Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Crazy Days And Nights On Mobile Devices

With almost 10% of you now reading the site just from iPhones, let alone other mobile devices, I got a lot of e-mails about the site taking forever to load on those devices. Well, today I added a feature which will allow you to read the site from any type mobile phone (except for BlackBerry which is what I use so, suck it BlackBerry) in a really fast and quick to download format. I hope it increases your enjoyment of the site. Wow, that sounded very PR speak didn't it? I owe myself about 5 drinks for that one. That is all. Oh, except once again, suck it BlackBerry.


  1. Seriously?

    That is AWESOME. Thanks, Enty!

  2. Yes, GREAT NEWS!!! Thanks, Enty!!!

  3. I literally have the cheapest phone you can buy at T-Mobile. Don't know how you people can afford the smartphones unless you switch carriers...

  4. Thank you - works very well!

  5. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Cool! Is it supposed to have a white background? I refreshed a bunch of times and it stayed white. If it's supposed to be white, yay!!!!!!!! I read this site on both my phone and a desktop computer and I hate the black background. It kills my eyes when I look at anything else after.

    But I digress, yay mobile site!!!!!

  6. Oh, stop showing off, everyone.

    On a brighter note for me - Phils win 3-2! I can stop praying for the evening. I was there Sunday and we lost. And it was freezing. I got home at 2AM. Oy.

  7. This is great news! I have a Blackberry now, but I'm switching to iPhone at the beginning of next year. Either way, I always wait for the site to download on my phone anyway, :)

  8. layout looks great! I just switched to iphone after by Bbery torch crapped out on me.

    and now kicking myself for not waiting another month to get the
    4s coming out in 2 weeks.

  9. OMG Thanks Enty! This is the best news I've had in ages :)

  10. BlackBerry rocks for its security.
    I don't need a purty gadget.
    And faux celeb gossip isn't a priority.

  11. As soon as I get pissed enough to smash this BlackBerry (like I did the last one) I'm switching to iPhone. Suck it indeed.

  12. This made my day!!! I love, love, love this new feature!!! thanks Enty!!!!!

  13. Oh Thank you Enty!!!

  14. OK, really stupid question (sorry)...

    How do I access the mobile version? Or is it supposed to show automatically if I access CDAN with my mobile phone? (That doesn't work. I use Win Mobile.)

  15. Bah but i have a Blackberry....**cries softly in corner**

  16. @ Inger... I'm on Win Mobile too, I got in usuing the regular site. It doesn't scale to fit like it used to, but it seems to load (and respond) a heck of a lot faster!

  17. OOH MUCH better, Enty! I read CDAN on my iPhone when we travel & this is much better.

    @mngddess - If you switch carriers, you should be able to get a pretty cool smartphone w/out spending a ton.

  18. I too have a BB and hate it. The prior release was OK and I could read this site. But not low. It's like they were jealous of the IPhone, tried to become them, and now do nothing well at all. Again, suck it BlackBerry! So glad I didn't buy this for my personal phone.

  19. Yet another reason to hate my POS Blackberry.

  20. Looks great on my phone and loads really fast...but I couldn't log in to comment from it. Probably an easy fix for myself though :)

    I didn't mind the BlackBerry when I had it, other than tha fact that the damn trackball kept falling out. The phone itself worked fine...until it didn't.

    Just got an android and I really, really like it so far.

  21. tha=the. I wasn't trying to be all "urban" and shit.

  22. works well on my droid.....without which I could not live. That pushy Google bitch giving me turn by turn directions, the little 'ting' that signals a new text message, the immediate access to facebook and YouTube.....seriously, we are so spoiled. And I love it.

  23. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I want a Smartphone so bad.;-)

  24. God I hate my useless Blackberry. But I refuse to get an iPhone and then have to walk around with my Blackberry (for work) and my iPhone (which I would use simply because it ROCKS compared to a BB). Argh, I'm gonna have to make the switch...

  25. Lelaina, how do I access from the iPhone? Is it an app?

  26. I stand at a desktop all day so no diff for me...I'm just thankful my BB makes GD phone calls properly withg decent coverage...

    But yay! for all y'all for whom this is great news!

  27. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Thank you soooooo much, Enty! Much love.

  28. Thank you Enty. HUGE difference and much appreciated!

  29. It worked BEAUTIFULLY on my iPhone this morning when I was waiting in line at the DMV!

  30. @califblondy - Nope, I just added the web link to my home screen. CDAN is actually in my "News" folder. :) Along with CNN and the like. haha.
    I don't have my phone sitting w/ me but let me know if you still need help! :)

  31. wooooooooo hooooooo! Thanks Enty!!

  32. LOOOOOOOVE IT!! Fabulous... thanks Enty!
