Sunday, November 06, 2011

Avril Lavigne In A Fight - Brody Jenner Gets The Worst Of It - Again

Do you remember when Brody Jenner was dating Jayde Nicole? Go back in your mind a couple of years. Jayde and Joe Francis got into a fight and somehow Brody Jenner ended up getting tased. Well, last night, his current girlfriend, Avril Lavigne got into a fight with another woman and the next thing you know Brody Jenner gets hit in the head with a bottle and had to go to the hospital. I'm sure what happened is that someone either criticized Avril's music or told her to stop acting and looking like a 12 year old, and Avril got upset. Brody intervened and someone came up behind him and hit him with a bottle in the head. No charges were filed so I'm wondering if Avril might have accidentally hit Brody in the head. Getting hit in the head with a bottle is not fun, but Brody went to the hospital on his own. The fight that saw him got tased was the end of his relationship with Jayde. Could this be it for Avril? I doubt it. I think she likes walking all over him and having him follow her around like a lap dog. Jayde got tired of it, but I think Avril likes it.


  1. Whats funny is Brody's tweet from earlier in the night stating it was the best night of his life (or similar). Where'd it go wrong?

  2. i know who Lavigne is but who is this guy? who is Jayde Nicole?

  3. @pomme - Brody is Bruce Jenner's son (& the Kardashian's step brother). Jayde Nicole was a former Playmate of the year. Both were on The Hills.

    Umm, Avril, you're a bit too old to be getting into bar fights.

  4. I didn't know they were still together.

  5. Avril got into a fight with one of her ex-husband's ex-girlfriends in February 2010, so this doesn't surprise me

  6. did not know these 2 were dating, but i like it! like gasoline and a match; good times ahead.

  7. She is one of those people that induces instant feelings of rage in me. As for him, I sometimes confuse him with Greasy Bear, which isn't a good thing. Don't they have matching tattoos or something? And I dunno who Jayde Nicole, but her name makes her sound like an ex member of Joe Francis' harem.

    What classy winners. Seems like one or both of them should've been arrested. Oh wait, almost forgot--they rich. Moving on...

  8. And this nit-wit is relevant because...? Sk8ter Boi (IDIOTIC title) was how many years ago? Guess she's still keepin' the dream alive, ya know?

  9. Avril is the worst of the worst corporate punk music.

    If it wasn't for her money Brody wouldn't of taken a second look at her.

    When was the last time this guy had a job?

  10. I think there was a reveal in there re: walking all over someone. Anyone else?

  11. >Corporate

    Choose one. Both cannot be placed in the same sentence together.

    That is all.

  12. Jayde Nicole was painful to watch on The Hills. Can't stand her or her warped face. I actually think Avril is a big upgrade for him, hard as that may be to believe.

  13. Have to agree with Mooshki - Avril is a HUGE upgrade for him. That's sad, isn't it!

  14. I second what @cheryl said... I figured the ended long ago. But @me don't get to excited, they've been together for a while now and this is the first thing that has gotten them on any site (at least the ones i peruse)for a while now. Although I'd gladly watch if they chose to epically implode.

    Side note - was i the only one REEEEEEEALLY dissapointed in Rihanna for using that Avril hook in her song "Cheers" Ugh. Really RiRi?!

  15. A news item just came out here in Canada where Avril is saying she and Brody were "attacked" (through no fault of her own, of course) and she has a black eye and several cuts and bruises. Funny how some of us manage to go through life without ever being "attacked".
