Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kris Humphries Cheating On Kim Kardashian

So, the big cover story over at Life & Style this week is that Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are headed for divorce really soon and that he is cheating on her and that she is only married to him for the paycheck and he does not like her friends and she wants to move back to Los Angeles, and so many other reasons. What they do not include is how a divorce would make for a very special season of her show followed by being the next Bachelorette followed by getting married again on television, but this time for reals because it would be on network television and not E! so she would stay married at least six months longer.

I think the two of them decided long ago that if they spend a lot of time with each other they dislike each other because whenever you are with Kim you are with every other Kardashian and there are so many of them that unless you go to the far corners of the earth, there is the possibility of running into one. I think they will stay together until after this current season of Kim and Kourtney in New York is finished filming or make a separation the cliffhanger so they get another season.


  1. These people are a complete joke and the end of her second marriage will be the end of Kim's "career". She is not JLo, Elizabeth Taylor (RIP) or someone with some talent who will still have fans are multiple marriages and divorces.

  2. *after multiple* No caffeine yet.

  3. Are you sure it's not the other way around? Besides, wasn't there a BV yesterday about a married A list reality star and another realty person making out? I think everyone was guessing it to be Kim.

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  6. So are you saying that the Kartrashians are like a social disease we do not have antibiotics for?

  7. don't care about them....ardleigh, you are right on target.

  8. @crila16 what was the blind item?

  9. I don't know what to think. As a romantic who wants to believe in "true love", I'd hate to see this relationship moving to divorce.

    However, I also think that Kris is a super naive dumb jock who really doesn't know any better. He's very simple and just and needs someone who isn't so "complicated".

    When watching the show, I think that he genuinely made Kim laugh and he was that someone different that she needed in her life, but there's a missing edge of compatibility between them.

    Either Kim stays single for a while, or she ends up with Reggie Bush again. No more of that Shengo/sleeping with the bodyguard crap.

  10. if they are happy to be exploited by the tabloids let them. I would rather have a family that welcomes cameras and concots crazy stories to stay interesting. Then actors who want some privacy in their lives and have crazy front page stories based on lies.

  11. hey all sorry to burst your bubble but this show is SCRIPTED....the story line is based on her 1st real life marriage. I recall seeing breakdowns go down seeking someone to fill the role of her husband!

    carry on.....

  12. The Kardashians make me pray for our nation. Hate them with all of my soul.

  13. I honestly do not give a fuck about the Kardashians. They are unworthy even of gossip.

  14. @Susan: A-fucking-men!
    Apparently some of them are upset with Barack Obama disliking the fact that his daughters sometimes watch KUWTK. Maybe there's some hope.

  15. Listen, people: Kim wanted a big wedding. She said nothing about actually having to live with the guy.

  16. I knew it was true love when he said to her: "Two years ago you were a shop owner in the Valley."


  17. Can't they just have it annulled? I mean, the ink isn't even dry on their faux marriage certificate.

  18. I love Kris Humphries, and it makes me happy to think of him having sex with a woman who hasn't already served as a human toilet for some nobody brother of a fourth-rate R&B has-been. Team Humphries!

  19. She only married him for the paycheck? I thought she had more money than he did. Or are they referring to her selling her wedding/photos/etc?

  20. one of the local radio dj's here LOVES the kardashians. so much so that i usually change the station when she starts in on them. but the day after "the wedding" aired she was singing a different tune. now she hates them, lol. like a reformed smoker, she can't even stand the smell of them now.

  21. Vile as they are, I don't make a hasty attempt to change the channel when KUWTK is on! Something about rubbernecking.

  22. What was the over/under on their marriage? 3 months? 6?

  23. I think everyone gave their marriage six months tops.

  24. well Kris had to find a paycheck because of NBA lockout!! FTW!!
