's baby bump is really a baby bump, then you know Beyonce has some explaining to do. They are also the kind of news organizations that can actually get an answer from Beyonce's public relations team who said that the rumors floating around the internet yesterday were "stupid ridiculous and false," and also wanted you to know that coming soon will be Beyonce's line of maternity wear for women. Seriously. She is going to sell it because well, she is pregnant or wants you to think she is and there is no better way to sell clothes than by wearing them yourself and it is pretty strange to wear maternity clothes if you are not pregnant. I read all the comments yesterday and I would be fully on board about the using the surrogate ala Nicole Kidman, if not for the Croatia photos. That is a tough hurdle to get over. Granted, there were not that many photos and only one photo outlet so maybe they were staged. You are talking about a husband who spent almost $1M in one week of clubbing just on champagne. You don't think he could afford some special effects?

How about we get a live sonogram? Think she would go for that?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well if she IS faking it - here's a little more proof that they are using it to pad their pockets even more.

    I miss the days when singers were singers, actors were actors, designers were designers and you had to work HARD to have a brand. Now they just hand anyone a clothing line or perfume, etc. Yet the rest of us still have to bust our ass every day. SMH

  3. I wish I could comment on this, but since I've never been pregnant I have no idea how the stomach/baby manouvers during pregnancy. Is it possible that because she's not about to bust the bump is more malleable?

  4. I do think it's all suspicious, but a live sonogram? I know you're kidding, but seriously, that's getting all A Handmaid's Tale up in here! A tad intrusive, no?

    I'm in the "she's pregnant but padding" camp. Spanx baby.

  5. Don't the Washington Post & ABC have more important stories to cover? You know, the economy, terror plots, Fast & Furious, Iran, etc etc etc. Talk about the dumbing down of America! I love gossip sites but that's where gossip belongs, not on the media we rely to give us the news (biased or unbiased, your opinion).

  6. Well, House of Dereon's stuff is so beautiful, so why not? *rolls eyes*

    I agree. stick to ONE thing you are actually good at. Stop trying to become a fucking brand. Greedy bastards.

  7. people are forgetting that she's been out in a bikini with her baby bump:

  8. Live Sonogram? Please, she isn't a Kardashian.

    They'd film a colonoscopy.

  9. This makes sense now - she's padding her (pregnant) belly as a way to advertise her clothing line. She's probably still too flat to wear real maternity clothes.

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  11. Parissucks, didn't Kim K. already do a sonogram of her ass to prove that it's real?

  12. The size of this baby bump is all over the place. I am not sure if she is pregnant at all or just trying to look bigger. The whole damn thing is just weird. And she is busted in the video I have seen of this and she knows it. Not sure what is up with the bikini photo, but she looks pregnant there. Do a naked pregnancy photo shoot and prove it.

  13. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say pregnant and padding. Of course, how timely she has a maternity line coming outn now.

    It's been a while since I was pregnant, but I want to say that the baby belly is a solid mass, regardless of the size. No sucking it in and good luck with the spanks. As you grow, you ability to bend certain ways diminishes. I delivered in the summer and towards the end I couldn't even shave my legs because my arms wouldn't reach all the way down. Made my husband do it.

  14. Enty starts to be blind and paranoid she's pregnant really!

  15. Look at all those darn ruffles in the bikini photo. I didn't question it when I first saw it, because well I thought she was pregnant! Now though, may be a reason she had on the ruffle suit - to cover up any glitches from the prosthetic belly.

  16. I should also state though that I am not fully convinced that she is not pregnant, just tiny and wants to show more.

  17. Mooshki, she took an Xray. Which proved NOTHING.

  18. sorry but you're paranoid here!

  19. I think the Internet is bringing out everyone's inner conspiracy theorist. I tend to agree that she's really pregnant, but wearing padding to enhance the look of the maternity dress. It appears to fold like a foam-lined bra cup.

  20. This whole thing boggles my mind. Among my head-scratching questions are:

    Why the fuck would you fake being pregnant?

    Why would you want your baby bump to look bigger than it already is?

    How the fuck old is Beyonce? Really?

