Wednesday, October 19, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

Last Halloween this B list, male television actor spent the night in the arms of his wife and children. This year, (since he was kicked out of his home two weeks ago) his friends plan to help him spend it with several prostitutes.


  1. Please let this be David Boreanz from Bones. So deserving.

  2. i don't have any guesses but i don't really get it..... is halloween a particularly lonely holiday for people? if this were xmas or new years or hell even valentine's day I think I'd get it a little more. being single never on halloween never bothered me. and if its the kid factor i don't see how prostitutes will remedy that. maybe its just me.

  3. So instead of going trick-or-treating with his kids, he is going out to get his tricks & treats from a hooker ... fucking moron.

  4. LMAO! BlueBonnet- I thought the same thing!

  5. Bnl1016 - LOL, that was my thought too. :)

    Whoever it is may not have to hire actual prostitutes either. Halloween seems to be the time where girls like to slut it up, costume wise.

  6. Of course prostitutes are always a good substitute for a wife and children!

  7. Ashton Kutcher. He's still mentally a kid, so he is sad he won't get to trick or treat and is throwing a fit over it.

  8. Definitely Ashton.

  9. I don't really see how it could be Ashton, as the "wife AND CHILDREN" part doesn't fit. Demi's kids are all grown up and could probably give a good two poops about him being around on Halloween. If any of them are even still living at home.

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Did Naomi kick Liev out?
