Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Conrad Murray Sure Has A Lot Of Girlfriends

I have not really been paying attention to every detail of the trial of Conrad Murray, but the news that he had a least four girlfriends and a wife and was trying to juggle all of them while still trying to care for Michael Jackson full-time certainly does show he was probably not the best choice for Michael. Prosecutors yesterday put one girlfriend after another on the stand to talk about how Murray would call them all the time and one of the girlfriends said she was on the phone with Murray for about an hour until he suddenly said he had to go. He had to go because Michael Jackson had died. What is really crazy to me is that on the ambulance ride to the hospital with Michael Jackson in the ambulance, apparently already dead, he spent the ride calling his then wife and talking to her about what was happening instead of worrying or trying to help resuscitate Michael. Also troubling was that he had medications shipped to a girlfriend's house instead of to himself. I don't know how this guy had time to do anything other than try to keep up with all the women in his life.

I always felt he was negligent in his care, but was unsure of whether he was guilty of involuntary manslaughter. At this point I do think he is guilty because maybe if he had been focusing on his patient instead of his sex life, Michael would be alive.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think its a lose/lose situation. Was he negligent? Yes. Was he performing is duties as a doctor should? No.

    But Michael Jackson would have hired anyone to get what he wanted anyway. I think Conrad Murray was just too greedy to walk away from it

  3. Nah, I don't think Michael would still be alive even if Dr. Murray was celibate.

  4. I agree, Michael would have found someone else to get him the drugs that killed him.

  5. Agree with Lauren. I really followed thge Casey Anthony trial but I just can't get excited about this one. A rotten MD and a drug addict, no matter which way you try to spin it.

  6. Did any one see The View this morning ? They had a tape of Dr. Murry's girlfriend on the stand...
    She was a trip and 1/2..the woman thought she was on an audition...

  7. The pharmacist who sold the medication to Murry stated that there were around 250 vials supplied to Murry.

    That's a pretty serious amount, doesn't look good for the defense.

  8. I don't think Conrad Murray has a pleasant future to look forward to.

  9. Also agree with Lauren.

  10. Michael Jackson had a real preference for sleazy characters and quacks. He was routinely ripped off and screwed over by the quacks and nutcases he hired to give him what he wanted. It was only a matter of time before one of his paid enablers contributed to his death.

    The reason he didn't use reputable physicians is because they WOULDN'T enable him, and he knew it. Murray contributed to Jackson's death, but in reality, he was the instrument MJ bought to kill himself with.
