Saturday, October 29, 2011

Jon & Kate Plus 8 Editor Charged With Child Porn

Bill Blankinship was arrested last week and charged with sex exploitation of a minor. Blankinship spent the past several years working for the production company which produced Jon & Kate Plus 8 and 17 & Counting or 31 & Counting whatever it is called at this point and it makes you wonder what kind of child porn he possessed when he was arrested. Think about the all the unused footage of these two shows and all the shots of the children which do not make it on the air but might have made it home to this guy's laptop. Even though the guy never actually came in contact with any of the children, it seems like someone would have maybe noticed his fascination with children and would wonder why he always wanted to work late at night and be the first one to come to work. He even looks creepy doesn't he?


  1. If he's guilty, throw him away.

  2. Is he related to Ida?

  3. Gee, Angela, I was wondering if some clever reader would posit that question.

    Notice how the surnames are spelled differently? Also, my handle refers to a FICTIONAL character. It is not my REAL name.

    But jokes about wannabe child molesters -- particularly ones who've worked with and around children -- are HILARIOUS. Keep 'em coming.

  4. OMG. what a world we live in. well, kate will get some more press out of this.

  5. Ha-Ha. He looks just like that smoking guy in Herman Cain's presidential ad.

  6. Ida is a wonderful secretary to Mr. Draper. She would never be related to anyone in child porn.

    this story gave me the douche chills. As much as I hate Kate, I hope none of her children have been mistreated by crew members. It's not like Kate would notice anyway.

  7. His face says "it puts the lotion in the basket" in a low demonic undertone.

  8. I only watched one episode of that show when the couple was getting divorced, and it gave me mega pedo-vibes. I remember my boyfriend and I discussing at the time who would want to film and edit these things - they'd be watching children running around 24/7 and picking the shots and looking at all the footage - it's sickening.

    I just don't understand who would put their kids on TV for millions to see, but then again, they probably don't realize how many sickos there are in this world. As someone who was molested as a child, I would never, ever let my child be on television or be in a pageant.

  9. He looks like Phil Jackson

  10. Wow, I wonder what the Duggars are thinking about this? I can't say I agree with the Duggars' life philosophy, but yet I like them and feel bad for them...they must be so horrified right now.

  11. The Gosselins let the crew film their children potty training AND when they were in the bathtub.

    I hope Kate feels sick right now. I know I do.

  12. I love you, Barton Fink.

    Lock this dude up and throw away the key, please!

  13. I also love you, Barton Fink! Well said!
