Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jessica Simpson Is Short - Wears No Shoes To Public Bathrooms

Someone took this photo of Jessica Simpson yesterday. We know it is Jessica Simpson because she posted it to her Twitter with the caption, "short girl problems." In the photo she is sitting on a toilet in Bergdorf Goodman. When I look at this photo, two things immediately come to mind. The first is who took the photo? Unless there is a mirror right there which you can stare at the entire time you are sitting, then she would have had to call someone in to take the photo or maybe she always has someone with her in case she needs help with something? The other thing that comes to mind is why would you take your shoes off there? Yes, I know it is a fine store and this might even be a semi-private bathroom, but it is still a public bathroom and you are barefoot in it. Is that bidet next to it? Have you ever seen one in a department store?


  1. She's probably at the spa ...

  2. actually, the b/r at bg's on 5th is like that fo' reals (the one by cosmetics)...but what's worse than being barefoot, imho, is that she is actually sitting down on the toilet...didn't mama ever teach her you NEVER sit on public toilets?! idc if it's a high end dpt. store--a zillion people still go thru there.

    besides, there's added value in squatting...ahem, those muscles you firm up come in handy. ;)

  3. ick. I don't even go barefoot outside of my home. And don't get me started on hotel rooms.

  4. That looks like a hotel room to me.

  5. Never sit, flush with my shoes...

  6. Ugh. My first problem is what others said - squat, honey!

  7. She's in the Bergdorf Goodman spa. You can see the white towel hanging off the rack in the back. They don't have towels like that in the public restroom...the have the hand dryers. Some stories just get completely blown out of context. The only gross thing about this, is the fact that she posted a pic of herself on the toilet. Fame does not bring class.

  8. How short is she? I am 5'3", and still reach the ground

    Enty, this would be a great your turn: sit or squat? I sit -- germs are all around us, and I haven't caught anything yet from sitting on a toilet seat. That is also why they have those paper things every time I squat, I end up making a mess, which to me is ickier than just sitting down.

    I don't get why her shoes were off - maybe something about high heels being uncomfortable when you're preggers? I wouldn't walk around barefoot there, but will in a dressing room, hotel room, most anywhere not public.

  9. Shoes?? Where are her pants??!! Nothing around the ankles or knees. That shot goes about halfway up her thigh. Did she go to the toilet naked?

    And ditto Crila...fame and/or money does not buy class.

  10. I use the paper protectors too. Squatting is just messy, where am I? Camping?

  11. Given what we know about most of the hollywood stars and their venereal diseases - I would be less likely to sit on a toilet used by them. Just sayin'!

  12. Um...three JS posts in one day? Really?

  13. crila, the spa b/rs are different, down to the woodwork and the color of the marble...and yes, the public ones (lower level by cosmetics) have the hand a ton of high end goodies (lotions, etc). in fact, it's won public restroom 'recognitions' from several publications b/c it's so fabulous (at least as far as public b/rs in nyc go).

  14. @Seachica..I'm with you. If women want to squat and arial(sp?) pee then they need to put the seat up like a man. The only reason why the places ARE nasty is because "ladies" pee on the seat and leave it behind for others to deal with. My plea: If you squat to pee please wipe up your mess. Thank you.

  15. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Anyone who has taken a Micro class (which I'm sure Jessica has not), should know that walking barefoot in a public restroom and sitting with your bare bottom on the toilet seat is a big no no. Bacteria galore. I don't care if it is a nice place.

  16. Her caption would be more aptly titled "dumb girl problems"

  17. I'm 4'11" and yes, sometimes my feet don't touch the floor, but if it's a spa don't they have slippers or booties? I might sit on a fancy private toilet but I would NEVER flush with my hand. When it's one of those high flushers I just kick like a Rockette.

  18. It was probably her sister that took the pic, there's pix of them together all around NY.
    It makes more sense if she's in the spa, but still.......
    I'm with Seachica, haven't caught anything yet! I'll only squat if the seat is dirty or it's a really shady place. I'll put down TP on the seat too if I have to.

  19. What's the big deal about flushing with your hand? (though now after reading about those that use their shoes(?) I might use a wad of toilet paper) I mean, you're going to wash them when you're done, right?

