Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Angelina Jolie Says She Should Be Dead

About once a year or so, Angelina Jolie trots out and does some interviews and every year says that she did a lot of drugs or that she was wild. The interviews are not exactly the same, but they are basically just variations of the same theme. This Sunday she is on 60 Minutes and reveals that she should be dead because of all the wild and crazy things she did. She does not actually say this time all the things she did, just that she should be dead because so many "artists" who did the same things died. Living on the edge. She wants us to be grateful for her still being alive. As skinny as she is and as much as it looks like she is still doing some kind of drug, I think she is always kind of playing with fire in that department.

Taking a page out of Jada Pinkett Smith's book. Oh, wait for one second. Have you noticed that after the initial flurry of Jada and Will running around to show they are still married that you have not seen them together. You have seen Will with his kids, but with the exception of the Heavy D funeral, there have been no photos of Will & Jada and I am not sure they were ever photographed together at the funeral. So, wanting to fill Jada's shoes, Angelina says that she still has a wild and sexy side and is a bad girl but that Brad Pitt is the only one who gets to see it. I can't believe she called herself a bad girl. Billy Bob Thornton probably ate that stuff up. I once heard from someone that had sex with Billy Bob and for some reason is not ashamed to talk about it that Billy Bob likes to refer to himself as Pancho while having sex. This has turned out to be one rambling post.


  1. It was rambling, but very funny! LOL
    Pancho. Haha

  2. wow, Pancho huh? makes me wonder if the "bad girl" comment had a little hidden meaning in it for Billy-Bob

  3. I think she knows that by not giving any details, people will think she has done the most dangerous things around. Plenty of people have done worse things than those artists and still survived. (Look at Charlie Sheen!)

    Her image is based on her mystery and people thinking she is so edgy. But remember a few years ago when she said she had only slept with four men?

  4. She's full of shit, I think they both do they're fair share of drugs and both will do anything to stay current and in our faces...UGH
    Yeah Jodie....4 men....sure

  5. ...and many wouldn't mind if she was.

  6. She's pushing 40 years old - dangerous? lol, yea, pushing her walker in front of her maybe. The only dangerous thing about her is the bones that would pierce her partner during sex.

  7. I'm sure she's talking about when she did heroin - there were photos if I'm not mistaken, or a few first-hand accounts from people she used with. And everyone knows Brad is a pot-head. Big whoop. She thinks because there have been so many heroin overdoses she is lucky to be alive. Why not say you were stupid for doing heroin in the first place, you know, so your kids wont read it and think its all edgy and cool instead of bad. Ugh. So over her.

  8. comments are not posting or being removed. All I said was I thought Billy Bob was ugly sexy..Was that totaly wrong?

  9. I meant my comments are being removed. makes more sense.

  10. Oy.

    enough Angie, we KNOW you were wild in your 20's. WE KNOW.

  11. Pancho!!! Not as funny as it could be. Not as creative as it could be, I mean look at his brilliance behind SlingBlade. Itd be much funnier if a girl was expected to put up with the 'mmmhmmm's' for her deft moves. Did the word 'Haven' come up at all back then?

  12. Maybe she means to the fourth power.?

  13. LOL at Pancho and @Sherry. I sort of, kind of, maybe agree that he was like 5 years ago before all the weird plastic surgery. I like his movies and I thought Sling Blade was excellent. Mmm hmm.

  14. @misspoppypants - thank, now I have a truly disturbing image in my head of Billy-bob's character and St.Angie, skinny arms and legs akimbo (I love that word), him muttering "mmmmmmmmmmmmhmmm", her reapplying black lipstick, vile's of blood laying around and James Haven peeping in a window. (Cold medicines are really screwing with me today) Oh, and lots of black....sheets, pillows, hair color for soul patches, tiny Morticia roses. I need a nap!

  15. Mes thinking she's the blind....A+ actress. .. hepatitis or worse.

  16. Ever since I saw that picture of how thin her arms and body really is from the side (on Dlisted yesterday) and that 'allegedly' she is doing a 600 calorie diet I am just so disappointed in her.

