Thursday, October 13, 2011

Whitney Houston Needs You To Fasten Her Seatbelt

So, Whitney Houston would like you all to think she is sober now. At least that is what her people say. Whether you choose to believe her or not is up to you. Whether you choose to believe there is a pot of gold at the end of each rainbow is also up to you. Anyway, Whitney managed to miss one flight out of Atlanta yesterday but wanted to make sure she did not miss a second, so she focused on making the plane, getting on the plane, and sitting in her seat. Missing in all those instructions she gave herself was the put one metal end into the other and click of her seatbelt.

Instead, Whitney was almost kicked off the plane because she refused to buckle her seatbelt. My opinion is that she did not refuse to buckle. My opinion is that she is so used to having everyone do things for her that she no longer thinks she has to do anything and that someone will do it for her. Either that or she has taken so many drugs that she does not remember how to do it. Her seatbelt was eventually fastened for her by a crew member. To me that shows that something was wrong. This was not like I don't want to do it, this was like I can't do it. But, her PR person wants to make sure you know, Whitney is 100% sober.


  1. I think she's sober. You don't need drugs to behave like a diva.

  2. what an idiot. That isn't diva behavior, that is just plain stupid.

  3. They shouldn't have fastened her seatbelt for her. They should have kicked her off the plane.

  4. What a much talent

  5. Whoa. That picture! Yikes.

  6. I cannot believe that the radiant young woman I adored as a child has turned into this creature. Her talent was indisputable, and I always thought she'd age into an elegant person.

    I agree with Enty's theory that she's drug-addled to the point where she's basically incapable of taking care of herself. It's incredibly depressing, honestly.

  7. Was she flying alone? I know she's all cracked out, but I always envision her with an entourage.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I heart the old Whitney I first knew.

  9. good god, the crack. she looks like she should be pushing a shopping cart full of tattered belongings.

  10. That is an old photo. I think it was from a NJ convenience store in the height of her "crack-is-whack, Diane," era.

    But it appears she has reverted right back to that same state lately.

    Ol' music producer Clive Whatshisname tried to help her (or at least re-coup some of the previous money he had invested in her originally) but her touring was the worst thing they could've tried, IMO. A strictly studio, non-traveling "comeback" would've been much better...that way her minders could've kept a better rein on her and her addictions.

  11. And yes, if the dumb cunt can't fasten a GD seat-belt she needs to be kicked off the plane.

  12. I had almost forgotten about the old Whitney. The person she is now is sad. So much wasted.

  13. Hot. Mess.

    And the denial from her PR person speaks volumes.

  14. What a mess. A sad, sorry mess. I wonder if Oprah feels completely lied to, or if Whitney was genuinely trying to clean up when she was on her show.

  15. I remember back in her golden days, it was common knowledge she was gay. Many people I knew had seen her with a pretty girl a few years younger than her, running around to clubs in NY an NJ. She even took her to a dealership to buy her a car, and was all over her then. I think her management and/or mom made her stop, and thats why she became so messed up.

    See kids, it never works to suppress this stuff. Be proud of who you are.

  16. memo to Whitney when you fly commercial flight attendants don't cater to your every whim. Sorry you can't afford to fly private anymore.

  17. The picture made me laugh and I am sure I am going straight to Hell for that. I could not help it. Anyway, Clive Davis did try and help her, but she is beyond help. From the pictures I saw, her daughter was with her. She could have really been something special, even now in her 40's. So sad.

  18. 'i believe she's sober.'

    mmmm....okay....personally, i don't think she's been sober for YEARS. not on any day at any time. she's fucked up beyond repair.

  19. I agree with everything Ida said.

    I assume if this was Southwest, she would not have been on the plane very long?

  20. I have been on flights where the attendants have helped people fasten their seat belts.

  21. Caroline, I've seen that a few times too. From what I understand, the problem was that she got snippy with the flight attendant and it took a while before she'd let them fasten the seatbelt, so it was her attitude that was the problem.

  22. Sing along: "No matter what they take from me, they can't take away my dignity..."

    Um. Never mind.
