Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Anna Kournikova Leaves Biggest Loser

Anna Kournikova took the initiative when she told The Hollywood Reporter she was leaving Biggest Loser. She did this to kind of head off the fact she was not going to be asked back for a second season. I thought she was tough, but apparently there was not enough love to go with the tough. I think really though, she was kind of a diva to the producers and what she required and needed and was pretty much a pain throughout the entire run. The only reason she was hired in the first place was to have more men watch the show. It is not like Ana is out there making a living as a trainer, she just happens to workout a lot herself and has always said that you can have her body too if you work as hard as she does.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha. She sucks at everything.

  2. Actually, she's a certified personal trainer. She is the featured story in one of the recent fitness magazines, and they make a point of stating that she knows what she's doing.

  3. At least she's honest. I hate it when these types claim they have that body with no effort.

  4. For whatever reason she didn't gel with the contestants and the older lady from New Orleans told her straight up. They need Jackie Warner.

    I do like the addition of Dulvet.

  5. I like Dulvet alot too, caliblondy. I hope he sticks.
    The two last year sucked.
    I was *just* starting to warm up to Ana too, but yeah, she didn't click w/ the contestants at all. I thought they were a bunch of whiny sissies and felt her pain though.

  6. Dolvett is HOT as HELL. Keep him.

    I didn't think she was really very tough at all, she just didn't seem intimidating like Jilian, her voice sounds like she's going to take a smoke break! It just didn't work.

  7. I don't understand how she can be a trainer and look like she's anorexic. Her knees are bigger than the rest of her legs. I think SHE needs as much help as the chunky ones.
