Saturday, October 15, 2011

Larry Hagman Has Cancer

Larry Hagman says he has cancer. He also says that it is a highly treatable form of cancer and that nothing will keep him from reprising his role as JR Ewing when production starts this Monday. With what has happened this season to dramas, I am a little worried about the reboot of Dallas, but it does have lots of the original stars. The problem is the younger cast they cast to fill in all the holes are mostly a bunch of unknowns who would work cheap. Here is what Larry had to say to TV Guide. "As J.R. I could get away with anything — bribery, blackmail and adultery. But I got caught by cancer. I do want everyone to know that it is a very common and treatable form of cancer. I will be receiving treatment while working on the new Dallas series. I could not think of a better place to be than working on a show I love, with people I love. Besides, as we all know, you can't keep J.R. down!"

Get better soon Larry.


  1. JR is the best tv villain
    i hope the better for Larry

  2. It's amazing what Larry Hagman has been through, he must be a tough old bird! He was so hot on I Dream of Jeannie LOL

  3. The joys of anti-rejection drugs .. they can cause varying degrees of cancer. [Varying means some kill, some don't.] : / .. waiting endlessly for mine.

    Hope Larry feels better soon and sees nothing but blue sky on the health front for a long time. Love him to pieces!

  4. Yikes Wil - do you mean the anti-rejection pills from his liver transplant surgery caused the cancer? I had never read that about them...

  5. Jordana Brewster is awesome, but her presence is canceled out by nasty ol' Jesse Metcalfe. Ick, nast.

  6. ^I will always associate him with Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald. :)

    I'm glad to hear that his type of cancer is treatable.

  7. I've read and heard interviews with him, and he seems like a really good guy. For one thing, he's been married to the same woman for like 40 years, and apparently faithfully too. I think, or hope. for some reason I want to think that *some* Hollywood marriages are faithful and real.

  8. I'm guessing he has prostate or thyroid cancer. Both are highly treatable. Prostate cancer makes sense in a man his age.

    Get well, Larry!

  9. Get better soon, J.R.! I am going to watch the shit out of the new Dallas, Metcalf (ew) or not :)
