Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beyonce's Pregnancy - The Incredible Shrinking Bump

OK. who stayed up late last night and watched Jimmy Fallon? Please tell me you did. Please also tell me you stayed up to the very end. Yes, you made it through Adam Sandler and then a very funny Chris Martin and then you got to Beyonce's performance and wanted to see the baby bump and you got? I tell you what I got. I got three minutes of me looking really hard for any kind of bump and then another 20 minutes of me going back again and again watching it and still not seeing any bump and then deciding she is actually thinner than she was last year. I really had a lot to drink last night, but it was like one of those 6 hour benders where you just kind of maintain a buzz all night. Still though, I ran through the possibilities. Was it a rerun? No, because Adam was on and they talked about Jack & Jill. Did they edit in Beyonce's performance from months ago? Maybe. Apparently she might have filmed this back in July and they saved it for sweeps. They then cut in Chris Martin at the end. It seems kind of odd to save her for a holiday night in November.


  1. I've been in the audience a few times and all three times the musical act was shown weeks later-(I wanted to watch cause I was picked to dance on stage!)

    AND if you watch closely Jimmy clothes don't change-he changes them for the musical act-then wears that outfit on the show they are going to broadcast the band on.

    That being said, who knows and I don't care if she's pregnant or not!

  2. Something smells rotten in Denmark!

  3. I don't think she's dumb enough to go anywhere without showing a bump now. This mustve been taped before.

  4. Her voice is AMAZING. And yeah, no bump.

  5. I've never been to a taping of a late night show, but Craig Ferguson is always joking on his show about how out of order things are filmed, sometimes even months before they are aired, and then later the show is pieced together. I think this was probably taped some time ago. Beyonce probably loves the speculation about her bump/not a bump. Nowdays, any press is good press, especially when it is free.

  6. Unfortunately it was taped over the summer. It would have been so fun if she decided to just scrap the whole fake pregnancy.

  7. probably it's taped this summer and edit for now ( the edit is very "cut")

  8. The audience members are dressed for warm weather in the beginning and then for cool weather at the end. Taped!

  9. Wow! Either we all have no life or we're reading this blog when we are supposed to be doing something else. LOL

    I vote for Taped. She would have hell to pay if it suddenly disappeared.

  10. I say taped. The same thing happened with Duran Duran a number of times during their recent US tour. They would tweet that they were taping shows and then tweet the air date weeks later. I think Letterman and Jay Leno may be the only two shows that don't edit in the musical acts. Actually, I'm not even sure about Letterman now that I've written that.

  11. I googled - it was taped in July. BUT i to was squinting thru bleary eyes looking for the non existent bump LOL Enty - we need to get lives!

  12. Anonymous6:24 AM

    lol we called it! yes we did. we said BEFORE the airing of the PUBLICLY PROMOTED PRE-TAPED PERFORMANCE OF COUNTDOWN FROM JULY <> by BEYONCE would get you nerds wet. yes we did.

    ha! I love us!

  13. She's been around and about New York and the bump doesn't look any bigger...shes due in February .
    I personally think shes using a surrogate.
    This woman is too vain and way too selfish, also even though she's around it's always at a distance not her usual in your face behavior.

  14. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Wow, I cannot believe or comprehend that people actually like this talentless POS. Her "singing" is absolutely atrocious. Who can honestly be a fan of screeching, nonstop repetition of an asinine word or idiotic phrase, and her clunky, spastic clomping around the stage looking like she's having a seizure? Can you even imagine how many dicks this POS has had to suck to get to this point? It truly boggles the mind. She truly is the biggest turd in the putrid bowl that is the music industry, and that is quite an accomplishment when you consider the other stinky logs floating beside her. Ugh, WHY WON'T SHE GO AWAY? JESUS WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US???

  15. Her body looks amazing here, I'm jealous. But yeah, it seems like it was taped.
