Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don't Be Late For The Subway

If you are late to the subway, you too, might have to be like this guy and ride the train on the outside.


  1. It's amazing how evolution skips some of us.

  2. I know Su Ellen. I feel so gypped sometimes. ;)

  3. What is worse, the guy on the outside of the train or the guy who was so impressed with him inside?

  4. Well, if evolution is real--and I'm not saying it is--then I sure got the best of it. I've got lungs of iron, buns of steel, abs of concrete, and brains of some really soft, mushy stuff. Seriously--it's like, I know pretty much everything they could teach me at school, so really I should just donate my body (including my brain) to science to see if they can figure me and all my assorted metals out.
