Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saddest Looking Pumpkin Ever

Christina Aguilera took some time off from drinking yesterday to take her son on their annual pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch. She looks thrilled to be there and holding that pumpkin makes me think she saw the first one she came across, grabbed it and said lets go. What can you do with that pumpkin? You can't really carve it, and it is not going to sit up by itself very well. Why even bother to go and pick one out?


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Maybe she's going to use it to bake a pie?

  2. Her son's facepalm is evident of how much none of them want to be there. How sad...

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Photo op.

  4. Rutler looks annoyed at the child. Too funny! That is a weird shaped pumpkin. Maybe the kid picked it out.

  5. in fact, the tiny pumpkin is the kid's pumpkin and they took another big pumpkin

  6. Leggings AGAIN.

    It was 85 degrees here yesterday. WTF is she dressed for? I am hot just looking at her.

  7. Actually, if you look at all the pictures, they seemed to have a great time. Way to pick out the one picture of them leaving to insinuate they all had a miserable time.

    I don't understand Enty's issues with Christina but as someone who has interacted with her, she's a rather nice person. Same goes for her ex husband.

  8. i bet he(her son) chose it. my 5 year old twins never go for the big useful ones, they always go for the freaky, funky, stupid ones that you can't do anything with! i am always trying to coach them to go for the big daddies!

  9. I guess Christina and Lindsey must use the same hairdresser.

  10. Lutefisk, that reminds me of a story I read yesterday about people who are losing their hair (some permanently!) because of damage from extensions.

  11. Mooshki, the weight of the extensions pull out their hair. I see so many people with extensions. Up close they look really bad. Especially when they are done on chemically straightened hair. I don't know how people look at themselves and think they look attractive.

  12. I think its sad that people in the public eye have to dress in leggings, loose low cut shirts and long over shirts to hide the fact that they have curves and are a size 6 or 8. Can we please go back to thinking curves are sexy?

  13. her son is very ashamed to be seen with her. don't blame him.

  14. Yeah, I saw a lot of pictures of Xtina with her son at the pumpkin patch, and MANY of them were great, with Max smiling & having fun. AND that could be one of MANY pumpkins; lots of people get a variety of pumpkins for decoration purposes (you know, loading your porch with a bunch of wicked jack-o-lanterns hehe.)

    Anyway I agree with whomever said it's just yet another example of ENTY taking something out of context to suit his own agenda. You do it all the time, ENT. Fortunately most of us are on to you ;)

  15. OH, and I'm not saying that to be a jackass - I obviously love this site since I'm here fairly often - I'm just saying you DO do it ALL THE TIME.

  16. I saw pumpkins that size on every other doorstep this morning on my way to work. No big deal.
