Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Heather Mills Got $5000 Haircuts But Never Paid

So, first of all lets us ask ourselves if a $5000 haircut is that much better than say a $250 haircut? Fortunately I don't have to worry about haircuts, because when you only have a few wisps of hair then it is pretty easy to shave them off. I mean I have more ear hair than hair on my head. Anyway, Heather Mills racked up $80,000 in haircuts and never paid. She is being sued by a guy who charged $2500 when Heather would come to his shop and $5000 when he went to her. That is one expensive house call. I don't think Sean Penn spends that much when he has hookers come to his place. Charlie Sheen does but that is because of the drugs and booze. Apparently Heather always told the guy she did not have the money right then and would pay him later. She later promised to pay him when she got her divorce settlement. Well, it has been three years since she got that and still has not paid.

Oh, one of the interesting things he said in his suit was that Heather told him that Paul McCartney was abusive and a drunk and would make her get in a wheelchair and push her at excessively high speeds.


  1. rich people never pay their bills nothing new here.

  2. ain't that the truth timebob!

    Heather Mills spends more on one haircut then what I spend in an entire year on my hair, and I thought I was out of control at about $1500/year!

  3. Ok, I'm probably going to hell for this but I just about spit out my tea reading that last paragraph. LMAO.

    I cannot fathom any haircut costing more than $100, so I feel like a $5k haircut makes you a big ole a-hole.

  4. I think Kate Gosselin was spending more than $5,000 per haircut, or am I imagining that? I wonder if she regrets it, now she's reluctantly going back to being "only" a nurse to support her 8 kids.

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Y'all are too rich for me. I go to Great Clips where I get a senior discount and only pay $14. :) I've tried the $50 and $75 haircuts and they didn't make me any more beautiful than the $14 ones, and I save enough to get a mani with my pedi. Priorities, that's all.

  6. I'm picturing when Laura Ingalls pushed Nellie Olson down a hill in her wheelchair.

  7. Those haircuts come with a happy ending, no?

  8. @Syko - I don't spend THAT much on mine. :) I had some really bad experiences at the Great Clips and mall salons of the world, so I agree that you don't have to spend that much to have a nice cut (I just haven't found a super cheap place that didn't make me look like sh**). ;)

  9. Y'all are killin' me today! LMAO

  10. Also, I don't want y'all to think I'm laughing about her leg/condition. I am laughing at the idea that Sir Paul would do something like that in the first place. I think HM is a lunatic.

  11. I try not to pay more than $50 and in NYC that's a tough one.

    Linda had told a friend that Paul wasn't the best of husbands....there were supposed to be tapes...

  12. I remember reading something about Paul being abusive to Linda.

  13. Evidently a $5000 haircut doesn't look any better than my $11.00 haircut.

    BTW - when I worked 3rd shift in the hospital, we had one or two wheelchair races - they're kind of fun. And pediatric patients were always begging us to push them faster (we never did, of course).

  14. Glad I'm not the only one, Lelaina...I chuckled at that last it too.

  15. I don't really get my hair cut, per se, I get my split ends clipped every other month. It costs $5 extra. I spend a whopping $35 on my hair. And I end up looking prettier than Heather Mills. :-)

  16. ChopChop- You win! Best comment EVER

  17. Not really buying the Paul abusive stuff. I've read a zillion Beatles books and never heard about any woman-beating from Paul, George or Ringo. That was Lennon territory.

    Paul is also supposedly a huge pothead, which is not normally a violence-provoking drug.

  18. I pay 25.00 for my hair cut and I think that's a lot. Sometimes I treat myself for a 50.00 hair cut but I do that once in a while. Both my stylist have different techniques how they cut hair.

  19. I have found a wonderful place called the Beauty Bar in my local mall, and their prices range from 25 to 35 dollars. They do a great job. Except for a strange older woman named Carol. She cuts your hair well, but she'll lecture you and take 40 minutes to blow dry your hair while burning your scalp. Don't go to her.

    If the idiot hairdresser wanted to get paid he should have asked for money up front or ask for payment after the first cut.

    Poor Heather. Who's going to cut her hair now?

  20. chopchop-lololol.

    Ya'll crack me up. I've had a terrible, rotten month--thanks all for the laughs.

  21. I don't believe for a second what she said about Paul. I know plenty of people who have met him and know him and he is not like that at all. Unless he was trying to push her away cos she was such a colossal b*tch!

  22. Oooh, love that the hairdresser is spilling secrets. They always know the best stuff about people - doesn't everyone use them as their therapist?! For $2500 you'd better be buying confidentiality! If you don't pay out world.

  23. ...what Nutty Flavor said.

  24. I haven't spent money on a haircut in...god, it's gotta be over 15 years. I couldn't ever find anyone who could cut it the way I wanted it, so I learned how to do it myself. It takes a long time because I can't see all around my head hehe but it's worth it. AND it's how I want it ;)

    BTW WHAT. THE. F*CK. IS SHE WEARING IN THIS PHOTO. That HAS to be in the top 10 worst celebrity outfits EVER.

  25. I wonder if she pays for her pedicures. They must only be half price, right?
    (Yeah, yeah, I'm going to hell, but this is Heather Mills we're taking about.)

  26. All of you are killing it today! ; ) I am just about choking on my Diet DP I am laughing so hard. I cannot believe my favorite Beatle is abusive. Keep up the Heather bashing, that gold digging Bitch deserves it all.

  27. She should have saved that money to get some work done on her bitch face.

  28. I love you CanCan! I'll meet you in hell. = )

  29. The last paragraph is even funnier when you imagine it being said in a whiny British accent.

  30. Maybe she had extensions? Those cost a pretty penny when using real hair. And there is major upkeep. You can tell when extension addicts are broke -- ratty hair or they go short for a few weeks.

  31. Yes, there were tapes that Paul's lawyer had suppressed at their divorce hearing. I think Paul was an alcoholic. There are other types of abuse besides physical abuse. I don't think Linda had as easy a life with him as we think, but she brought out the best in him. Heather Mills seemed to bring out the worst in him. I think Nancy Shevell will be good for him.
