Friday, November 04, 2011

At Least Kevin Federline Is Exercising

I had really hoped that someday Kevin Federline was going to catch me weight wise. I had high hopes. Sure, when he was on Celebrity Fit Club, I worried he might take it seriously beyond the life of the show, but he came back to his junk food eating ways and soon enough he was right back where he had been plus a few for good measure. I am sure there will be lots of comments on the internet today about how fat he is, but I have to give him a lot of credit. The guy is out there working out and trying. It is more than I do. Getting out there when you are that big is a hard thing to do because you wonder what the point is. It is such a long road to getting in shape that it is easy to not to do anything. He at least is doing something which is more than I can say for me and I admire him for getting up and getting out. But please, Kevin, wear a shirt for a while. Thanks.


  1. It is bad enough being overweight without everyone in the world criticizing it. I'm guessing he can take it though since he can afford to have a gym in his home to exercise privately.

  2. I always wondered why he never got back to dancing. Too many kids, I guess? ;)

  3. @RQ- I think he is still dancing, just horizontally, without protection.

  4. That sound you might've just heard was my audible gasp.

  5. somewhere Britney is giggling over a "K-fed" voo-doo doll that she is stuffing with ho-ho's and bacon.

    On a serious note, actually I agree that it is impressive he is trying. I could definatly put some ho-ho's down myself and take a brisk walk.

  6. Enty - if it'll make you feel better, I can't tell you how many times I started an exercise program and then stopped. Hope he's better than me in keeping it up.

  7. LMAO@ BigMama.

    Yeah. Kudos for him working it out and trying to get fit again. I feel for peeps who struggle with weight. Hopefully he gets healthy!

  8. That was so funny BigMama! : )

  9. I admire his efforts. I would admire them more if he would keep his shirt on.

    For everyone who reads here who is thinking of starting an exercise program but is really out of shape, I would like to recommend Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD's. Check your local library and see if they have any of them. Mine did, I got the 5 mile fat burning walk and I've done it every day this week. It is surprisingly effective and just perfect for where I need to be in my workouts right now. Leslie can be a bit goofy, chatty, and silly, but it doesn't bother me yet. So far I'm only up to 3 miles of the 5 mile routine, but each mile is times at 12 minutes so that's 36 minutes of continuous movement each day, and I can feel it in some of my muscles for sure. :)

  10. @BigMama: K-fed is the one stuffing the ho-hos!

  11. I cannot believe how fat he let himself get. He was in great shape when he first dated Britney......

  12. @Robert - Niiiiiiiiceeee LOL

  13. FS - I use her workouts that are on my Free OnDemand. I totally agree - with your recommendation. I highly recommend if you haven' tworked out in a while and don't know where to start. Plus, I can have my shirt off in the privacy of my own house. :)

  14. Moxy, there have been times when I've worked out in a bra and panties. Another benefit of working out at home instead of a gym. ;)

    I like this Sansone DVD so much I'll be buying my own copy later today. :)

  15. For those just starting a fitness routine, it IS possible!! I've been really out of shape for about 3 years now (incuding a baby in there) and just got back it about 6 weeks ago. I did go the trainer route, i needed someone to push me but i know thats not an option for everyone. I see her twice a week and try and go twice a week on my own. Anyway, it can be dicouraging cuz when you have a generous amount to lose the scale doesn't always reflect your work right away. I had been working really hard and only lost 4 pounds so was starting to get dis-heartened. My trainer then decided to measure me and I had lost 10 inches!! Totally gave me a boost and I have a renewed excitement to keep at it. SO don't be slave to the scale and just keep at it! Every little bit makes a difference.

    And while I totally gasped and then lol'd at KFed good for him for trying to make a change.

  16. Man, it would really suck to have your picture taken while out jogging! I look like a maniac when I exercise (which isn't often, I might add). I get red and shiny and people worry that I am going to have a heart attack or spontaneous combustion.

  17. Anonymous12:13 PM

    It IS hard, and I have to give him credit for trying.

  18. Leslie Sansone stuff if easy enough to follow where you can just wear some headphones and drown her annoying chatter out.

  19. Bahaha Lauren! Indeed.

  20. I have no problem with Kevin taking his shirt off. I am over fat people being denigrated. We can't win. Do people want us to exercise, or should we hide away so others don't have to see us?

  21. Take Brit's money and buy yourself a treadmill!

  22. I'm with you feraltart.... What the heck do people want? Whenever I see someone overweight exercising, I have nothing but admiration for them (I'm a fatty myself!)

  23. good for him...shirt or no shirt! Then again...i'm the fatty in the tight tanktop at the gym with all of her jiggly bits.

  24. Don't make fun of him! It's baby weight. He just had his upteenth child. I'm sure that takes a toll on your body when you're eating for three.

  25. I wish him all the luck in the world. It sucks to not only know you've gained weight, but to have people commenting on your extra padding. I hope he can get into a habit of a healthy, balanced lifestyle, regardless of who's watching.

  26. I exercised once. It was the scariest five seconds of my life.

  27. LOL @ Netta :)

    It is crazy unfair how EASILY it is to put on weight but how crazy slow/hard it is to take it off. I wish him the best of luck & stickwithitness.

  28. Good for him. All anyone can do is try, and we all gotta start somewhere. I don't mind him without a shirt. It is his body and he can do with it as he likes. If I don't like it, I don't have to look. Plus, I'd much rather see him exercising than in the studio trying to do music.

  29. Anonymous1:20 PM

    I am always happy to see heavy people at the gym or riding bikes or something. This lady last night had much more body fat than me but she was kicking my ass on the treadmill. Go lady! Go Kevin! Now we just gotta see Chaz out there running and exercising!