  20. I'm with Sherry - I sit, but do what you want but if you squat, CLEAN OFF THE SEAT!!!! You think because you don't sit you don't have germs? A woman who leaves pee on the seat is a pig!!!

    (Sorry, my biggest pet peeve)

  21. ^ Exactly Sue Ellen! For all those who flush with their feet--how do you get the the stall door open without using your hands?

    Oh, and I'm glad I'm 5'9 and not 5'3.

  22. I sit on the PAPER provided, and have never had a genital issue in my life.

    barefoot? hey, at least she did it at Bergdorf's and not Chevron, so she still has more class than Britney. But then again, who doesn't?

  23. Really Pookie...didn't realize that the public restrooms were like a spa here in NYC. I'll have to take a trip there one day.

    She maybe kicked off her shoes to show how short she was. If you think about it, she's always wearing platform shoes. My only other question is...where are her clothes?

  24. Lol these comments are hilarious.

    For what it's worth, I'm 5'1" and my feet dangle from some fancy toilet seats, too. I sit down if I feel it's a nice place, otherwise I adhere to the little rhyme my mother told me when I was a child, and I never forgot: "No use crouching above the seat, these crabs can jump 40 feet"....and I crouch.

  25. Oh, I also ALWAYS use my foot/shoe to flush, because I know everyone else does the same.

  26. they've done studies that show that public restrooms are often much more sanitary than the ones in our homes, regardless of how clean they look. I'm sure this doesnt work for a gas station toilet, but most public restrooms are cleaned more often and with stronger disinfectants than home restrooms.

  27. With regard to sit or squat - I sit unless it's really icky (i.e., port-a-potty). Then I use wetnaps (that I carry with me) and TP on the seat. And I haven't picked up any sort of infection or disease or anything from doing so. Just not a germaphobe I guess.

    But I do flush with my shoe - although good point about opening the door with my hands and washing afterwards. All in the mind of the beholder, I guess.

    With regard to Jessica, maybe she was in the middle of changing clothes and just HAD to go. I've never been pregnant, so can't say for sure - but doesn't your bladder seem teeny-tiny when that happens and you have to go ALL the time??? I'm thinking she had to go - and she had to go now!

  28. Lori - I've heard that too. And I've heard that based on such studies, your toilet seat is actually less germy than most kitchen sponges.

    Texas just ended our state fair for the year and, I must say, I was very impressed with the sanitary conditions. They had women in and out of those restrooms constantly cleaning. If you were one of those folks who had that thankless job - thank you! Your efforts were very much appreciated!!!

  29. I'm short so hovering just isn't possible and, like the others said, I've never caught anything. The barefoot thing does ick me out though.

  30. I've never flushed a toilet with my shoe, I didn't realize that was a thing. Obviously I wash my hands every time, but I've learned to keep the paper towel because the door handle on the way out is the ickiest place because of all the other people who don't wash their hands.

    Something tells me this photo is a complete set up and a joke that Jessica posted for fun. Good for her for the sense of humor.

  31. I'm sure a friend took the photo. Jessica is a ditz but I can't see her asking a fellow stall mate to take her picture.

    I'm feeling very dirty from these comments. If there is a paper protector, I use it. Otherwise, I will squat but I have not perfected this technique.

  32. I've gone to the bathroom with a girlfriend before. Nothing weird about that.

    And since we are discussing our toilet habits, I use the paper protectors if available and the bathroom is nasty. If it's fairly clean looking, I don't, because I don't want to waste paper. I flush and open the door with my hands, which I then wash carefully.

    I also have never had a flu shot. In fact, I've never had the flu.

  33. Personally I wouldn't walk barefoot into a public restroom, but the great thing about the human body is that it IS washable.

  34. I guess lots of you haven't seen the episode of BS with Penn & Teller regarding toilet seats and bum cleanliness. And I guess all you squatters are the folks that are peeing on the seats. Gross!

  35. She might be wearing a robe, if she's in SPA, I actually checked picture again and saw no sight of robe, but if she lifted it really high then there is theoretical possibility. lol. I have also reaf somewhere, that there are more gems at most home compiuter keyboards than at average public toilet.

  36. @FS

    I always end up putting my hand in my sleeve to open the door because lots of places don't have paper, just (amazingly neat) dyson hand dryers.

