Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rihanna Is A Chris Brown Fan

Rihanna is interviewed in Esquire this month and she says at first that she does not think about Chris Brown very much. Shortly after that she went on and on about him and how she is a fan and loves his music and thinks it's great that he has overcome all the negative publicity that came his way. Huh? I wish interviewers would stop asking Rihanna about Chris Brown because everytime they do she just ends up not taking advantage of the opportunity afforded to her and sings his praises. How can you be a fan of a guy who beat you so badly? And, even if you are, how about keeping it to yourself. All she is doing is essentially telling people who are victims of domestic violence that their attacker can still be great and a great person and it looks so wrong. I wish she would take the opportunity to say something about what happened and how women do not need to put up with crap like that and she never does. It is like everything is great and any second you expect to see them back together.


  1. Shoo, she hasn't got a brain in her head.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Stupid little girl.

  3. I think they'll get back together.

  4. She is one stupid, insecure girl. I do not find her to be sexy at all.

    She runs around naked, because she has minimal talent. I am so bored of seeing her naked. Enough already.

  5. I read she doesn't want to be the poster child for domestic violence, so obviously she's going with the polar opposite stance.

  6. Them getting back together would not surprise me in the slightest at this point.

  7. I think she would have gone right back to him if there hadn't have been such an uproar immediately after the beating.

  8. Dear Rihanna,
    I'm not a violent person, but I'm getting to the point where I would like to punch you. Will you forgive me too?

    I was neutral on her for the longest time, but she is pushing the needle towards dislike in a big way. Perhaps she needs intense therapy.

  9. oi, that one above is me. temporary handle from the failed blog I set up yesterday and promptly deleted. sorry.

  10. She's damned if she does and if she doesn't.
    I got into a huge argument with a bunch of silly female twits recently who were singing Chris Brown's praises. He really does have a rabid legion of fans who think Rihanna is entirely to blame for her own beating and talk about wanting to beat on her themselves. It's kind of scary.

  11. RQ, I have seen those people, and they are MORONS! And yes, it is very scary.

  12. FS, you took the words right out of my mouth in that Domestic Goddess post. Could not agree more.

  13. Every time I see hear I feel the need to scrub myself with bleach. Yuck.

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Moron. I agree, Nosey Parker. They probably will get back together.

  15. Maybe she's afraid of him? Or brainwashed? Or an idiot? Or all of the above.

  16. Rhianna did go back to Chris Brown after the beating. The only reason she ended it is becuase she was about to tank her whole career.

    I get forgivness and moving on but her praising him just smacks so wrong on a lot of levels.

  17. As a woman who has been through terrifying domestic violence and then also had a pretty innocent boyfriend arrested for the same I can tell you that unless you were there you can't judge. She's a grown woman and she can forgive anyone she wants to.

  18. The Chris Brown fans scare the hell out of me, no lie. Thankfully, I follow @jennyjohnsonhi5 on twitter and her comments to CB help me laugh off the whole situation.

    One day Rihanna will go back to Chris Brown. The public comments when that happens will be brutal from the 'see she really did deserve it and she knows it' types to the domestic violence advocates who will go crazy at the negative influence she will be. Oh, it will be ugly.

  19. I dont care either way...I will say this though, regardless of whether you hate Chris Brown because of his past actions or not, he is a very talented entertainer.

  20. I think she deserves Esquire's designation, but she is an astonishingly stupid girl.

  21. Supposedly Chris Brown's girlfriend is pregnant! I think WTF and OMG came flying out of my mouth when I saw the pictures recently. His music is not allowed on my radio, itunes or in my house. Period. My 13 year old daughter thinks he is a lowlife, cowardly weasel. RiRi is an idiot and I GUARANTEE she has slept with him more than once since the incident. She needs lots of therapy.

  22. At first glance, it seems like a stupid thing to say. But she was abused...and one thing an abuser will often be successful of is making their victim believe they do not deserve better. That it IS their fault. I can't judge her...because I think it's possible that she is still terrified of him. Thinks she still loves him. And I agree with evceryone who said they think she'll go back to him...she seems almost brainwashed. It's sad.

  23. @bluebonnet - then you have been raising your daughter right ;)

  24. If she would have gone for therapy would she still be praising the jerk???

  25. So she is an idiot and I wish she'd go away. All she'd ever have to say is that, " He's in my past and I would rather look to my future."

  26. I just read the entire quote and it's not nearly as bad as Enty is making it sound - check it out on DListed - she says she still likes his music, was angry at him for a very long time, but still wishes him success.

