Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Today's Blind Items - Jackass

You know, it has been awhile since I have had a jackass blind. Not that most of the people are not jackasses or have jackholian behavior to get them in here, but this is just a straight up, I am better than you, do you know who I am kind of situation that begs for the additional specificity of calling it a jackass blind. Do you like that word jackholian? It is kind of my tribute to Beavis and Butthead. I am Cornholio.

About a week or two ago, this unfortunately B list R&B singer who I wish desperately was a F or even lower was in a city for a concert. Because it was not the largest city, of course our singer thought he was the most important person in the city. Prior to the concert, the singer went to a store in a mall and was throwing merchandise around, making a mess, being loud and obnoxious (every other word from his mouth was an f-bomb). One of the workers in the store was following behind to clean up after the mess but was too intimidated to say anything to him.

So then the manager comes out and asks the singer to stop being so destructive and to relax and for he and his friends to please stop making a mess in the store. He had brought three other guys with him and according to rumor they were probably just not hanging out if you know what I mean. The singer then asked for the manager. Unfortunately for him, the woman he was addressing was the manager and told him. He then said, "Don't you know who I am?" No, I mean seriously he actually said those words. He then said he could buy out the entire store if he wanted. Here is a quote from the manager in the store which I love. "I was so thrilled when I got to tell him that yes, I knew who he was but didn't care, and that he needed to stop acting like a disrespectful jerk. I actually laughed when he said "Don't you know who I am?"

At that point, the singer walked out.


  1. I'm gonna go out on a wiiiiiiiiiide limb (sarcasm) and say it was that charmer Chris Brown.

    Also, I <3 the crap out of "jackholian," and will be using it all the time from now on. Thanks, Enty!

  2. Kudos to that manager.

    @Ida - Is Chris Brown supposed to be on the downlow?

  3. Yep, Chris Brown was my first guess. Jackass indeed!

    Good for the manager.

  4. Chris Brown at the Towson Mall outside of Baltimore for the First Mariner Concert.

  5. AHAHAHA good for her! My money's on Chris Brown and the city is my beloved Baltimore. And no, you weren't the most important person in this city. That honor goes to Ray Lewis.

  6. must say when he is here where he has family- Chris Brown ALWAYS acts this way. Little does he know no one oohhs and aawwes. Its just what he wishes they would do. The public may have forgiven (Personally I haven't) But they have not forgotten, especially since he shows the same type of behavior...GMA anyone?

  7. Oh, and Baltimoreans are NOT the ones to mess with. I would LOVE to see him stranded in West Baltimore with that attitude.

  8. John Waters should have filmed it.

  9. I am so disturbed that people still idolize this pond scum. I don't get it! He beat Rihanna to a bloody pulp and apparently does not have much remorse for it. He still struts around like he is all that. I can't even believe we are even still talking about this guy let alone that he is a star.

    That said-I wish the manager would have replied to his remark about buying the place to have his people contact corporate and then do so and when he does buy it, he can then feel free to do as he wishes in his own store. But until that time, this is her store and he needs to behave like a civilized human being no matter "who he is."

    So I suppose Mr. Brown wouldn't mind if someone like Bill Gates comes over to his house uninvited and trashes the place because he can buy it several times over.

    I hope this is revealed, but I am sure this is CB.

  10. The star in the store was the manager. Way to go, Baltimore!

  11. @Susan -- He IS rumored to have slept with a few dudes. I don't know if he was pulling a Joss and boinking for tracks, or if he's actually gay, though.

    Supposedly, that's why he beat the shit out of Rihanna -- she discovered some text exchanges between Chris and some dude and flipped out. I think Bossip just posted the conversation a few days ago? You can probably find it on good ol' dlisted. The texts are barely decipherable and every other word is the f-word (both of them) or the n-word, but there was *definitely* some indication that, um, fluids were exchanged.

  12. We need a few Thanksgiving reveals. Some people just need to be called out before Christmas so they get their well deserved lump of coal.

  13. I want someone to kick the living shit out of Chris Brown.

  14. ^me, too, parissucks...and I normally don't feel that way about anyone. Well, maybe Michael Vick, too.

    Definitely Chris Brown. And 'jackholian' is the tits.
    This guy has absolutely no redeeming qualities. None.

    I was kind of hoping Enty would do a story about his private messages back and forth with Martyn that came out last week, where Martyn straight out said he's had sex with Chris Brown. Not that I give a fuck, but Chris Brown is constantly using homophobic language. Of course he is.

  15. I hate Chris Brown. With a passion. Severe Jackholian...

  16. Why y'all picking on me? Don't you know who I am? Hee hee!

    I agree I think it's Chris Brown, but I thought it might be Cleveland. Wasn't he there to make good on the promise to the person who returned his watch at the MTV Awards?

  17. I agree with @FS, Enty, we neeeed some reveals for Thanksgiving please! It's been a hard post-4th of July summer, can't wait till New Years, k tx! :-D

  18. the Cleveland concert is not until 11/1/11. It is Baltimore and the conformation is the link of Chris Brown at the Towson Mall.