    I know the diet is probably bullshit but regardless she is extremelly thin and while I want to avoid blaming her if she has an ED (which she prolly does) it's still so crazy to think that her, of all actresses, would hold herself to that insane ideal of beauty where thin=acceptance.

    I understand she is a Hollywood actress but the woman is a freaking world traveler who makes it her mission to go to the most grief stricken poverty ridden places in the world. I just think-WOW, wouldnt this give you some perspective? I just cant imagine seeing place after place where people starving is an epidemic and then you yourself with all your resources and money, consciously denying yourself food- it seems almost a slap in the face to all those people, ya know?

    And Enty- that last rambling stuff was awesome! Also (and I hate myself for knowing this) doesnt Pam Anderson refer to one of her breasts as Pancho?! Damn do I feel sorry for anyone actually named Pancho- way to sleaze up the name you two.

  17. And now you have six snowflakes Angie, we know.

  18. I'm curious, she weights nothing is skin and bones and yet her face is full how does she manage that ?

  19. btw- SO glad Jada and Will are no longer shoving their faux marriage down our throats. sheesh.

    Though now we have to deal with Jaden Smith's smug smug face- so I cant decide which is worse~

  20. I also don't think she's as wild as she wants everyone to believe she is. Go back and watch that clip where Billy Bob Thornton says they just had sex in the limo. Watch how humiliated she is when he says it.

  21. No way would Angelina want to fill Jada's shoes, odd wording for Enty.

    Lots of women in their 40's still wish they had their "wild side" out there and yes only husbands, etc., get to see it, so I get her statements about that. It's about maturing and growing up.

    BBT gets creepier by the second.

    Love all the philanthropy work, charity, and donations Angelina and Brad give away, and to me that says alot about their character.

  22. Ugh. I used to really like her, but she has become insufferable.

  23. Lol another "I hate Angie" post from Enty. Tell us how you really feel, big guy!

    I still like her. Think she's a great actress, appears to be a great mother, does amazing charity work and has settled down a lot.

  24. Why is she on 60 Minutes? Was the president of Iran busy? Did Michael Bloomberg not want to talk about his Occupy Wall Street protesters? Did Nancy Pelosi not return their calls? I don't get the reasoning behind Angie Jo being on a hard line news show. She is more in line with Barbara Walters than 60 Minutes. I'm very disappointed with this news show for having her on. I bet she rubs it in Pitt's face she was on the "real" 60 Minutes and not the copycat Australian one he did.

  25. Maybe she sticks to such little food because so many in the world are starving? It could be a "hunger strike" of sorts. Who knows.

    I like her, she seems quirky and odd and i appreciate that in anyone. If i was in her shoes i wiuld come off like a lunatic, i am sure.

  26. Angie also uses the word "dark" a lot when describing herself.


  27. A friend of mine who has worked with AJ says that she is an out and out asshole. And absolutely smug. I don't think there's ANYTHING likeable about her at all. She totes those kids around, giving them no stable environment, and is happy to shove them into the arms of nannies and bodyguards as soon as the cameras aren't around. She and Brad Pitt are total narcissists who know how to play the media game, that's all.

  28. ONLY 4 MEN?? She means at once right?? I could believe her and James Hayden hooking up with two others guys.

  29. Ugly sexy! That is so...right. :) I think the whole 600 calorie thing is a smoke screen to cover up the mystery illness, if she does in fact have one at all. An ED would be a better spin than a catastrophic HIV/Cirrhosis/HepC/ or liver cancer scare. People are so used to ED's in Hollywood that it would not cause an unusual buzz.

  30. BBT seems like SUCH a tool...that sounds about right!

    I need to see this interview before I comment but where the he'll are they filming?

  31. I don't understand where the assumption that she has an ED or a mysterious illness comes from. I think she is an opiate addict. I'm sure she has long since graduated from street-bought drugs like heroin to doctor prescribed drugs like hardcore painkillers/opiate withdrawal meds that can be abused.... but the fact that she constantly refers back to this only makes me think more and more its true. And didn't ENTY recently refer to her as heroin mom?
