Friday, November 11, 2011

Billy Crystal Hosting The Academy Awards

I think the Academy Awards should have this kind of drama every year. The past few days have been way more exciting then the show could ever hope to be. Usually the Academy just picks a producer who nobody has ever heard of and at some point some safe, non offensive actor or actress is asked to host the most boring four hours on television. This year though we had a full on scandal. Well, scandal in the minds of the elderly people that run the event and probably had no idea who Brett Ratner was, but knew he was their best shot at getting Eddie Murphy. It kind of sucks that Eddie is not going to host, but with Billy Crystal hosting, people who have heard the name but have no idea who he is anymore can see him in action. This will be his ninth time hosting the show, but his first since 2004.


  1. I have a feeling NO ONE wants to touch this shit job. I wouldn't! Billy is the ONLY sure thing. Everyone else is raked over the coals mercilessly, whether they put their heart & soul into it or not (a la last year's overly and underly competent co-hosts).

    'Gives a fuck, anyway? I only watch for the red carpet, who's wearing what, and audience shots. Screw the rest of it. Popularity contest anyway.

    I almost never see any of the films anyway, either before or after.

  2. I'm sorry but I love the Academy awards. It's one giant ass kiss fest with great dresses, horrible dresses, stupid speeches and more fake tears than a soap opera. LOVE IT!

  3. I feel exactly the same way about Oscar @BigMama!
    Love it for it's obnoxious grandness!

  4. Ok, yeah, I admit it, I'm an awards show junkie. Haven't missed any of the major awards shows in many, many years. The top show not to miss is the Oscars. But they're for the most part very dreary and dull. So imagine my surprise when I hear funny man Murphy will host. I'm thinking...alas a funny show, maybe something to look forward to! That goes up in smoke and now we get Crystal. He's so old school I don't know if he'll be enjoyable to watch or not. Here's hopin!

  5. Should have been the Muppets.

  6. I turn off of the phones and tell the family they better leave me alone for the evening unless they want to sit quietly with me and watch. I love all of the dresses and speeches as well. I think Billy has done a great job and he is a class act. He needs to bring in some NPH and Hugh Jackman and some other talented people for some added sparkle. : )

  7. So Eddie Murphy quit just because BR was fired? I would think he needed the exposure more.

  8. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Ugh, Billy Crystal is so painfully unfunny. I am in the same boat as Selenakyle, I watch the dresses and that's it. With Billy hosting, the only thing funny will be his horribly altered face.

  9. I was looking forward to seeing what Eddie would have done, but I've always liked Billy as a host so I'm pretty "meh" about this. I like to watch the Oscar Red Carpet stuff to see the dresses, but I generally only watch bits and pieces of the actual awards show, even less if I haven't seen any of the nominated movies which is usually the case.

  10. Every year the Oscar people moan about not getting enough younger viewers. Billy Crystal is not the answer to getting a younger demographic. I doubt anyone under 50 even knows who the guy is. Definitely should have gone with the Muppets or someone whose name is known by kids and teens.

  11. i look the red carpet and the winners:in my country,you can find a great summary on Canal+

  12. This is why I support Billy Crystal hosting and getting a little well-deserved recognition again:

    "Am doing the Oscars so the young woman in the pharmacy will stop asking my name when I pick up my prescriptions. Looking forward to the show "

    ^This was his tweet last night to announce he was hosting the Oscars. Come on- who can deny that awesome level of self-deprecation? :))

  13. boring! they should of paid Ricky Gervais a mountain of money to take the piss out of all these pretentious actors.

  14. I hope they just leave Billy Crystal in this spot for the next several years...I could be wrong but didn't Johnny Carson have this as a regular gig for years??

  15. Yeah, his face is always interesting to watch. He is venturing into Mel Grif territory by now.

    Why did Eddie quit? Did he give a reason? I wasnt looking forward to seeing him but was surprised when he quit.

  16. Unfortunately, Eddie had been grousing about the Oscars gig for several weeks. Dammit! I don't appreciate Billy Crystal and his borscht belt crap.

    The Oscars is the only religious holiday I observe. I see every single nominated movie prior to the event. And now that creaky old skeleton is back. Urk!

  17. SHIT ---Give the gig to Lewis Black and watch the fur fly.

  18. The Academy Awards is like watching a bunch of pontificating, narcissistic people slobber all over each other. I LOVE it! I watch it with the same look on my face I'd have if I saw a maggot orgy. And then there are the dresses...

  19. I LOVE the Oscars. I don't always get a chance to watch all the nominated movies by the time it airs, but usually within the year. Especially the foreign language films b/c they are usually really good.

    I was under the impression Eddie quit when Brett did but maybe they were both fired?

    I'm 32 and I know who Billy Crystal is! :) I would say maybe no one under 25 would though.

  20. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Billy Crystal hosting the academy awards again. Yawn. Wake me up when it's over.

  21. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Billy Crystal hosting the academy awards again. Yawn. Wake me up when it's over. @Binky...that is so cool of you...and the others who turn off phones and make the Oscars into an important event in your life. Especially because you read CDAN. It should almost be required for commenters to watch all the award shows.

  22. I like Billy Crystal! He was in one of my favorite movies, When Harry Met Sally.... Back when there were actually movies and not just CGI crap. I wanted to see Eddie do the Oscars badly, but Billy is much better than Whoopie and the mess from last year.

  23. Billy Crystal is not fun. Or funny.

  24. Disappointing. Sorry Crystal, your time has passed.
