Monday, October 10, 2011

Mikey Welsh Predicted His Own Death

Over the weekend, the former bassist for Weezer, Mikey Welsh died in a Chicago hotel room. He was in town to see the guys from Weezre which he helped start before leaving the band to focus on his art. Authorities have suggested that Mikey died of an overdose. When he did not check out of his hotel, the staff went to his room and found him. He was 40.

The thing is, Mikey predicted his own death two weeks ago and did it for the whole world to see. On his Twitter, he said on September 26th, "dreamt i died in chicago next weekend (heart attack in my sleep). need to write my will today. correction – the weekend after next."

Do you think people can predict their own deaths or dream about them?


  1. I would think that points more to an intentional overdose than a moment of clairvoyance.

  2. guess it depends on if it was an overdose or a heart attack.

  3. i think intuition is a very powerful thing within us all.

    Some of us are just more intune to it then others.

    I get a feeling about things all the time and they happen in one way or another. I wouldn't say I was psychic just listen to my intuition.

  4. First, my heart goes out to Mikey's family & friends.

    I think we are very capable of inadvertently making what we dream or predict a reality by the choices we make. It's quite possible that this artistic man felt that the dream was foreshadowing his destiny, and it unfortunately sounds like he helped it become a reality.

    At the same time, I do believe that predictions, dreams and gut feels can come true. For instance, I had a step grandfather who had been chronically ill for a very long time. Nothing had changed at all in his condition, but in early January I went to NYC with my husband for a few days. As we were on the train there, I had this thought flash through my head that my step grandfather would not be alive by the time we returned home. It was like being hit in the gut with a sack of rocks. It was so odd at the time because it's not like something happened or was said to make me even think of him. But that "flash" I had was right; he died the morning we returned home, completely unexpected by my grandmother and his caretakers.

    I also had a great-aunt who had brain cancer for many years. She was Catholic and had a dream that she was to die on a particular day in March that was a day for a certain Saint. In no way did her health take a sudden decline leading up to that date, but she did die the day she said she was, in her sleep.

  5. Not hard to predict your own suicide.

  6. I agree about premonitions. My mom was in great health, one night had an urge to pull out her and dad's wills, read them, died of a sudden heart attack the next day. We found the wills on the end table next to her chair. Totally freaked my dad out (even more).

  7. When I read the correction I thought that he was planning it, not that he was predicting it. And stupidly made a correction to get it right.

  8. Yeah. Almost certainly an intentional suicide.

  9. As a teenager I dreamed for over 6 months that my father was going to die. He died suddenly of a massive Heart attack. As a child I just knew my brothers were going to be killed the night it happened I started to get in the car with them, but was struck by terrible fear so I got out of the car. When to my parents, but this was in the 60's before cell phones and they were killed. I knew when my mother was told she had cancer, that she won't live long. She had 14 months of pain. I knew a year before my husband passed that he was going. He had lived for 10 yrs. with Bone Cancer and believe me for the rest of my life I will remember him screaming in pain. Thank God for Hospice. My Grandfather saw Ghosts all the time and they would talk to him. All of us grandchildren can see things and we always know ahead of time if something is going to happen, car accidents, deaths, injuries, pregancies. People don't believe us, you know you get that strange look, they shake their head and don't want to talk to us anymore. I avoid hospitals because I can walk through and know who's not going to live. So we just talk about to each other and the few people we know who truly believe.

  10. I believe that others can predict death and what not but it's like insider trading when it's your own death by overdose. If his tox comes back loaded, I think you got his "prediction".

  11. On a Friday night, my father-in-law had a dream his best friend from High school came to get him and take him away. My father=in-law told him he could not go because on Sunday, we were coming over for Mother's Day lunch and he wanted to see his grandson. The friend told him okay, he would come back again.

    This dream bothered him, so he called his friend on Saturday. The friends wife told my father-in-law that her husband passed away that previous week.

    He told us this story on Mother's Day. He passed away in his sleep that night. None of the photos I took that day came out, and when I tried to use another camera, the battery in it died.

