Monday, October 24, 2011

Courtney Stodden Kicked Out Of Pumpkin Patch

First Courtney Stodden was kicked off Facebook for being to sexually inappropriate and now the same fate has befallen her for acting the same way at a pumpkin patch. Craving publicity like no one before them except for Speidi, Courtney and her grandfather husband who always wears that ridiculous hat on his head to make him look like he is under 40 decided to go to a pumpkin patch and take some photos. Look at this photo and tell me that if this teen is 17 now, then when she is 30 she is going to look older than Cloris Leachman.

Apparently security and the owners took exception to the pair simulating sex on their pumpkins especially with all the young children there who wanted to know what was going on.


  1. I'm sorry, I know it's not right and they are so gross, but they amuse the fuck out of me! They just do.

  2. I'm glad someone else mentioned his hat. When I saw the photos of them walking to their MTV meeting, my first thought was "oh god, he's trying way too hard".

  3. Can we expand on this? Say, kick them off the internet?

  4. why are we giving any attention to these skanks? Yes, SusanB, I agree: kick them off the internet!!

  5. Hey. Cloris Leachman looks amazing. Don't drag her into this. No need to insult Maw Maw.

  6. If we kick them off the internet, can we kick off the Kardashian clan as well? (Did not use "k" for "clan" on PURPOSE!)

  7. Really?? Everytime I look at her I get skeeved out. Everytime I look at him I think of a pedophile.

  8. Why are these people famous?


    JFC. No one fucking THINKS anymore.

  10. Pathetic is a word that comes to mind.

  11. We ignored Speidi just long enough and they went away. Let's try that same tactic with this trick and her pimp. This stunt, in front of children and families, went too far.

  12. What's sick is that she's a child herself. She's 17. I agree that she needs to be ignored by ALL. "The Soup" does stuff on her every week & I'm almost ready to stop watching, and I love Joel & haven't missed a single episode. But it's obvious this girl is messed up and I really can't take her any more. Please keep her off my computer - I choose to go to classy sites like this one to avoid trash like her!

  13. This just makes me feel squicky. All of it.

  14. Skeevy Grandpa! That is all.

  15. Look at all the makeup on Grandpa!

  16. They have pushed this girl and her sexuality to the limit so much that the only thing they will be able to do to top themselves is to start porn the day she turns 18. What else can she do? She's a lousy singer and is not going to have a music career - she can't keep her mouth under control and is not an actress - and her constant posing is going to throw something out of joint eventually. I seriously suspect they have a director lined up to start filming at midnight on her 18th birthday.

  17. Blecchhh. Soooo cheap and whorey.

    You're DAMN right, if I had been a parent there with kids I'd have screamed bloody murder.

  18. He looks like he is fighting cancer with that hat on. Not younger, just sick and gaunt

  19. There is such a thing as decorum in society, ffs. And a pumpkin patch? REALLY?! That's what you wear? Hokay.

  20. I will never be able to look at him and not see the freaky character he played on the X-Files. Skeeved me out 20 years ago. Skeeves me out now.

  21. What's funny is she thinks everyone is jealous of her. Hopefully one day she'll realize that everyone is actually making fun of her and her grandpa, not jealous. What a complete joke and yet sad at the same time. Also, the way he looks at her is's like he wants to eat her alive.

  22. Nasty! and at a pumpkin patch...really?

  23. Wait a minnit...who did this guy play on X-Files? (I never watched Lost...)

    Did he play the gross guy named Tooms who lived in a spit and body fat-constructed cocoon? O M G Nooooooo!!!!!

  24. *going to go look it up*

  25. Ewwwwww, yep.. That was him.

    Well that does it for me! IDC if that was a character played by an actor or not. Just adds to the overall (in y'all's words) skeeviness of the whole sordid couple.

    Married or not, this is just pathetic and dirty and whorey and he should be ashamed of himself for even being MARRIED to a 17-year old for chrissakes. Disgusting.

  26. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Yes, he played Tooms. Sooo gross!!

    The London Daily Mail has all kinds of photos of these two tricks at the pumpkin patch. It's disgusting. Those shorts she's wearing don't even cover her butt cheeks, and they were practically simulating sex right there. I seriously think these two are bigger attention whores than the Kartrashians and Speidi.

  27. wait, wait, wait.....she got kicked out of a pumkin patch for dressing like that?

    in L.A.?

    i am 100% certain she is not the only slutty looking chick at the pumpkin patch.

    not defending her, just questioning the real reason she got kicked out.

  28. even Heidi & Spencer kept things mostly PG when they were whoring themselves to the paps.

    I really hope they get passed over for a reality show. Her voice alone would cause me to jump out my window.

  29. Maybe the photo is taken at a bad angle, but I swear her hair looks just as ratty and awful as those litle mutts she usually has on her lap during interviews.

  30. You know the real crime here?

    The white go-go boots.

    Honestly, folks why hump a pumpkin with small kids around when you could hang-out on Sunset and pose all you want? Next time please choose your screw venue more carefully.

