Friday, October 28, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 - One of the most conservative and powerful media moguls in the world knows all right? So, he probably knows that his much younger wife prefers women right? Apparently there is a big payoff in the works for her latest conquest. Things got a little rough and her conquest got hurt.

#2 - This C+ movie and television actress is on a huge network comedy hit. Small, but recurring role and is usually on every week. Well, she was at an event the other night and getting paid, but it was sparsely attended and she was not getting paid much. She was complaining that she never gets the good parties and the parties that pay a lot for her to attend. At one point she said, "Who do I have to f**k to get to host a Vegas party because I will. I am sick of this crap here."

#3 - What former talk show host and now reality star/producer/author said the other day that she has not had sex in almost two years. She said she just is not that interested but does enjoy time on her own if you know what I mean.

#4 - What one hit wonder D list movie actor who has been in this space before for his a-holian behavior went up to this foreign born, sometime movie actress who seems to be more famous for her ex-boyfriends than acting and tried to hit on her. When she rebuffed his efforts he got really nasty and talked about he was famous and could have anyone and even said at one point, "I could buy you." She then replied, "You should spend the money on about six inches up top and below, some breath mints and some manners."


  1. 1. Rupert Murdoch, CEO of FOX his wife is the Asian chick who attacked the guy during his trail

  2. 1 - Rupert Murdoch.

    Gotta think on the others

  3. 1. Yeah. Smells like Murdoch. Wow. WHAT A STELLAR MAN.

    2. Conchita Whatsherface?

    3. Oprah?

    4. I don't know, but OH, SNAP! I'll be using that line one day. Emasculating stupid men is fun.

  4. 3. Tyra maybe but I am sure Enty would have also said MODEL, no? Or would that have given it away?

  5. I like ida's guess for 3. How about we send 2 over to 4 to kill two birds withone stone?

  6. hmm. #2 could be judy greer

  7. 4. Eddie Furlong the kid from the Terminator movie who has been in this space before.

  8. 4. what does that insult mean? "six inches up top and below, some breath mints and some manners."

    six inches up top and below? what?

  9. I like the Oprah guess but I cannot recall her being an author or having a reality tv show, so I am not sure.

  10. @ms snarky -- I think she implied taller height *and* more girth below the belt, if ya know what I mean...

  11. I took it to mean, he needs to be taller and get 6 more inches of dick (below, insulting his manhood or lack thereof) @ms. snarky

  12. @Ms Snarky, I think she's suggesting that he could be taller and have a larger penis.

  13. Oprah *hasn't* written a book? It seems as if she's done EVERYthing. Shit, you could tell me she recorded an album of jazz standards a decade ago and I'd just nod my head.

    Does publishing her magazine count? Probably not. I dunno.

  14. Anonymous10:30 AM

    1. Rupert Murdoch for sure.

    3. Ricki Lake?

  15. Sienna Miller for #4, but not sure who she said it to

  16. #2 totally sounds like Judy Greer, sad to say.

  17. Thanks for the clarification, as I read the insult as that he was balding and needed more hair! Now I get it. He's short and has jongosselinitis.

  18. #4 Elisabetta Canalis? To...

  19. 1 is Rupert.

    I like the Sienna Miller guess for 4, but she doesn't strike me as clever enough to come up with that insult.

  20. LOLOL @ jongosselinitis

  21. #3 Sounds like Tyra Banks...

  22. #4 Wilmer? I think he's a one-hit wonder & is known for being a huge douche.

  23. Sorry, I guess it would say TV if it was Wilmer. Back to brainstorming.

  24. Totally on board the Rupert Murdoch/Wendi Deng train for #1. And for me, the only scandalous part was that she got rough with her female paramour. Maybe the anti-Rupert backlash has gotten to her?

    No idea on #2 or #3, though I know none of the females on "Modern Family" (the only "huge network comedy hit" I can think of with regular female characters) could fit for #2 and #3 throws me for a loop with the whole "producer/author" thing.

    #4's description sounds so much like Sienna Miller (for the "movie actress"). But maybe it could also fit Penelope Cruz? I know she's appeared in a bunch of movies and a lot of people would say she's actually better known for being Pedro Almodovar's muse in the '90s, but right now she's more known for her relationships past and present, and I can see her having a quick enough wit to take down a sleazebag. It's not Elisabetta Canalis, though, because she's a reporter/TV show host type (in her native Italy), not an actress.

    As for the a-hole? I would have LOVED for it to be the Piven, but I think he's much better known for being a TV actor than anything else and is probably a B-lister, as much as I can't stand the guy. If it is the Piv, then I will have so much more respect for the mystery movie actress.

  25. #3 sounds like Star Jones to me

  26. I hope #2 isn't Judy Greer because I like her performances. Furthermore I think she's a little too old (46) to be pursuing the Vegas party road. I think its someone younger.

  27. 1. I thought Donald Trump
    2. Berta from Two and a Half Men came to mind first, but Greer prolly makes more sense ;) Also, is Greer really 46?? I would have said closer to 36.
    3. Um...Tyra?
    3.No idea...D list is tough but I like Sienna for the actress.

  28. no judy greer is not 46. she is mid-thirties.

  29. actually, Rocket Queen, you nailed it. she's 36.

  30. 2) How about the girl from Blossom that's now on Big Bang Theory? She's on almost every week..
    3) Tyra was my first thought
    4) Unfortunately can't be Wilmer, the one-hit is written like a film, not TV - other than that, Furlong sounds like a good choice, but has he been in the Blinds before?

  31. #1 could be Rush Limbaugh.

    Love the Conchata Ferrell guess, but I can't imagine her being a draw to a party.

    #3 is Ricki Lake

    Don't know #4

  32. Guy for about that guy from "I Am Number4"? Cannot think of his name but remember him being a douche in the blinds before. Alex something?

  33. I am with Mark. Efren Ramirez and he's totally short too...but who could he possibly think he could by?? That 'sometime' movie actress is confusing me.

  34. #4 Vern Shroyer (sp?)

  35. #2 reminds me of a comment Lauren Hutton made back in the '70's when some TV interviewer was hassling her. He asked how she got to be so famous, or something like that, and she answered, "I fucked the right people." Or something like that.

  36. 1. Rupert Murdoch
    2. Katrina Bowden?
    3. Ricki Lake
    4. Edward Furlong and Sienna Miller

  37. Dex - good guess on Katrina Bowden!

    Is Sienna Miller really that witty? I love it.

  38. I don't normally worry about your grammar, Enty, but boy, does that first sentence need a comma! I had to read it 5 or 6 times to figure out what you were saying. :)

    Tyra has a newish boyfriend, right? So Ricki Lake makes more sense.

  39. Ricky Lake is engaged! I don't think she's written a book either. Tyra has written a book and has that model reality show, so she fits the best.

  40. 1] Rupert Murdoch and Wendi "Spiker" Deng;

    3] Kathy Griffin?

  41. 1 - Murdoch
    2- Don't know
    3 - Rikki Lake, she wrote a book on natural childbirth so the author part fits.
    4 - Furlong seems a good guess, I don't think the actress is Miller though, she was born in the US. Maybe Liz Hurley for the woman.

  42. Furlong still has money? Enough to buy people? Interesting.

    I think #3 is Tyra, what is Ricki Lake producing these days? Does she have a show somewhere?

  43. 1 I want it to be Rush, but is probably Rupert

    3 is Ricki, I think she has both written and produce The Business of Being Born.

  44. #2 - What about Olivia Munn? I can TOTALLY see her saying that.