  27. I want to be angry with her, but I can't for two reasons. One, she seems like a genuinely stupid person. Stupid sounds harsh - let's say very unintelligent. She comes across as very vapid and dull.

    Second, there's a very good chance she still believes she somehow deserves to be abused. NO ONE deserves to be abused. I've read comments by SO many women - WOMEN, it makes me WEEP - saying she hit him therefore she deserved it. No, she did not deserve it. No, she should not have laid her hands on him, but HE BEAT HER TO A PULP. HE SENT HER TO THE HOSPITAL. He beat the ever loving SHIT out of her. I don't understand ANY woman who attempts to justify this, no matter how "OMG HE'S SO HOT!" Chris Brown or any man is.

    So yeah, I can't be angry with her. I just really really pity her :(

  28. How the hell are those green soggy leaves sexy? Men flummox me, but I do not care to ever understand them. :P

  29. OK...He's the second coming of Hitler or Satan and Charlie Sheen gets a pass?

    It's HER life. Now she's stupid because she likes his music?

    A lot of you commented on Polanski's films and how you still like them. You commented on Woody Allen's movies being a guilty pleasure.

    Those of you that did are stupid, enabling, supporters of pedos.


    I don't care either way because they are both adults and can do as they please and think what they want of each other but damn it reeks of hypocrisy in this forum.

  30. While I dont think as an entertainer she needs to be some kind of spokesperson for what she went through I STILL think the reason she is stupid, or ignorant, or pitiful, what ever you want to call it, is because SHE IS NOT REALIZING THAT PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SEE A BATTERED WOMAN GIVE LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE TO HER ABUSER AND THINK THAT IT IS SOMETHING THEY TOO CAN AND MAYBE SHOULD DO IF THEY ARE EVER IN THAT TYPE OF SITUATION!!!

    Many teens dont talk to their parents- they unfortunatly do get relationship advice by watching the interactions between couples who are popstars/celebs and they base their decisions on them. Like saying 'well if Rihanna can be chill with Chris again and he did that shit to her, maybe I could forgive too'....in other words she is teaching them NOTHING about domestic violence.

    Its not a matter of being a celeb or not. When you have gone through something bad like this it gives you knowledge. Anyone can choose to help people with that knowledge so they know to look for the signs or you can teach by example...but the way she's doing it just shows carelessness and it really seems like she could give a fuck about preventing this from happening to other girls. And because she has this knowledge and chooses to do nothing with it- THAT makes her a piece of shit in my book.

    The fact that she is objectifying herself on the cover with her naked body is just icing on the cake~

    btw- forgive the caps, I started to get heated mid rant and had to switch to Kanye-level

  31. I'm not 100% convinced she wouldn't still be with him if it hadn't affected her career. :-/

    Kind of agree w/ RQ in that she's damned if she does/doesn't. If she'd trashed him in the interview, then it would just stir up the story again.

  32. I agree with Geebz TOTALLY!! Rhihanna has forgiven him and moved on.....y won't you do the same....oh wait u have with Charlie Sheen, insert any athlete, and drugged out rocker...he'll biggie beat the he'll out of lil Kim and faith but I guess death is the only way someone can find forgiveness!!

    He was a kid 18 at the time and he messed up.....lord knows someone of u all are up and over that hill and still eff up!!

    No one is excusing his behavior but if u're going to continue to crucify Chris brown then make room on that cross for everyone else!!!!!!

  33. Have you ever seen anyone excusing Charlie Sheens behavior on this board? Hardly. CB didnt just beat RIhanna, he also refused to take responsibility for his actions, threw a chair at a window when asked about it and keeps sending out messages of anger and homophobia.

  34. I would say CB is at the high point in his period of adolescent conduct disorder. This may, or may not, go away. Rhianna is doing what propaganda tells women to do, sadly. It's a messed up situation. Physical abuse should NEVER be tolerated from any one ever.

  35. I still "eff up" from time to time, but I've never beat the shit out of anyone.

  36. People need to stop blaming Rhianna - that is classic "blame the victim". She was abused for god knows how long (years?) by him and is probably STILL afraid of him. NO doubt he's threatened her since the break-up.


    Wouldn't you be afraid?

    And they'll never get back together publically, mark my words. Sure, she might give it another try (unless she gets some serious therapy) but HE would never take her back. I'm sure he's still very angry and bitter that the abuse almost cost him his career. And I'm SURE he blames her for it - not himself.

  37. @The BKC:Beating up women isn't a little mistake that can be easily forgiven like sleeping with a stranger when you were drunk.Guys like that continue to beat women,and many of them go on to kill.