    My thoughts on all of this are: Everybody shows differently. From my experience, I really did not have to wear maternity gear until the fifth/sixth month (Thank fucking God, because I loathe maternity gear.) That being said, if Beyonce is truly launching a maternity line and wants to market it, than the padding the belly makes sense. And I feel like her PR people saying that she is launching a maternity line pretty much confirms that she is in fact padding the belly. She's probably not really showing yet, because let's be real: It's her first pregnancy, and she's kind of Amazon womanish, so I wouldn't be surprised if she just looks plump rather than prego at this stage.

    God this world is so fakety fake. Just enjoy your pregnancy, Beyonce, and stop trying to make money off of EVERYTHING!


  21. She's pregnant. There are lots of wierd shadows and lighting as she sits down in that video. It sure looks like it folds over, but really do think it is just a trick of the camera. JMO.

  22. Well, it probably *is* her bump -- I'm sure she can show us the receipt and everything.

    Parisucks: Bwahahahahaha!

  23. I think she's probably pregnant but padding in order to get more attention, or to fill out her maternity clothes. Those tops can be pretty big, and if you're not one of those girls who naturally pop out, the belly gets a little lost.

  24. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I do think she is pregnant; however, I'm on the padding the tummy bandwagon. I've been pregnant and there is no smushing the tummy as shown in Beyonce's interview. Especially at the beginning of my pregnancy I looked like I had gained a few pounds. I did not look pregnant. I couldn't wait to actually "show" so that people would realize I wasn't just getting fat. Maybe, just MAYBE that's what Beyonce was wanting to avoid...that inbetween look. Who knows.

    I would also like to add how these celebrities think we are morons for eating up what they dish out. Granted, some do and want more. I'm sure when this so-called maternity line of hers is launched, women will run out and buy it. Who cares that the person marketing it to you is less than genuine about her own pregnancy.

  25. I think she padded it to emphasize her pregnancy announcement on MTV a few weeks ago where she just stood there holding her belly. She wasn't far along enough at the time. She's probably got something like the pads in the dressing room at Motherhood Maternity so she can show off her new "designs".

  26. I know that after a big lunch at the beach I can look more pregnant than she looked in Croatia...
    And I'm not fat or pregnant...

  27. What if the bikini pic was just bloat and some added weight?

    I think they're using a surrogate. I really do after these pics.

  28. She wouldn't be the first to let a surrogate carry her child as to not lose her figure. I've heard that she used a pad at the VMA's because she actually wasn't three but only two months pregnant. I don't know but I've also heard that many women tend to miscarry in their first trimester and I think the way she jumped around like crazy on stage at the VMA's was totally foolish of her which made me think that she wasn't pregnant at all.

  29. It looks like the dress was designed for a larger bump and just kind of sticks out anticipating a larger bump. I had dresses like that. I really didn't fill them out until my 8th month. It would explain the funny fold, too.

  30. I think so too, mikey. I just went mat. shopping for the first time and everything is made to accommodate you now and at maximum I don't really fill it out now and it all kind of fits weird.

  31. I'm going to join the "Pregnant for real but padding" wagon. Even though it's bizarre, it's the simplest explanation.

    I don't think the Croatia pics were faked, there's random beachgoer's in them who aren't making wtf faces as she walks by (which I would do if someone walked by wearing a fake baby belly).

  32. I think Beyonce is really pregnant. I think when she sat down, the material to her dress buckled up. If that woman was faking it, she would not be using a little padding and a pillow, she'd be using a prothetic made of plastic. I just think it was the dress.

    Besides, the only thing Beyonce is guilty of lying about is her age. She's in her late 30's.

  33. I took a good look at that pic -- it just looks like new fabric (with a lot of sizing in it), designed for a pregnancy that's farther along.

  34. @Sue Ellen - picture a beach ball in your dress - you can't really smush it. Your uterus is pretty firm.

    @Rocketqueen - did I miss that you are pg? Congrats!

  35. @crila16: How do you know that? I know that there are rumors about her being older, but nobody would provide a source.

  36. Have any of you considered that maybe when that bikini picture was taken no one was around. All they could have done is taken a picture than afterwards photoshop the picture with a pregnant body. With today's technology that is not hard to do. Mystery solved.

