Saturday, October 22, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Getting Fired From Real Housewives

The writing was already kind of the walls yesterday when Taylor Armstrong gave an interview to Access Hollywood. First, in the interview she lied about dating Matt Nordgren. She said she was not when everyone knows they are and her whining about how it is not soon enough to date is crap considering she was dating plenty while her ex was alive. When they asked her about returning to Real Housewives, it allowed Taylor to plant a seed when she said she had to decide if it was good for her daughter or not. Do you really think she has cared about that for the past two seasons? Please. It is just giving her an out for when she is fired and The Enquirer says she already has been fired and will not be returning next season. I honestly would not mind her coming back. She will be dating people and will have no money so it would be interesting to watch that play out on the show.


  1. I feel sorry for her. I hope she's still getting counseling.

  2. How can you be a Beverly Hills Housewife when you are broke-ass not married? That goes for that trainwreck Kim Richards too!

  3. Kim has always confused me with where she is getting money to afford renting 4 and 5 bedrooms houses in LA-- I always assumed she had a crazy good lawyer and took her last husband, whom she has 1 or 2 kids with at least, for a shit ton of alimony and child support... but who knows?
    I swear at least a few of those girls are making some money the old fashioned way, ifyaknowwhatimean, wink wink.

    As for Taylor, first off- her legs look nasty- like two stretched out toddler legs. I think she prob has money stashed somewhere from when Russell was alive-am assuming they put their money in off shore accounts where the Feds and the ppl they stole it from couldnt get it/find it.

    If she gets kicked off but Dana-white fur in LA- gets to stay on, I will be pissed.

  4. btw- normally I'd roll my eyes about Taylor's bodyguard but in this case I think it's necessary.
    Girlfriend looks about as strong as a paperdoll. No thats not right. More like the body of a paper doll and the waxy big lipped face of Mrs. Potato Head.

  5. Oh no! She might have to get a real job.

  6. Also, Jasmine-

    I don't think Dayna is actually a cast member of the show. Usually when they introduce a new character they get a little pre segment about themselves and their lives and they are in the opening credits during the next episode. They seem to be gunning to Dayna to get a spot, much like NYC did with that one lady two seasons ago who has since disappeared. I have my fingers crossed that "Little Miss sunglasses that cost almost as much as I make a year" is never seen from again.

  7. Oh, please let this be true.

  8. These are terrible comments. This man abused her, killed himself leaving nothing for her and his child. Terrible way to treat this victim. Why do people not have sympathy for anyone anymore? Awful way to talk about someone.

  9. If she gets fired from Bravo, it's because of something going on that is so much worse than we're seeing.

  10. Taylor was in on her husband's scams. She often played the "bait" to reel people in. She didn't deserve the physical abuse, but as for the rest of it? She is no victim. He also stashed millions offshore, so she is not broke.

  11. On the Dana front: I really liked it when Dana said to Kyle, "We'll stick together. That's what we do. We've always done it. Forever. Stick together. All of us. Sticking. It's how we are." And Kyle said: "Who?"

  12. @ Barton Fink: With regards to Dana: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she is either mentally unstable or she is smoking some really good shit! The look on Kyle's face during that little discussion was priceless.

  13. Sooo...they're keeping the train wreck Kim Richards, but they're getting rid of Taylor Armstrong. I personally think they're all a mess and should all be fired. I'm so grateful I don't have horrible friends like that, and I'm not a snotty pretentious backstabbing biatch.

  14. Required disclaimer: I only watch this show on Hulu - however from what I've read on other sites, Ms. Armstrong was intimately involved with Mr. Armstrong's financial dealings.
    I can believe it. I also believe she may have been assaulted by Mr. Armstrong in the past, however (and maybe I'm watching a wee bit too much L&O) it could have been engineered with her image in mind.
    Just my opinion, but I honestly believe she's a helluva lot smarter than she looks, that she's got some funding somewhere, and despite her acting the victim for the cameras, she ain't no victim.
    I also believe Bravo (or the parent company) is cutting their potential legal ties with her before the elephant shit hits the wind machine when her involvement in the ponzi scheme comes to light.

  15. @Barton Fink - Loved that scene too.

    I'm with Mooshki here.