    But yeah. The door handle after you've done your business is the nastiest part of public bathrooms.

  37. I remember reading the same studies that public toilet seats are not as unclean as people purport them to be. What stuck with me was that the issue of "catching" germs really only comes into play if you have sores or wounds on your bottom. Then yeah, you're probably going to probably catch something.

    I would think that everyone who is so grossed out about toilet seats, especially in places like this where they are cleaned regularly and frequently with strong chemicals, have their panties in a bunch. Maybe instead, they should think about everytime they handle money (or touch ATM keypads or the keypads at the grocery store check out or anything else in public that a bazillion people with colds and touching places on their bodies without washing their hands afterwards) what they are exposed to and come in contact with.

    And for all you know, Jessica may have had a dress on that she's pulled up to her hips/waist so she can go to the bathroom. Big deal!

  38. I use my foot to flush, but begrudgingly because I know everyone else is using their foot so I don't really have a choice.

  39. I sit because if you are going to get something, as a previous poster stated, you would either need to have open sores on your behind or rub your vagina all over the seat, ewwww. Now that i have that visual i am going to have to use sanitary wipes on public toilets. I have grossed myself out.

    I agree that the nastiest place in a public toilet is the door handle on the way out. Grabbing that is probably why our cell phones, computers and money have feces on them.
    Depending on the handle style i try to use my elbows or
    my shirt if there is no paper towel available, or baby wipes. I love baby wipes!

  40. M,
    Excellent point. ABC7 news here in LA did a report on that yesterday, that I only half listened to, about all the germs you encounter between your house and your place of employment. They mentioned the ATM keypad and gas pumps as two biggies. I know I've read before that airborne illnesses are mostly transmitted by our own fingers. Seems reasonable to me.

  41. Good grief, people! Did NO ONE pay any attention in school? Most germs require warmth, dark, and moisture to survive and multiply. A hard, cold, smooth plastic surface in bright light isn't conducive to ANYTHING, least of all LICE!

    If you don't believe me, check out the Mythbusters episode "Hidden Nasties." In it, they test the tes surfaces in the home that people believe to be the "germiest." These include light switches, money, keyboards, cellphones, and -- TA DA! -- toilet seats. Care to guess which of the ten is the LEAST germy? Don't believe me? Go watch the episode for yourself!

    (If memory serves, the toilet seat had a grand total of TWO germs after sitting for 24 hours. Also if memory serves, it was the money that was festering with all manner of diseases after twenty four hours. And you people are SQUATTING over toilets, yet giving toddlers dollar bills for lost teeth! Har!)

  42. * they test the ten surfaces

  43. I worked as a flight attendant and it would just be horrible when people would let their kids run around barefoot by the lavs. Let me tell you, that place is THE FILTHEST! I worked with a girl studying medicine and she took a sample of crud off the floor there for lab testing. The professor wanted to know where the hell she got it. There was eColi and all manner of very bad stuff there. Ewwwww!

  44. I always wondered why there was pee all over the seats, and now I know. If you're that worried, put down some toilet paper. But, like so many people said, the odds of your catching something from a toilet seat are pretty slim. Our society is so germophobic.

  45. I use tissue/paper towels to open the stall door and bathroom door. I flush with my foot.

    I also keep a utility glove in my car to use at the gas pump.

  46. Good Lord people! First I actually HAVE taken a micro class and one thing we learned was that the toilet seat was 1000x cleaner than the door handle AND the bottom of your purse.

    Also since she is only about 5'0-5'2", how could she squat over a high toilet. Oh and don't forget that mysterious 6 month bun in the oven probably making it even harder to squat!!!

  47. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I think she took the shot in a mirror. She took off her shoes because she was wearing super high platform type shoes that reached the ground so she took them off for the picture. Solved!

  48. I am always horrified at how disgusting some women leave a bathroom. Pee on the seat, tampons that didn't quite make it in, "stuff" left unflushed, LITERALLY b/c the person was too lazy to hold down the handle for more than a second (maybe it's all of you foot flushing bastards! ;))

    You also don't want to walk around barefoot in a hotel either. Even the nice ones. Blech.

  49. We just got back from Vegas where we saw a baby crawling on the casino carpet. Talk about germs, blech!