  37. The Source is Gabrielle Union. It was even a BV at one time that was proven to be Beyonce. Google it. It's there. I've read the article. It was a few years ago. Beyonce is only a year or 2 younger than Gabrielle. They grew up together and had sleep overs.

  38. RQ - congrats! Can I be a cyber grandmom?

  39. Mina- Here:

    Mooshki- Kim Kard got an x-ray (not sonogram) on her bottom but all it proved was she didn't have booty implants but she had hollow areas where it shows she has had Brazilian Butt Fat Transfer Procedure. So FAIL.....

  40. OK. This Kim Kardashian bootie x-ray info is INSANE. Talk about having too much time and money on your hands. Good lord, I loathe the Kardashians.

    I am so fascinated by the Beyonce age thing. Was she homeschooled or something? I would think her classmates would be all over the tabs with that info. Unless Papa Knowles paid an entire school in Texas off. Hee.

    I wonder if her Mom is helping in the maternity wear designing. God help us.

  41. This is a more updated article from 2008 when Beyonce would have been about 34. Now she's 37.

  42. I'm torn between 2 theories but think it may be a combination of both... I agree the dress is meant to grow with the belly which could definitley account for some of the the strange folding. But i also think she's trying to pad to "avoid the inbetween" like someone said above. I don't have Beyonce's body but I wasn't round like she is when she's standing up until about 7 or 8 months in.

    Someone also mentioned her dancing was foolish, she's in pretty good shape and is conditioned for that sort of thing. You can maintain pretty rigourous phsysical activity most of the way through a prenancy if its what your body is used to. I had just recently started a new fitness routine which I was advised to stop immediatley by my Dr after the first visit. Worked for me!! :)

  43. @Ms Cool

    Thanks for that.

    Now that I know you can't move it around too much, I'm going to have to agree with those that say possible padding, but also co-sign what someone said about the maternity dress billowing out with the extra material. I totally think she's pregnant, look how gingerly she's sitting down. Only pregnant ladies and grandparents sit that carefully.

  44. Thanks Ms. Cool! I'm due the same month as Ms. BEY so I"m taking an interest in this as you can tell ;)
    mikey - you sure can!

  45. How come her BFF Gynnie hasn't chimed in yet. She knows everything.

    I don't know if she is pregant or not but def think she's using padding & the bathing suit (it is no way a bikini unless I saw the wrong one)is not a real belly. Some kind of wrap-a-round device to fool folks.

  46. @Sue Ellen I think you would sit pretty carefully if you didn't want to mess-up your foam baby and think you are a great actress LOL.

  47. I think it's trashy and cheap to use your baby bump as a prop in a dance routine. Like it's the second coming of Moses or something....that kind of tackiness makes we fear Instant Karma's gonna get that poor baby.

  48. Thanks for the info Crila16 and Lafawnduh. I know that Anastasia made herself five years younger at the beginning of her career to appeal to a younger audience.

  49. She's only been pregnant for a minute and she's already coming out with a maternity line? Really??

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Looking at the bikini pics, it looks odd to me, she is protruding from sternum on down. I don't know about the rest of you mamas but when I was pregnant I wasn't bulging up that far north until my 3rd trimester and I had a big old baby belly. From what I have seen in myself and others the belly starts popping out low and slow heads upward as the pregnancy progresses. This looks more like intentionally pushing the stomach out. I had a little niece who would do that to pretend she was fat.

  52. Okay .. I know I should be focusing on the pregnancy bump thing and all .. but this is just boggling my mind - "[spent] $1M in one week of clubbing just on champagne." Really? Child on the way and this idiot is spending that kind of bank on something he will whiz out. Man .. Blows my mind how some of these celebs spend .. and literally piss away .. their money. Idiots ..

  53. Add me to people who think "pregnant but padding".
    To me, she does look pregnant in that bikini pic. I think her belly looks strange because she literally does not have any fat at all there. Google her midriff pre pregnancy. Wayy too much lipo.
    This is the first I'm hearing of this Beyonce age thing.. pretty interesting. Had to google it. It seems Gabrielle Union did back track a little bit on Chelsea Lately.
