Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Eddie Cibrian Can Become A Groupie Again

Eddie Cibrian is looking for work again. Playboy Club was canceled by NBC today. Lucky for Eddie he has a wife who probably would prefer to hire him rather than have him work on another show or movie. With the exception of Melanie Griffith, I am not sure there is another celebrity wife out there who could be more jealous. Those two are kind of like the Brian Austin Green of the female persuasion.

I watched about five minutes of the first episode and wondered how the show even made it on air. It was truly awful.


  1. Bahaha. I'm sorry, that's mean, but this guy just oozes slime to me. The whole premise of that show was stupid.

  2. I watched the 2nd episode. I LOVE Amber Heard, that is why. Eddie was the WORST actor out of them all. I actually was googling today to see if it was cancelled yet. I want to know if there were any shows sent to the guillotine. I can't believe he is considered an actor. It was so awkward. More awkward than Kate Gosselin on DWTS.

  3. *points at the producers of this sexist shitshow*

    That's what you GET for blatantly trying to ride the retro coattails of Mad Men, you dumbasses!


  4. I was out after 5 minutes also. I was hoping it would give me a Mad Men fix but this is no Mad Men.

  5. You know I didn't watch this show but damn! Give a tv show a chance to develop a following

  6. hahahahahhaha- Charlie's Angels is next? pleasepleaseplease

  7. gee, this wonderful awesome show was cancelled? golly, what a shocker!

  8. Up All Night, Whitney & New Girl got picked up for the rest of the season. Playboy Club is the only one that has been cancelled so far... that I have found.

  9. I knew this was coming. I predict Pan Am & Charlie's Angels are next.

  10. The only new show I absolutely adore this season is Two Broke Girls, and I'm positive it'll get renewed. Kat Dennings is LUSCIOUS. She's my new girlcrush.

    I like The New Girl, but Zooey is just so twee and wide-eyed and precious. I think she's charming, but she also annoys the shit out of me.

  11. It's so funny. Brandi's on a hit show and Eddie is on a failure. See kharma does bite you eventually.

  12. I didn't even realize this human sleeping pill had a show...

    Oh well, I'm sure LeAnn would rather keep him at home on a short leash anyway.

  13. The title was not interesting to record it on my DVR lol.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. His eyes were too squinty to read the cue cards.

  16. I couldn't get through the pilot of The Playboy Club, it was awful.

  17. I cannot BELIEVE that Whitney got picked up. I cannot STAND her. Loving 2 Broke Girls and The New Girl, though. I had hoped Pan Am would be like Mad Men too but I just couldn't force myself to care about the characters.

  18. Whitney looks BORING. Won't even bother to watch. I really like Pan Am. I watched the Playboy Club's first two shows. The "death by heel stab" was where it lost me. And Eddie exudes as much sex appeal as a door knob.

    Oh - and I like Revenge on ABC as well.

    If you want to catch a riveting show, watch "homeland" on Showtime, with Damian Lewis. LOVE him.

  19. I haven't made it to Homeland or Dexter on the DVR yet. but OMG I can't wait!

    Liking Revenge and Hart of Dixie for new shows. I don't know who Kat Dennings is except because of her I'm supposed to like 2 Broke Girls. It's going off the DVR list because both of the leads feel like they're acting, not like they are 'real' people.

  20. Marna- Whitney Cummings is the creator for 2 Broke Girls too. So it looks like she is 2 for 2 this season. meh.

  21. funny that 2 Broke Girls was pitched by Whitney Cummings to Michael Patrick King.

    Maybe it is just Whitney as a person people don't like. Becuase I hear a lot of her act in Kat Dennings character and her delivery of Whitney's lines are much funnier and people respond better to Kat then Whitney.

    To me the best thing about Whitney is Chris D'elia their chemistry is great.

  22. In reading this thread I realised that I pretty much only watch reality shows, Discovery, and Corrie. I didn't even know half of these shows existed.

  23. Whitney--the worst. I hate how they keep trying to force me to like her.

    I'm happy Up All Night got picked up though

  24. i admit i watched it, but for the costumes and ambiance. it really wasn't that bad... but i cannot wait for once upon a time and grimm... person of interest is amazing too and new girl is very charming.

