Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kim Zolciak Thinks She Is Way More Important Than She Is

Instead of just inviting people to her wedding with a simple invitation, Kim Zolciak, who is marrying a backup defensive end, has a list of demands that she enclosed with each invitation. Apparently she thinks someone is going to want to film her wedding for a television special. Uh huh. So, there will be no cell phones or cameras allowed. Oh, and bring your photo i.d. because someone is going to make sure you really were invited. Do you think anyone would really want to crash this party? Seriously? Like I want to spend my day watching Kim Zolciak getting married to a no name football player and then watch Kim play Tardy To The Party live followed by two hours of the various remixes she did of the song all while watching her go through seven outfit changes and bankrupting herself and her boyfriend because "we will make it all back when we sell the video." This was the same philosophy Speidi had while recording her CD. "We will make it all back when people buy this CD."


  1. What if I bring a courtroom sketch artist? :-D

  2. That picture of her big ole fake side boob is more of her than I ever want to see. You couldn't pay me to go to anything any of those reality people do.

  3. Wasn't she a lesbian a few months ago?

  4. umm i think i would give a shit if i knew who she was......

  5. Wasn't she pregnant? I don't watch those shows but the decals in here are funny.

  6. Enty...I loathe this woman so I can't believe I'm going to semi defend her, but I get why she's doing this. Why should someone else make money off her wedding, but her? You KNOW there is someone out there that's invited and going & would sell their story/pictures/video to a tabloid.

    I got obsessed reading a Real Housewife blog last night & read that they are giving tickets away for FREE to the Real Housewives on Tour: Atlanta edition. Enty blogged about it awhile back. I just found it hilarious they were selling for $50 and since NO ONE is buying them, they are now giving them away.

  7. @Basil - Briefly... :)

    @lunabelle - She already had her baby.

  8. I wouldn't attend her wedding if she invited me, not that she would.

    She's a truly dreadful person.

  9. I think her dude and Kim K's dude need to have a talk before he leaps into this. The clip I saw of soon-to-be Mr. KK being stunned to learn that she'd been married before and he wondered what else he didn't know about her just makes me laugh thinking about it. These guys ain't too bright! LOL

  10. @nunaurbiz - Exactly. I love that her previous marriage was the main drama of that episode with ZERO mention of her WIDELY PUBLICIZED sex tape. But being previously married??? THE HORROR!

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I have no clue who this is, and wouldn't go to her tacky wedding even if she invited me. So there.

  12. @nunaurbiz, that's hilarious...even I knew she'd been married before, and while I admit that that's because I'm a celebutrivia slut, I've never even watched any of the Kardashian shows, ever.

  13. Um, I'm confused--which of these two is the backup defensive end?

  14. I wasn't even interested until I read Enty's description of the wedding. And now I do WANT to go!! I think it would be a laugh riot! I would definitely go.

  15. Who's Kim Zolciak? I've never heard of her. Anyway, she's not very attractive, whoever she is.

  16. I still love the philosophy that Heidi had that she thought every one of her Twitter followers would buy her crappy CD.

    Kim Zoliack is one of Bravo's Real Housewives.

    Plus she is just pretending to be a Kardashian.

  17. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Look at that hair. It's so nasty.

  18. It's not even her hair but at least it's better than Kat Von D's..Maybe Kim K can tell her where to get a decent wig.

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