Monday, October 31, 2011

Taylor Swift Not Happy With An Alleged Topless Photo

Have you ever seen the site Celeb Jihad? You are not missing much. It is basically a site that combines The Globe with Egotastic and throws in some Middle Eastern stereotypes. Anyway, they have posted a photo of what they allege is Taylor Swift topless. Taylor Swift's people are not amused and have sent letters to the site, but the site continues to keep the photo up, primarily because it is bringing them an incredible amount of traffic to see the clearly photoshopped picture. It is Taylor laying on her side and it is her face, but the head does not fit on the body correctly. It is kind of like paying the $1 to see the shortest horse in the world and realizing later that the people have dug a hole so it is pretty normal sized but you feel like an idiot and it is just a $1 so you let them keep the dollar.

I would guess the site will probably be shut down in the next day or two by some kind of legal action and even if they take down the photo now, at this point they are going to be in for a world of hurt. Unless of course it happens to be her. Nah.


  1. I saw that pic yesterday. It could have been anyone if you ask me. Yes, it looked like her, but vaguely. Who knows.

  2. Who cares? She looks like an anorexic 15-year-old boy anyway.

  3. But...Celeb Jihad is 100% a joke site for tweens who enjoy this dumb tweeny version of black humor/fanfiction (and as mentioned, terrible stereotype riffing). They have written elaborate stories about Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez being lesbian lovers and such...I'm pretty sure no one's ever taken it seriously before.

  4. That website is horrible! I've never heard of it before. I didn't see the picture, but did see one of Emma that was obviously photoshopped.

    I hope they do shut it down. It's disgusting.

  5. ^Emma Watson, to clarify.