  19. Congratulations to the store manager who called Chris Brown on his mess.

    This young man is a ticking time bomb.

  20. No doubt Chris

    @RQ - I'm a DIE HARD Ealges fan and i cannot STAND that so many fans were so quick to hop on the Vick train. I don't care if he takes the team to the super bowl and wins 10 years in a row (pshh lmao like that would happen even once), but I will never wear that man's name on my back. I just don't get it.

  21. BTW, Jimmy Kimmel coined the word 'jackhole' back in his radio days, so jackholian credit goes to him.

  22. Oops - I meant Cincinatti. Pish posh, really. Whatever city it was, dude was a jerk.

    Btw, JFB - just because it didn't make the newspaper doesn't mean he didn't go shopping.

  23. Jackholian is a great word. For whatever reason it makes me think of Jack Kevorkian. What is wrong with me?

    But, yeah, Chris ("Likes it in the Difficult") Brown FTW. I'm really hoping the manager is a CDAN reader!!

  24. I'm in Baltimore too! He is a complete waste of flesh.

  25. Good for the manager - tho she should have called security/cops when she saw who it was.

  26. Yeah, Chris Brown! And "jackholian" will make it into my vocabulary somehow, I promise!

  27. Glad to hear it, Bnl ;) Yeah, I was kind of surprised to see how warmly he was welcomed back to the NFL. Sigh. Money talks, clearly.

  28. Wish he woulda gone to North Ave and pulled that attitude. They'd be releasing his beating photos if he had.

  29. With his temper, I can't believe he didn't hit/beat the store manager, honestly. Maybe this isn't CB?

  30. Ruse - I'm guessing you don't mean the gentrified stretch of North Ave with Joe Squared and art galleries. Those hipsters would just shrug and remark how hating Chris Brown was cool until it got mainstream.

  31. Chris Brown just infuriates me, more than most other celebs. The entitlement, the rage, the mother who claims he is Jesus... Its all horrible.

    YES do a post about his messages with that dude! I havent even heard of that!

  32. OMG. I must see these text messages. Thanks for the tip, Ida.

  33. I agree with everyone. Chris Brown is a douche and I wish he would be publically shamed.

    Although it doesn't seem like anything can shame this guy.

  34. Could it be Tyrese? He wasn't making a lot of friends when he was recently in my little town of Wilmington, DE...

  35. god i hate this guy so much. wish i could have seen this happen.

  36. Never heard of the Chris Brown DL rumors, I was going to say NeYo since Kanye is definitely A

  37. here are the DM's with Martyn

    "Jackholian is the tits" is my favorite sentence so far this week. It will be my inspiration as I make my first attempt at the Shaun T Insanity Fit test today.

  38. Hi. My name is Chris "Ah, Ain't no woman beater no mo' cause I gots a certificate that says so." Brown.

  39. I am so not for "outing" people but a guy who is such a hypocrite - the vile homophobic slurs, the violence against women, the destructive, entitled attitude - well, all bets are off. I hope that stuff with Martyn sticks to him. Personally I can't believe the fact that he beat Rihanna to a pulp didn't finish him off. One of the scariest moments of my life was hearing interviews with teenage fans of his (girls!!) saying, "Well, maybe she made him mad..."

    Oh - and anyone who plays the "Don't you know who I am?" card ANYWHERE deserves to be laughed out of ANY town!!!!! Sadly, I have heard way too many "jackholes" in our business use those unfortunate words, verbatim, to be shocked by them anymore.

  40. @Karmen, no I meant more along the courthouse where the woman was stabbed, Aisquith, Homewood, or any of the area toward Coppin. Though that 5 star hotel across from Joe Squared is still as shady as it gets, I did see some hipster kid taking pics of the parking lot the other evening. A small part of me wanted a tranny to mug him.

  41. Chris Brown and Michael Vick are vile, disgusting, fucktarded pusbags. I am not a proponent of violence, but I would buy tickets to see both of them locked in a cage with a flesh-eating lion. Neither one of them has one redeeming quality between them.

  42. Some of the Martyn texts were obviously altered. Martyn says that part of it is true, but I think he may just be going along with it because it's getting him so much attention.

  43. A Twitter personality was abused by CB fans for tweeting at him about beating up Rhianna. These girls who are still fans of him seem to come from backgrounds where domestic abuse is common and accepted. It's so sad.

  44. Yes, Martyn has said some of the messages were added after the fact, but most were absolutely legit and it happened. I wish this were a bigger story.

  45. Anonymous12:16 PM

    why should beating Rihanna finish him off? It didn't finish off Sean Penn who went on to win not one but TWO Oscars after kidnapping torturing and raping Madonna.

    You people with your selective memories need to quit. And you are morons if you believe "Martyn" with that photoshopped crap. LOL did you even bother to listen to his "music"? I bet you haven't. Try it, then talk.

    And oh well Rihanna doesn't care and still wanted to be with the young man so I don't care. Now take your sanctimonious assertions and shove em!
