Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ali Fedotowsky Is Giving This Fame Thing One Last Shot

Ali Fedotowsky tries her best to be famous. She shows up in Los Angeles and tries to get her photo taken on a regular basis. She is willing to go to any party or event and usually for free. She has constantly inserted herself into the media so I actually know her name unlike most of the Bachelor or Bachelorette contestants. What she has yet to realize though is no one really cares about her. She is vanilla. She is plain. We like our pseudo celebrities to have a little bit of spice. This week, Ali called in every favor she could and got a cover of Kneepads. Seriously? I bet it is the lowest selling cover of the year. In her interview she talks bout how she always tried to make her relationship with Roberto Martinez work and that she wanted to get married and pretty much says it was all his fault. Still don't care. She is like watching paint dry. She probably thinks the Bachelor Pad is beneath her, but that might be her only shot at continued fame.


  1. Roberto was the only thing that made her slightly interesting. She seems very immature & needy. Roberto seemed to be the a real job, moved to California from Florida to be with her, etc. If I remember correctly, he came from a family with strong values & I'm sure this will be better for him in the end. He'll find a good girl for him that wants a family, and they can just live their life quietly.

  2. Ugh, I cannot STAND that smirky little bitch. Sorry!

  3. I'd rather see Ali's face on that cover any day of the week, instead of those Krappys that I shall never speak of again.

    You know, if you accepted being on a show, and as a result, you where invited to Hollywood parties, never had to wait in line to get into a bar, got to make reservations at important restaurants, people drove you around in limos, and gave you free stuff, and paid for your trips, and set you up in amazing hotels... Wouldn't you get hooked to fame too?

    She's not that old. She was given a chance to party like a rockstar, and it's taking her time to realize that the moment is past.

    Cherish the memories Ali, and move on with your life.

  4. Why does Enty call People "Kneepads"? He made a Kneepads reference yesterday and I didn't get it. Can someone please explain it to me?

  5. EmEyeKay: because they get on their knees and service stars so to run PR approved stories.

    You want your version of the story out there, you go to kneepads, you don't let the National Enquirer publish their version first.

  6. @Rita - thank you!

  7. Benvenute chica.

  8. I still think her and Jave Pavelka will hook up and try to make a run as a couple to try and score some paid gigs. I didn't think Ali was as bad as him. Jake was just more obvious about it.

    I think Ali is pretty and not plain she is vanilla though.

  9. And again, here's the problem with reality shows. It gives people a false sense that they are remotely interesting, they have no actual talent aside from showing up and not a whole lot of real ambition to work in the first place. Please baby Jeebus, let this trend end so real actors can get work. Amen.

  10. I remember when I was younger and People magazine had actual news on the cover every week except when there was huge celebrity news? Now there is Dlisters every week.

  11. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Preach it, Sister Sherry.

  12. I never know who these or those Real Housewives people are because I never watch these shows. I didn't realize they held such a high level of importance over say the Heroes Return From Iraq article. Guess I learned something new today. >.<

  13. What's funny about all these reality show winners is from the moment the show is over, that fame clock starts ticking. No one really cares who wins The Bachelorette after the show is over, do they?

    I think she left a job at Facebook to be on the show the first time. I hope she invested her earnings wisely.
