Friday, October 21, 2011

Harold Camping Disappears As Doomsday Arrives

I feel like this doomsday is just not as good as the one Harold Camping had back in May. It is kind of like in Big Daddy when Adam Sandler ruined the good surprise. When May 21 came and went without everyone dying, the man who made the prediction, Harold Camping, said he had miscalculated and the date was actually May 21. The problem with Harold and all his calculations is that he beat the odds on his life. He made the first prediction when he was younger and probably thought he would be long dead before May 21, 2011, came around. He probably figured he would not make it to 90 so it was a safe bet with no repercussions. Note to future evangelists, make sure the end of the world is going to happen after you would be 110. Just to be safe.

Ever since his prediction turned out to be wrong, his radio network of 60 stations has crumbled and he is down to just 25 people a week at his church services. Apparently people want their doomsday predictions to be accurate.

This time around Harold has dropped out of sight, but his church has already reserved space this Sunday in the place they worship. Guess that means we are safe.


  1. "...said he had miscalculated and the date was actually May 21..."
    That's supposed to be today, October 21

  2. I have to wonder how much money he made off the prediction. Between donations, publicity, etc. - it had to be a nice chunk of change.

    I don't even know why any Christian would believe it. The Bible is CLEAR: no one knows the date, not even Jesus.

    Disclaimer: Just posting my thoughts about his 'prediction' - not suggesting anyone needs to follow the Bible, Jesus, or any other spiritual path but what they choose.

  3. So... If Doomsday is October 21st...and I live in NYC, and it's 15hours ahead in Syndey Australia, its already be October 22, 2011 there. I didn't hear anything about Austrailia imploding or anything, so I'm pretty sure they're still there. How does doomsday work?

  4. The last doomsday prediction I spent at a casino and really raked in some $$$. Maybe I should do that again?

  5. I don't believe he has a clue as to when the end is. No one does, as Cecilia00 said.

  6. Still don't understand this obsession with the end. It's like believing what a Taro reader will predict for you.

    When the time comes, if the earth is to implode, rest assured people, NO ONE will realize what is happening, we will just fade away. Why people need to live with deadlines is beyond me.

    With that happy thought, I think Carrie should go to the casino again, and we all should buy lottery tickets!

  7. Yes Carrie, GO to the casino!! I think animals will know. Just like they know when there is an earthquake or a tsunami. They will know!

  8. I live in the same town as Harold Camping and we did have two earthquakes yesterday which made a few people nervous. I can say with confidence he didn't spend millions on a luxurious home - he lives in a very normal two bedroom bungalow built in the 40s. However what is odd is that he isn't considered that strange around here. He has to try harder to be considered eccentric in this town. =D

  9. LOL! Earthquakes! That might would have given me pause for thought.....

  10. Anonymous10:01 AM

    As long as the dolphins haven't departed earth, we should be safe. I'll carry a towel, just to be on the safe side.
    Everytime I hear about these end of the world predictions I can't help myself but make Hitchhikers'Guide jokes.

  11. I honestly think people like this, who have so much sway over their "flock", need to be jailed or something. How many people lost their life savings before his last prediction?? These people are cult leaders - nothing more, nothing less.

  12. These people are psychopaths!

  13. I don't mind giving someone the benefit of the doubt but when the messed up the last time he has no business saying 2 peeps now, he'd be nothing more than a terrorist.

  14. I don't want to know when the end of the world is coming. Just like I don't want to know the date of my own death. I saw a site on line once, you answer some questions and it'll tell you the date of your death. Couldn't get away from that site fast enough. Don't want that in my subconscious.

  15. Hi Crila16, Australia here, beautiful day, 22nd October. My hubby and I went out to dinner last night. Just happened to walk into a degustation dinner, which we love. Maybe we should go out for dinner on every doomsday date.

  16. You know when I first saw the May 21 billboard, I thought it was a rap album release! I live in Oakland and rap albums have marketing like that. I was wondering what new rapper it was. HaHa. Everyone knows the world is going to end December 21, 2012! Geez!
