Friday, October 28, 2011

Kelly Clarkson Wants You To Know She Is Not Gay

I know there are people out there who are probably convinced that Kelly Clarkson is gay. I am not one of those people. Yesterday she went on The View and told the world she is not gay. Of course that does not really mean anything because Ricky Martin said he was not gay forever. To me Kelly is one of those people who guys think of as a great friend and someone to hang out with but that you never see yourself going out with. She even said on the program yesterday that her last date was awful. I bet it was a blind date. I bet her friends are constantly trying to set her up and she is probably a serial one dater. A lot of that is not her fault. She is a very busy person so trying to find the time to start a relationship is tough if you are on the road all the time. I think she will eventually find someone but it will be someone she works with like a band member or some guy on the crew. With people like Kelly, what happens is you find that perfect person much later in life but it is generally way better and stronger and lasts longer.


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  3. I hope she meets someone she loves.

  4. Yeah, she's still a kid. In my experience, best to settle down and not marry until after 35...much better chance of it lasting for the duration.

    She's so cute, and just seems very likeable.

  5. I think that Enty is a fan! Good, I am too. I hope that she does find the love of her life and is happy. Seems to be a good person.

  6. Thanks, Enty. That made me feel better as a serial one-dater. Also not completely my fault; they just never call back.

  7. I love her. She has such talent, and seems grateful for what she has.

  8. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I am probably the only American Idol fan that hasn't completely warmed up to her. Good voice and probably a good person. But something about her doesn't gel for me.

  9. I've never gotten the gayelle vibe from her. Even if she is, so what? She makes great music and seems like a genuinely nice person.

  10. At least you don't see her photographed with every tom, dick and harry like Jennifer Aniston. I respect her for that.

  11. She's got a voice that can compete with the best belters out there, and she seems like a sweetheart -- tougher than a woodpecker's lips, but good for her. I've always adored Kelly -- hell, I remember voting for her almost TEN YEARS AGO. Oh my God.

    She shouldn't even HAVE to discuss her sexuality. I love how straight people aren't asked about their boning habits, but if someone suspects a person of homosexuality, they're somehow expected to answer in the affirmative or negative. Fuck that.

  12. I really like her. I remember reading some interview she did where she said that when she first hit big, she told her management that she wanted her money all saved and set aside. She didn't want to ever have to make a decision because she needed the money. I really respect that.

  13. i just hate how 80% of hollywood is assumed to be undercover gay. yes there are closeted gays in hollywood, just as there are everywhere, but just because someone has an unusual relationship or no relationship does NAWT mean they are automatically gay. i can name more supposedly gay people than straight people in L.A. not everyone is a beard. that's what makes me the most mad about ted casablanca. according to him everyone's gay.

    for example zac efron, taylor lautner, robert pattinson. the top 3 tween idols in the past few years, yet they are ALL supposedly gay? nope sorry. i just don't buy that EVERYONE is gay just becuase they are pretty boys all metro-sexualed up for hollywood.

    my point is she was one of the people that fell into that category for me. so she's been single for a longtime. so what? so have some of my girlfriends and they are most def not gay.

  14. I'm with you, Kelly. Exact same situation (minus the money and fame...and maybe the looks), and the fact that I'm still single makes people ask me if I'm gay. Um, no, I just don't date a lot. I'm busy and guys think I'm a great friend, and sadly, with those who fall for me, I don't fall for them. (and vice versa, I assure you.) Sigh.

  15. @ Ida -

    You. Said. It.

  16. I love her. She seems like such a sweet person. And her voice rocks.

  17. I agree with Bnl. People think she's gay because she doesn't parade around with boys, call the paps to shoot her going to dinner with someone blah blah blah. Just because the public doesn't see photos of her with guys, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I find it funny when people say BUT THERE ARE NO PICTURES! There is a lot of stuff that famous people do that does not get documented. Doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  18. I also don't think she is gay. Enty nailed this one - she is the type of girl who guys see as friends material. She doesn't have the cute Hollywood look, and I bet slot of the people she meets are industry folks who want that look. Eventually she will meet someone who appreciates her for who she is, or maybe she won't but she will still be happy and fulfilled. I think it just takes guys longer to reuse that chasing "cute" is not as fulfilling as chasing the ones who are smart, capable, and great friends

  19. Who cares if Kelly was gay? Shes a talented girl but i am getting the perpetual "friend zoned by guys" vibe from her.

  20. I absolutley adore Kelly Clarkson. I don't like American Idol, but I am glad she got her chance and her dreams came true. She is amazing. And it is ok to be picky and wait. Nothing worng with that at all.

  21. Who wrote this post? Sure doesn't sound like a man. I do agree with it though. I don't think Kelly is gay. She always struck me as very genuine, and relationships do last when they happen later.

  22. I think I am that girl...don't date a lot, guys seem to only see me as "friend" I can definitely relate to Kelly. I hope she finds a great guy soon!

  23. Oooh, I completely agree with Ida.

    I love Kelly Clarkson! It has to be annoying to keep answering this question. So ridiculous.