  25. I saw the trailers for Whitney and pretty much decided right then and there that I would not be watching. I'm sort of liking Pan Am so far, and I'm also getting into Terra Nova although I don't think it'll last. I've completely missed Two Broke Girls and New Girl, but if they happen to be on I'll give them a try.

    This mess I didn't even try.

    LOVE the new season of Sons Of Anarchy...you know, enty, if you wanted to post some pictures of Charlie Hunnam, I would not yell at you or anything. I watched an interview with him and Ron Perlman from Comic Con the other day, and then I took a sip of water from my bottle but forgot to close my mouth and literally drooled all over myself. True story.

    Dexter looks like it's gonna be a good one too.

    And of course, AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL ALL STARS. Weee!

  26. The thing about Whitney is that her show is basically a retread of her stand-up act. I watched her routine on Netflix a few months ago, and I was stunned at how obviously she recycled the same jokes for the pilot. Like, verbatim. At least Two Broke Girls uses different material -- and I think it works because Kat Dennings is far less abrasive than Whitney C. She's also a better actress. Also, I like female buddy comedies; so much programming on television is devoted to women hating each other, so TBG is a welcome change.

    Guys -- if you're not watching Homeland, I STRONGLY suggest you start pronto. Say what you want to about Claire Danes' personal choices, but she's a damned good actress and the premise of the show is really interesting.

  27. I 100% second the request for Charlie Hunnam pics. Or even Kurt Sutter. Love SOA. It's the best show on tv right now.

  28. it was not good. i was hoping it would improve.

  29. I gave the show two episodes. I literally can remember nothing from it. Nothing. And it features Amber Heard in a Playboy Bunny outfit.

  30. I saw a brief extremely gross untrue preview of the show before it hit air. Some guy was oozing all over a Bunny and speaking to her in a manner I knew was not at all acceptable in the Chicago club. This girl was shown to be taking this behavior. Oh no .. wrong.

    I grew up in this place .. knew the Bunny Mother of the Chicago club .. knew Bunnies who worked there .. got my first set of ears for my sixth birthday and knew these girls were not bimbos and had serious balls. When I saw the preview .. didn't see this girl reacting to what I knew was the truth - ie, tossing this asshole out of the club and being banned for life .. I was done with this show. NO urge to watch this shit.

    I think it is a valid concept. I know it was a fascinating time. It could have been really important, honest and shown the beginning of the sexual revolution and women's rights. It could have been much more than this. But the preview I saw just made it seem like a more sexed up version of "Mad Men" and the reality of the club was not that.

    It is a shame for the people who lived it it was made out to be more sleazy than it was and perpetuates the bullshit concept people have of what the club and the culture was like. So .. for that I guess I am glad this thing was terminated.

    Sorry ... overshare, I know. Passionate about this ..

  31. I can't believe Whitney got picked-up! The commercials alone are annoying. Pan Am is next.

  32. I liked the show. It was different.

  33. Good reading, Wil!

  34. Ughh! I wondered how it ever got on the air too. I watched half an episode;my sister insisted;it was awful. Eddie sucked. The only way he could have been more wooden was if he was a ventriloquist's dummy.

  35. CraigyFerg interviewed some programming head awhile back who said this show was not very good, so I didn't bother watching.

    I am not watching Whitney b/c the commercials looked horrible but she is quite funny, IMO, stand up wise. I do like Two Broke Girls, though. I thought it was odd that WC/MPK were the producers of that show.

    I REALLY like Revenge!!! It's like the first season of Desperate Housewives intriguing. Am also trying to get into Ringer, but...it's a little weak.

    We finally saw Pan Am & enjoyed it. I've only seen one episode of New Girl. I think Up All Night is probably my fav new comedy.

  36. http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/10/03/fall-tv-2011-schedule-cancelled-shows/

    This is death watch for the new Fall shows. It is 2 pages long. He updates if they have been picked up or not too.

  37. I am trying to like Two Broke Girls and I think the writing is good but I cannot stand the acting. It seems very stiff (Kat) or cliched(the other girl). Maybe they'll loosen up. Kat IS lucious but come on! How much tighter can they make her top? It looks almost painful. We GET it! She's the Christina Hendricks of comedy.

    @Mango..You made me spit out my iced tea. So funny!

  38. Very good insight, Wil!