    So yes, I believe you can have premonitions about your death.

  12. @old ;ady, Carrie..Some people do have the "third eye". My ex-sis in law's fiance died suddenly. Donna was taking care of her mom with in house care at their house. Her (mom's) care taker told her (Donna) that Doug the fiance came to her in a dream and said he was going to take Mom after his funeral. Mom died that Sunday after the service.
    I really believe you and I make no apologies for that to anyone.

  13. Throughout history there have been stories of people who could "see" their death. Nostradamus predicted his own death. There's the famous story of the young girl who dreamed she was going to die in the Aberfan disaster. So I think it is very possible for people to dream or have visions of their impending death.

  14. I have predicted several people's deaths, had a deja vu experience or two, dreams that come true, etc. I totally believe that there are people that are sensitive for whatever reason. My daughter seems to be someone spirits like to appear to. I think we have some kind of haunting in the house we live in now. She won't sleep with her door open because "he" likes to stand in the hall way and look at her in bed. Stuff moves in the house, we have been touched and strange noises. She had a terrifying experience in our CO house, she shook in my arms for an hour afterwards. It seems to be easing up as she gets older.

  15. A beloved teacher of mine died unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago We learned at the funeral that he had sat down at the computer two evenings before the night of his death and typed the story of his life in five single-spaced pages. That said, I have to think that Mikey Welsh was planning to overdose.

  16. My sister once dreamed someone she went to high school died and the next day, he did. I don't think she ever had a dream like that again, but I believe all of the above posters who have had stuff like this happen.

    @bluebonnetmom - That is really scary. :( Reminds me of the kids they feature on Psychic Kids on A&E.

    This story about Mikey creeped me out, but if he was suicidal...? I don't know. It's very sad, either way.

  17. I probably wouldn't have gone to chicago. Very sad. I love Weezer. My thoughts go to his family however he left this world.

  18. My mother flew back to Detroit because her father was very ill. She was doing the dishes at her sister's house a few days later and looked up to see a black crow perched on a branch,staring at her.

    The black crow stared at her for several minutes then flew away. Something about the encounter shook her very deeply; she felt an extreme sense of loss.

    As she was experiencing this feeling the phone rang and a nurse said my Grandfather had just died.

    I dont know what i believe in for sure, but Ive always believed in that story.

    I think you can sense the change in energy when there are very powerful emotions involved- I know my mom did.

    And this guy seems to have as well. RIP Mikey

  19. Carrie, I also had an aunt who predicted her death. At the beginning of this year, she had a vision that she would not live past 58. On her 58th birthday she was admitted to the hospital for back pain. It was leukemia, and the next month she passed away.

    It's crazy!!! But it does happen to some people.

  20. Steve Wozniack said that from the time they were teenagers, Steve Jobs always believed he would die young. I read that same thing over the weekend from a few others who were close to him from the early days as well. Some people have long standing feelings or premonitions that do come true.

    Whatever the cause of Mikey Welsh's death, it is very sad for his family and those who loved him. I hope it wasn't a suicide.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. SusanB, one of the symptoms of impending heart attack in women (not so much in men) is a sense of dread or doom. That may explain why your mother pulled out her will.

    The fallacy in believing in premonitions is that people remember the times when a premonition or "feeling" ended up coming true. We don't remember the countless times when we had a worry, fear, even strong sense of danger, and nothing happened.

  23. I think all of these premonition comments are cool :)

    That said, I saw Weezer twice in 1994, he didn't join til 4 years later. He didn't help start the band at.all.

  24. Figgy, that's a good point~

  25. Sounds like suicide to me. Sadness.

  26. my grandfather had a dream that his father came to him and said it was time to join the family on the other side. everyone in the family that had passed was sitting on the opposite shore of a river. he said enjoyed the dream and that it was nice to see everyone again. sadly, he got sick a couple of days later and died in the hospital a week after that.
    old :ady,how interesting for you! I hope that there is an after life, and that as beings we are capable of more kindness and love than we typically see.
