Friday, October 21, 2011

Brooke Mueller Moves Out Of Charlie Sheen's House

Apparently Brooke Mueller was not a fan of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards hanging out in New York together and has packed up herself and their twin sons to a house in the valley. According to Radar, Brooke had been hoping Charlie was going to buy her a house after she sold her last one for a loss. Well, I have seen people on crack selling cars for like $100 so it does not surprise me she sold her house for $1.1M less than what she asked just so she could get her hands on the money. To go from that to a rental is kind of sad. The good news is that she is allegedly sober. I say allegedly because the report comes her friends and I doubt they are going to say, "yeah, she is as high as a kite and has been tweaking for three days straight while chanting winning."


  1. Am I the only one who thinks that Denise Richards is actually the one running the show? It's like she is waiting on Charlie to overdose and will be the one to collect all the money.

    That being said, Brooke should really concentrate on getting her life on track, she has toddlers for heaven' sake!

  2. Denise is the only sane one not on drugs that we know of. I hope that she is watching out for the children! What a freaking mess this is.

  3. I highly, highly doubt this girl is sober, considering all the uprooting she's doing. Selling a house and taking a massive loss is stressful enough. Her settlement was around $1m -oops, gone, though she still gets massive, $55k/mo child support. Now, the stress of moving out, breaking it off AGAIN with Charlie, who is sober, and into a rental - in the valley, no less - there is no way this person, who has yet to be in a real rehab or successfully completed one, will stay sober. No way.

  4. Don't care. She should share a flat with Lindsay.

  5. Oh no. And I thought those kids were really going to make it.


  6. #hopeless is the new #winning

  7. I still think Denise is the love of Charlie's life and anytime he can get in her good graces he will do anything he can to make it happen.

    Brooke is just collateral damage and will be the one to OD one day not Charlie.