  31. jfc, what is wrong with these two? no ability or desire to behave like normal, sane people, apparently.

  32. Wow, I'm really glad the only thing running around the pumpkin patch when I went on Saturday, besides children, adults, college students, etc. where about ten chickens.

  33. Unlike Speidi (which was just sad and annoying and pathetic to watch 2 white upper middle class kids try to gain celebrity by exploiting themselves and not through old fashioned hard work)
    Unlike those two this couple IS really interesting to me. I think there is something really wrong with these two. He is desperate and old, she is desperate and old in the face but young in the body. Like Cloris Leachman's head on a plastic barbie doll's body. ITS FANTASTIC. If and when they're reality show starts count me in- it'll be like watching a science experiment.

  34. She's wearing white shoes after Labor Day, dammit. That would get you arrested in the South.

  35. Looking at those shorts, there was some serious ass cheek hanging out of those. I have seen hookers with more clothes on than that. I would have had her and Pedo Husband tossed out as well. Beyond disgusting.

    @ Momster - LMAO! ; )

  36. Anonymous12:29 PM

    They fascinate me. It's like every possible type of bad taste is embodied in them. He bothers me more than she does, some of her tricks can be chalked up to youthful ignorance, but he's supposedly a mature adult. I can't stand him anyway, ever since The Green Mile.

  37. I looked at the photos at the London Daily Mail. I feel sorry for the big agave plant she's posing in front of since it was forced to look up her shorts to her no-no area.

  38. I hate myself for it, but I'm with Jasmine...I'll watch that show if it happens! Not sure I'll make it through an entire episode (I still think CS was sexually abused as a child), but I'm sure I won't be able to ignore it.

  39. Wow. That is just disgusting.

    I'm about 4 months along and just found out I'm having a girl, and if my daughter EVER dressed and behaved like this piece of trash, I don't know what I would do. I'm no prude, but everything about these two is just vile and inappropriate. It's just wrong on so many levels.

  40. Looking like she does:the super short outfits, the hooker heels, and the bad blonde dye job; I am suprised she didn't try and marry Lorenzo Lamas.

  41. One of the girls on The Soup does an imitation of Courtney Stodden that is hysterical. Winky smiley face!

  42. If you dont write about them, they will go away. A 17 year old who looks like shes having a perpetual orgasm isn't even a train wreck, its just plain sick.
    I deliberately don't comment on their posts but there are so many here already...

  43. I never thought I would turn against Daisy Dukes, but ... those aren't shorts, they're a denim belt with a crotch-strap.

  44. I can't look at this guy without seeing Corey Haim.

  45. That's actually a tame picture. There are other pictures that are really bad. One has her with her legs wrapped around his waist while he's holding her up. Not exactly appropriate at a pumpkin patch - or anywhere in public.

  46. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Maja with a J...interesting thoughts. The more I read about and see of her, it definitely seems plausible. Sad.

  47. She's really ruining her market value for once she becomes "barely legal."

  48. 0 -- CONGRATS!!! You & RQ are making me miss being pregnant.

    And Ardleigh made me shoot boxed wine out of my nose. Lorenzo Lamas --- hilarious!!

  49. If she is really 16/17 there is something so very wrong with this girl that I can't condemn her because I am one of those who believe that she is a victim of abuse. But that doesn't mean that I want to see her pseudo-sexy schtick.

    Please, someone make her go away!!

  50. This gals story takes the heat off Catherine Zeta Jones. I'll give her that.

  51. Ok, I don't comment here often, but y'all - LOOK AT HER HANDS. THOSE ARE NOT THE HANDS OF A 16 YO. Hands are the true sign of a woman's age - teenage hands don't look like that!!!

  52. See, I don't believe she's 17, either. No way. It's all a publicity stunt. He was nobody before this - no one knew who the hell he was, just another character actor.

  53. Thanks chopchop! I've had horrific morning sickness, doubt you miss that part, lol.

  54. I haven't read all the other comments, but has anyone looked at her hands? Forget the hair and face - those aren't teenage hands. I'm 40something, and those hands look a lot like my hands. My hands look really good for a 47 year old - my face looks 30something - but my hands definitely put me in the 40s range. I don't know how you make hands look younger without surgery. John Cleese's little piece got brought down by her hands, and I think the same thing might happen to Courtney, who looks nothing like any 16YO I've ever seen.-

  55. He's gonna have a nasty bruise from that heel digging into his leg!

  56. Congratulations, 0!!!

    And you guys are absolutely right about the hands. Could just be excessive tanning though...

  57. classy sites like this one to avoid trash like her!


  58. @mngddess - I think about that Soup girl EVERY TIME I see a picture of this girl.

    These stories are really beyond pathetic. I didn't think it was possible to trump Speidi. Congrats.

  59. They are my neighbors - she does the "bend and snap" from Legally Blonde every time she thinks someone is looking at her. It's hilarious. I have doubts that she is 17 as well although her mother does live with them.
